Butterflies On Crack



I didn't really know what else to say. I guess it just wasn't sinking in. Otherwise, I would've just said 'Ditto' and expanded the conversation from there.

After a second's awkward silence, she looked up at me again, suddenly losing interest in the library's carpeting, and stuttered her repetition, her cheeks darkening, her smile fading: “I...I said I love you.” Her voice cracked towards the end of the statement,and I was shocked to see her eyes filling with tears.

This could not be happening.

First of all, the her I know is a little ray of sunshine, a blatant optimist. I didn't even know it was possible for her to cry—let alone because of me.

Then there was the issue of religion. Good Catholic girls aren't allowed to like other girls. She's a good Catholic girl—she knows all her little prayers, she teaches Sunday school at her church, and she got super-defensive when we talked about the Reformation in history class. Therefore, she could not like me.

The last reason was the simplest: if it really were happening, I'd get a temporary happy ending. That shit just doesn't happen to me. It doesn't happen in real life, especially for 'non-traditional' couples.

Is it pathetic that the fleeting thought of the word 'couple' put the butterflies in my stomach on crack? Or that, even though her tears were bound to tear me up inside, a small part of me felt special because she was crying over me?

Yeah. I thought so.

Before I had a chance to give her a real answer, though, she started talking at an almost-unintelligible pace. It was actually kind of endearing, in a weird way.


She cut herself off to catch her breath. Then, instead of continuing, she spoke more slowly, with more resolve. Unfortunately, this somehow made her tears eat at me even more. I think I may have winced as she started.

“I...I'm sorry. This was—this was unnecessary. Y-You don't ever have to—” she stopped and tried to stifle a sob. I took the chance to step towards her, leaving very little space between us. I put my hand on her shoulder, and she looked up at me, surprised.
“Listen, m—” I started. But then she jerked away, rather violently.

“Forget this ever—“ she started, sounding suddenly cold. A sob still made her pause, though. “Forget this ever happened.” She started backing away. I stepped towards her, but that only caused her to yell at me: “Leave me alone!”

She turned and looked like she was gonna make a run for it, but I managed to grab on to her wrist before she left. She turned back around, though I doubt it was just my brute force that stopped her. She looked at me like a sobbing deer in the headlights. I figured that was as good a time as any to try and calm her down, to actually speak.

Without another thought, I pulled her into a hug, and I gently pressed my lips to hers.
♠ ♠ ♠
There you go. One thought-packed minute.