Mein Herz ist in Deutschland

Chapter 1

Dark clouds started the cover the German town and wind started to billow around the tourists, making them hold their coats closer to their bodies. One older tourist stood in the front of the pack, pointing out a few different buildings and places of importance. At the back of the group stood two girls and one boy with their own agenda in mind. One of the girls had dark hair and bright green eyes, her skin was pale, and with the weather, it made her look sickly ill. To the right of her stood another girl with chocolate skin, and golden eyes that slightly hidden by the glasses on her face. Her hair was brown and golden, but in tight spirals going down her heart shaped face. The boy, who was on the right of the curly haired girl, had shaggy blond hair and brown eyes, his tongue went to his lip ring as his eyes went up to the skies.

“This is ridiculous,” the boy muttered into the ear of the dark skinned girl. She looked at him and smiled gently, pushing up her glasses.

“Wir sind in Deutschland, David. Was erwarteten Sie, als wir auf diese Reise gingen? Daß wir zu den Felsenkonzerten und -Partei an den Stäben gehen würden?1 ” She responded, putting her hands deep in her pockets to keep them warm.

“Nein…” David muttered sadly, “But I thought we would do more than walk around in the cold and listen to her fat ass talk.”

“Davy,” The other girl started, “You need to chill. Tonight we will go to a rock concert and party a pub alright?”

“Hell yes, Mares! I knew you weren’t gonna let me down.”

“I’m not going…” the chocolate skinned girl muttered, “I don’t wanna get sent home on the second day of the trip.”

“Where’s your sense of adventure, Aubrey?” Mary asked gently, nudging her. Aubrey’s golden eyes looked at her two friends frightened, and then she pushed up her glasses again.

“I don’t have a sense of adventure. I have a sense of self-preservation and languages.”

“I don’t know why I’m friends with you!” David said loudly. The woman at the head of the class stared at him, and then held up a hand telling them all to stop. She walked to the back of the group, her enormous mass of body jiggling all the way.

“David, Mary, and Aubrey. Should have know it was you three causing trouble.” With every word spoken, the woman’s chin fat quivered. Mary wrinkled her nose and held her mouth trying not to vomit.

“Ich bin, Mrs. Daniels, wir war gerechte Unterhaltung traurig. Wir versprechen, ihn nicht zu wiederholen.2 ”

“Sie würden nicht verbessern.3 ” Mrs. Daniels hissed, waddling her way back to the front. The rest of the group turned around and looked at the three with such distain.

“What the fuck are you looking at?” Mary hissed, glaring at them. Slowly, the people started to turn around following Mrs. Daniels. Aubrey took a deep breath in and sighed it out slowly.

“You alright, Aub? You look a little sick there.” David said gently. Her golden eyes glared at him and she nodded angrily,

“I’m fine, David. Expect the fact that Mrs. Daniels already hates me, this just gives her more of a reason to, because I’m a disruption.” Aubrey growled, kicking at a random pebble at her feet. Mary put her pale hand on Aubrey’s shoulders, rubbing it gently sighing.

“You know if you just say a swear word, everything will be okay,” David said. Aubrey rolled her eyes and sighed, “Because when you swear it gets all of the stress out. How the hell do you think Mary and I stay so fucking happy. It’s because we swear.”

“Swears are not necessary in everyday language, David. I go on without it just fine.” Aubrey barked at him. David looked away, wanting nothing more than to sink into the ground

“We’re sorry you know, but Mrs. Daniels hates anyone that knows more than her. You are fantastic at German; she hates you because you really don’t need her to teach you. You are basically fluent.” Mary said gently, still rubbing her friend’s back.

“Basically, I can’t actually speak to a real German. Yeah, it’s the fact I get…” Aubrey started

“Really nervous, like the time we had that exchange student and he was German, and you went to speak to him and…threw up. That was a great day!” David said, putting his hand in the air to receive a high five. The two girls looked at him and shook their heads,

“Yeah, let’s just say he never spoke to Aub again.” Mary said, looking behind her. Aubrey turned around to make sure nothing was there and nodded turning around.

“Let’s keep up!” Mrs. Daniels yelled from the front.

“Right.” Mary said, grabbing Aubrey’s hand. Aubrey grabbed David’s hand, dragging everyone closer to the group, but not close enough to let anyone hear their conversation. Mrs. Daniels had put a strict rule that everything must be said in German if possible. Nobody in the back of the group really wanted that. Aubrey looked down at her shoes and gave a big sigh in disgust. She dropped to one knee starting to tie her shoe,

“What are you doing?” Mary asked, stopping a bit ahead of her. David looked at her and sighed, keeping an eye on the group.

“Tying my shoe, what does it look like? You two go ahead okay. I’ll catch up.”

“Alright, only if you’ll be okay.” David said, slowly walking back to the group. Aubrey looked up and her golden eyes met his brown ones smiling.

“I’ll be fine okay. Just go because if we are all gone she’ll start to worry.”

“See you in a few!” Mary said, waving a bit. The two friends left to go back to the rest of the group, leaving Aubrey behind in an unknown city. She stood up gently, looking at the dark sky again and as if the sky knew she was looking, it opened letting a light snowfall upon her. She looked down quickly and shivered, wrapping her coat tighter around her thin body.

“I should’ve just worn jeans. Why did I wear this skirt?” She said quietly, putting her head down, following the way she thought she saw them go. Aubrey walked a few more steps and looked up sighing hard; the group of people was not in sight. She took a deep breath and decided to keep going forward; they could not have gone too far. Her head went back down as she kept going. Then she hit something. Then she hit the ground.

“Ich, sind sind Sie gut traurig?4 ” A male voice said gently. Aubrey’s eyes were tightly closed, “Hallo? Sind Sie okay?”

“Ja.” Aubrey muttered opening her eyes slowly. Her golden hues met with deep brown ones. The man gave her a big wide smile,

“Gut! Ich bin über das Laufen in Sie traurig, aber ich versuchte, zu meinem Hotelraum zu kommen, bevor der Schnee schwer wurde.5 ” He said, helping her up. Aubrey just nodded, her mouth refused to move. He gave another wide smile and bent down to pick up her glasses handing them to her. She took them putting them on quickly,

“Danke.” She said, looking down at her feet. The man began to laugh gently,

“You probably don’t even speak, German. I’m sorry.” He said his German accent thick. She looked up at him and swallowed,

“I do…I’m not that good.” She muttered, putting her arms behind her back. Aubrey looked at him slowly. The man had a wool cap on his long, strangely cut with pieces of white highlights. His eyes were outlined in deep black and black was on his eyelids, “Well...I should be going.”

“Are you sure I shouldn’t take you to the hospital or anything? You look extremely out of it.” Aubrey shook her head quickly and started to look around. She tried to remember where she was going and then her pink lips parted,

“No, I’m okay. Thank you.” She breathed gently, and then her eyebrows wrinkled,

“You’re lost.” The man insisted. Aubrey looked at him and sighed, nodding, “Where are you going?”

“I don’t exactly remember. I was talking with my friends and my teacher started to talk about something, I didn’t care. And…my hotel is Hyatt.”

“I know where that is.” He said, his brown eyes sparkling, “My name is Bill Kaulitz, by the way.”

“Aubrey…” She started, “Aubrey Simmon.”

1-We are in Germany, David. What did you expect? That we would go to rock concerts and party in bars?
2-I am sorry, Mrs. Daniels, we were just talking. It won’t happen again.
3-You’d better not
4-I’m sorry, are you alright? Hello? Are you okay?
5-Good! I'm sorry about running into you, but I was trying to get to my hotel room before the snow became heavy.