Mein Herz ist in Deutschland

Chapter 2

The snow kept falling down, making it harder to walk on the paved ground. The pair’s nose and cheeks were red as cherries, and Aubrey’s glasses were fogged from the heat that naturally radiated from her body.

“So,” Bill started, the walk back to the hotel had been quiet and uneventful. Aubrey was trying to keep it that way, but her companion apparently wanted her conversation, “Where are you from?”

“America.” She said shortly. The thin dark haired male giggled and took a hand flipping his hair over his shoulder. Aubrey’s golden eyes looked at him slowly, taking him all in. He was good looking, there was no doubting that, but he also was strange.

“You’re staring, Aubrey.” He whispered into her ear. The strange feeling of warmth on her neck while coldness surrounded her made her jump a bit. She took a step back, her foot met with ice, and her balance was gone. She made a small yelp as she watched her feet go in the air and her body go down. Her body met the cold concrete for the second time today. She groaned and looked at the gray sky, “Are you okay?” Bill asked gently, bending down to her.

“Yes. I feel like I’ve been body slammed.” She said, taking a deep breath. Bill stood up and stuck his hand out; Aubrey grabbed it and was lifted from the cold ground. Her footing still wasn’t solid so she held on to him. His warmth was something she wasn’t used too, she let go suddenly and started to walk in the direction of the hotel again. Bill looked at her and the followed behind. The silence soon consumed them and he gave a heavy sigh,

“So, how long are you staying here?”

“For a week, my German class is here on a school trip.” She said, taking off her glasses. Aubrey pulled her sleeve out a bit, and started to clean them. She looked up at Bill for a quick second. He was perfectly clear. Aubrey really didn’t need the glasses, the lenses weren’t really prescription, they just helped her feel more invisible. They helped her blend in more, and that’s all she wanted to do, blend into the bleakness of life.

“And is today your first day here?”

“Second.” She said gently, putting her glasses back on, “How much longer, my head is freezing.” Aubrey half said, half muttered. Bill looked at her, then took off his snow-covered hat and put it on her. She looked at him with wide golden eyes, “What about your head,”

“It will be okay, we will be getting to the hotel soon anyway.”

“Thank you,” She whispered, pulling the hat over her ears. Bill gave another big smile, as he picked up his phone,

“Hallo? Ja. Ich bin auf meiner Weise. Halten Sie Ihren Schlüpfer1 .” He said sighing, hanging up the phone, “Did you understand me?”

“No, not really,” Aubrey said giving him a small smile. Bill returned in widely and quickened his pace. She sighed and put her hand back in her pockets, “Slow down, Bill. My legs aren’t as long as yours.”

“We’re almost there! And I’m freezing!” He cried, almost breaking out into a run. She sighed and started to jog along side him.

“Bill!” She cried, keeping up with him. His coat and hair billowed behind him, making him look like he was running to save someone’s life, not just to get out of the cold. And the two of the jogged all the way to the Hyatt. Audrey took a deep breath and put her hands on her knees, sighing.

“C’mon, Ich wünsche Sie meine Freunde treffen2.” He said, walking into the hotel. Her golden eyes went large again,

“Wait, you stay here too?”

“Mhm,” He muttered, walking over to the elevators. Aubrey sighed and started to follow him, but that feeling of doing something wrong dropped into her pit, stopping her in tracks. Bill looked at her, “Are you coming?”

“No, I’m gonna go to my own room, that way I won’t get into to as much trouble with Mrs. Daniels.” She said, looking down, “I’ll just wait for the next elevator.” Bill looked to his left and then to his right,

“Why? No one else is in here with me.”

