Mein Herz ist in Deutschland

Chapter 3

In the darkness of her hotel room, Aubrey was lying down. Her golden eyes were closed, and it looked like she was sleeping, but she was too nervous and anxious to sleep. She flipped over on her side and sighed, opening her eyes. She sighed again and bit her pink lips in the process. Aubrey popped up and pulled up her knees, putting her head on them. The curly mass of hair fell around her face again, as she tried to become comfortable. She sighed once more and jumped up, walking over to the window opening it. The dimming light came in the room, banishing the darkness from the corners of it. She was so mesmerized by it; she didn’t hear the beep of the door being opened.

“Man, Mrs. Daniels, is gonna freak if Aubrey isn’t here. I knew we shouldn’t have left h—Aubrey! Where have you been?” Mary cried, hugging her friend. Aubrey jumped a bit and looked over her shoulder at her slightly pale friend.

“I got lost and a nice boy helped me out,” She muttered in a dreamlike state, pushing Mary off of her.

“I lost the fat ass, Mary. Have you seen—Hey Aubs!” David said, grinning happily. The dark girl turned around and smiled softly, but something was off with her.

“Hey, you don’t seem yourself.” Mary commented, flopping on the bed closest to the window. David followed suit, except with the other bed in the room.

“I’m fine, just—” Three loud knocks interrupted Aubrey’s sentence, and before the trio could say anything, Mrs. Daniels wobbled into the room. As she was walking in, she stuffed the key card into her purse.

“No, where have you been all day, Ms. Simmon?” The heavy-set woman boomed over Aubrey. Her golden eyes looked at her widely and she looked down, tracing patterns in the carpet with her eyes,

“I got lost when I tied my show. I told Mary and David to go ahead of me, so they would not get in trouble. Then a nice German boy took me back to the hotel, and I’ve been here since.”

“Mhm.” Mrs. Daniels nearly growled, eyeing Aubrey with her overly mascara’d gray eyes.

“It’s true. She told us just go, right David.” Mary spoke up. David nodded and looked down. The teacher’s eyes looked at the heads of the three ‘troublemakers’ and stuck her nose in the air,

“I suppose, I will be watching the three of you closely now. Tomorrow we have an early rise, so I expect you, David, to go to your room…now. Also, Mary and Aubrey go to sleep.”

“Yes, Mrs. Daniels.” They said together. She nodded and waddled out the room, slamming the door behind her. The trio let out a sigh of relief.

“You know your not going anywhere,” Mary said to David. He nodded and grinned lying back on the bed,

“I know. I wouldn’t miss the actual scoop that Aubs has.” He said eyeing her playfully. A shade of rouge adorned her chocolate cheeks again,

“Oh my God! There is a scoop!” Mary squealed, pulling Aubrey down to her on the bed, “Tell us everything about this German boy. Is he cute? How old is he? Did he mutter sweet nothings to you?” Aubrey’s flushed cheeks became a darker shade of red, and she covered her face, sighing.

“I guess he’s cute. I donno, I did not ask. He muttered a lot of German; I was not prepared to translate.”

“Well…” David pushed a bit, propping himself better on the bed. Aubrey looked at him, her golden eyes boring back into David’s brown ones.

“Well what, David? Nothing else happened?” She pressed, trying to have her friends drop the subject.

“Then why are you blushing even harder, oh my….even your ears are red, Aub.” Mary grinned, pulling some of the girl’s curly locks up.

“Just stop!” Aubrey cried, standing up suddenly. David and Mary looked at her confused and nodded,

“Alright, we’ll stop. I’ve never seen you so agitated. Are you sure nothing happened?” David muttered, looking at her honestly.

“Nothing, I’m just…tired.” She muttered quickly, putting her finger through her hair. She took a deep breath and opened her golden eyes putting a smile underneath them, “I’m gonna go for a walk okay,”

“Alright,” They muttered softly as Aubrey walked out of the hotel room. She took a deep breath and her golden eyes scanned the dreary hallway for the stairs. They glowed a bit, but flickered, almost as a warning not to take them. She snorted and headed up them to the roof.

The air was cold and sharp from the passing snowstorm. The drastic change from the hotel corridors and the air almost made her turn back, but she was up here now anyway. Her arms wrapped around her body and she walked to the edge. The snow had made the city still and quiet, but the lights from the homes and the other hotels made the night have an energy she had felt before. Her golden eyes looked at the sky and raised her arms, palms up wanting nothing more than snow to fall on her again.

“When I went to your room, you weren’t there. I was sad.” Aubrey glanced over her should and noticed the same mass of black and blond hair from before.

“I left the room because I didn’t want to go to the concert. I don’t even know who’s going to be there. And plus, why would you take a girl you just met to a concert with you?” She answered, back to the city. The soft crunch of snow alerted her that her savior from earlier was standing next to her. She looked at him slowly, her mind trying to think of more reasons for her not to go to the concert, “And plus, I could get in major trouble with Mrs. Daniels.”

“So you’re telling me, you’ve never done something wrong ever in your life?” Bill asked her, raising an eyebrow. Aubrey paused to think of her answer, and she could not recall ever going against the grain in her life.


“More reason to start now!” Bill announced, happily. He clapped his hands together, and put one arm over her shoulder. Aubrey froze immediately and looked up at him. He grinned slowly and she ducked under him sighing hard,

“I have nothing to wear.” Aubrey tried for once last escape. Bill giggled and grinned even wider.

“I’ve got some clothes lying around that you can wear.”

“But, what about David and Mary? I can’t just leave them; they haven’t seen me all day.”

“They can come.” He said cheerfully.

“My hair.”

“I’ll do it. And your make-up too! Now, if you don’t have anymore excuses, I’m cold and want to go back in the hotel room.” He said turning around, walking back to the roof entrance.

“I don’t want to go, Bill.” She said, looking at him. He looked over his shoulders and smiled. Aubrey’s eyes looked deep into his and she sighed, “No.” Bill giggled again and held out his hand for her,

“Whatever you’re afraid of, don’t worry. I’ll be right there, and so will your friends. I won’t let your first time of being bad go wrong.” The night went still as Aubrey made her decision. Her head dropped as she watched the loose flutters of snow dance around her.

“Versprechen Sie?1” She whispered, her head coming up slowly, looking at him again. Bill grinned and nodded excitedly,

“Ja. Ich Verspreche.2” He announced. Aubrey took a few step forward and stretched out her hand, and it hovered above his for a few seconds. Then she took it back into her body, Bill sighed at her gently, and then stretched out his hand a bit more. She moved her hand to his and grabbed it gently,

“Okay.” She said, uneasily. “Okay.”


1-Do you promise?
2- Yes, I promise.