“I know.” Aubrey said, shuffling her feet. The door started to close and Aubrey gave a sigh of relief. Then she saw a thin hand and arm stick through a small opening of the closing elevator doors, opening them up again. Bill walked out of the doors, with a wide smirk on,

“Alright, let’s go.” He grabbed her arm gently and walked back to the elevators. Aubrey looked at him wildly, tugging her arm back, trying to stop him. But as much as she tried to break his grip, Bill was stronger than her. She groaned and sighed, following him. They boarded the elevator and Bill let her go as the doors closed, “See that wasn’t that bad”

“Okay, I’m on the elevator, but I’m going to my room though.”

“Sicher.” Bill laughed. Aubrey sighed and pressed the four on the elevator buttons. Bill’s slender finger pressed three, “They are great guys you know. One of them is my twin brother,”

“Oddly, I don’t think he’s gonna look a thing like you.” She said without thinking. She turned to Bill slowly, a horrified look covering her face, then as suddenly as she looked at him, her face was to the ground again, “I’m sorry. That was rude of me.” He giggled and stuck his hands into the pockets of his extremely tight jeans. Aubrey’s head cocked a bit to the side, looking at him do the amazing trick of putting something in his pockets.

“You act like you’ve never seen a guy put his hands in his pocket.” Bill said, laughing gently. Her head went back to the ground again, a deep flush adorning her chocolate cheeks, “Es ist nett, wenn Sie erröten3.” He muttered quickly.

“What?” Aubrey said, looking up slowly,

“Nothing, I was trying to remember something.” He lied flawlessly.

“Oh,” She said, watching the elevator doors opening onto his floor, “Well, thank you for taking me back to my hotel! Nice to meet you, Bill.” She stuck her hand out for a handshake. Bill grinned, almost evilly, shaking her hand again. Then he walked out of the elevator, with her in tow, “Not again, Bill!” She cried, “Please, please…let go of me! I need to go to my hotel room. My teacher and my friends are probably frightened.”

“They’ll be okay!” He said, dragging her to room 306. Bill knocked on it gently, and it opened up to a man who looked nothing like the one holding on to Aubrey. He had a Chicago Sox hat cocked to the side of his head, with his dreads coming out of the back of it.

“Wer ist dieses, Bill4 ?” He asked pointing to Aubrey. Her cheeks became redder, and she wanted nothing more than to hide. The whole blending in thing was not working out well for her here.

“Ein Freund, ihr Name ist Aubrey. Seien Sie, kein Flirten nett5 .” Bill retorted to the male walking in. Aubrey stayed outside of the hotel room, and the man with the dreads kept the door open,

“Kommen?” He asked her. Bill looked at Aubrey and she sighed, closing her eyes,

“Ja…” She whispered, walking in. The two boys were talking quickly and she did not feel like trying to translate. She sat down on the messy bed, lying back on it. Slowly the feeling of invisibility came back to her, as the boys were trapped in her own little world.

“Audrey,” One of them said, she sat up quickly and pushed up her glasses.

“Ja?” She said softly. The one with the baggy jeans and shirt walked over, smiling widely.

“Hallo! I’m Tom, Bill’s older brother.” He said holding his hand out for a shake. She took it gently, as Bill sighed, then he lifted up his hand slowly, giving his brother the middle finger,

“By ten minutes, dumbass.”

“Those ten minutes means a lot, especially with the ladies.” Tom said, sitting next to Audrey. He grinned playfully and then started to play with his lip ring with his tongue. She opened her eyes wide and looked away, her face getting another tint of rouge on it. Bill just looked at his brother shaking his head,

“Where are the other two?”

“Getting ready for tonight.”

“What’s happening tonight?” Audrey whispered, then she was almost afraid for the answers.

“Would you like to go to a concert tonight, Audrey?” Bill asked. Then she gave a short laugh, looking down. She shook her head, but then a soft laugh started to build from her small frame,

“Not really, but I don’t really have a choice with you do I?”

1-Yes. I'm on my way. Hold your panties.
2-I want you to meet my friends.
3-It’s cute, when you blush.
4-Who’s that, Bill?
5-A friend, her name is Aubrey. Be nice, no flirting.