Status: Completed

This Is What Happens When Love Meets Destruction

I'm Such A Mess, And It's Not Fair

"Vinnie, come on, hurry your ass up!" Lauren called from the bottom of the stairs. "The JV game has probably already started."

"Calm down," I replied while pulling my brush through my hair one last time, "besides, we won't be missing anything during the JV game; they're not really that good anyway."

Lauren laughed loudly at my comment before she said, "I'm going to tell my brother you said that. That's definitely going to squash his boner he has for you."

"Lauren, your brother has had a 'boner' for me ever since he was like six years old." I grinned. "If he hasn't gotten rid of it by now, I highly doubt that me dissin' on his football team will put a damper on it."

"Hmm ... " Lauren said as she made her way up the stairs. I turned off the light in the bathroom and stepped out into the hallway just as she came to a stop at the top of the stairs. "I think you're right." She agreed, laughing softly. "I think that someday he'll find a way to steal you away, and make you his wife."

Raising an eyebrow as I suppressed a smirk, I crossed my arms in front of my chest and stared at her. "The only way I'll runaway with him is if he's filthy loaded."

"Gold digger." Lauren grinned. "Now come on, we're already late."

Without another word, I followed her downstairs and told her that I would meet her in the car, before I went into the living room where my brothers, Casey, Jamie, and Cade, were sitting around the television, finishing their game of SSX. Casey, who had already won the race, looked up at me as I entered and examined me with his brotherly stare for a few seconds.

"Dressed to impress." He pointed out as he looked at me. "Finally tired of being single?"

Glancing down at my outfit, which I admit was a bit more sophisticated than one would usually wear to a high school football game, I shrugged slightly. "Me and Lauren are going to a party at our friend's house afterward." I explained. "I always get dressed up for a party."

Jamie and Cade, who had finished competing for 2nd and 3rd place, looked up at me as well.

"No," Jamie said, shaking his head, "you're dressed to impress." He agreed with Casey.

"Who's the guy you're trying to impress, Vinnie?" Cade asked.

"No one." I huffed. "Even if there was someone I was trying to impress, it's none of your business." I growled.

"But it is," Cade insisted. "We're your brothers; we need to know this shit so we can intimidate the guy. That's our fucking job."

"Whatever," I muttered, "I'm off to the game. Did any of you decide that you wanted to go too?"

"I do," Jamie said, waving his hand, "I need to jump in the shower real fast, though."

"I'm not waiting around for your ass," I snapped meanly, "I told you an hour ago that we were going; you should have gotten ready instead of playing your fucking video games."

Jamie looked at me, his mouth hanging slightly open, his light brown eyes wide in shock. He was not the only one staring at me in wonder, though, and my other two brothers looked at me questioningly.

"What's gotten you all up tight, Vinnie?" Casey asked.

"Nothing," I mumbled, "I've leaving now." I said, making a move to turn around, and leave the room, but Casey caught my hand, keeping me in place.

"Vinnie, what's going on with you?" He asked in a stern tone that he only used when he was concerned about me. "You've been moody lately; and don't tell me that it's PMS, because you used that excuse last week. Tell us why you've been so snappy with everyone lately."

Knowing he was right, I softened my annoyed expression and then diverted my eyes to the ground. "I'm sorry I've been acting bitchy lately," I whispered, "I've just been upset about some things."

"Upset about what?" Casey questioned. "Tell us, Vinnie; we're going to find out what's going on one way or another."

Taking a deep breath, I let it out slowly before I mumbled, "there's this boy - "

"What'd he do?" Jamie asked, cutting me off, "if he made you cry, I swear I'll kick his ass for you." He offered.

"You guys," I sighed as I looked up to face the three of them, "there's no need for ass kicking. There was just this boy that I liked, but last week he started dating someone else, and I've just been bummed out about the whole thing."

Although my brothers may pick on me, and hassle me around the house, when it came down it, they were all actually the stereotypical big, protective brothers, who were concerned about the wellbeing of my love life. The three of them gave me similar sad looks, and Casey squeezed my hand tightly before he released it.

"Any boy would be stupid not to go after you." Jamie said. "But if he's too stupid to not go after you, then he's not worth your time."

"Well," I said slowly, "his side of the story is that he didn't think he was good enough for me." I said quietly. "That's why he decided to go out with someone else."

"That's just dumb." Cade mumbled. "Who is he? I'm gonna go up to him and tell him to his face exactly how dumb he is."

"I'm not saying," I whispered. "Can we just leave it at that, guys? I'm trying to get over it, but I won't be able to if you three go over and threaten him, or whatever it is you would decide to do to him. I'm going to the game, and then I'm going to the party afterwards. I'll find someone else to take my mind off of him."

With my little speech, not only was I trying to convince my brothers, but I was trying to convince myself as well.

"Vinnie," Jamie said softly, "we're not stupid; we can clearly see how bad this boy has messed you up. No other boy has had quite this effect on you. I mean, when you've had other boy problems, you wouldn't get this," he paused, searching for the right words, "moody ... pissy ... bitchy." He said. "I think that you're covering up how hurt you are with all this anger, and it's not good."

I rolled my eyes, knowing that Jamie was right; he was, after all, a psychology major.

"I've only told one person who it is," I mumbled, "well, two, including the boy in question."

"Vinnie, like I said, we'll find out sooner or later." Casey threatened. "We'll ask Lauren, or Alex."

At the mention of Alex's name, my eyes snapped in Casey's direction, and a split second later I mentally kicked myself because I knew that I had given everything away in that simple action.

"Oh my God," Casey whispered.

"It's Alex?" Jamie asked. "But he's going out with ... " He trailed off, frowning at the carpet.

"Amy." I mumbled. "Off all the people who go to school with us, he had to pick Amy."

"Amy's a bitch," Cade sighed. "I still can't believe she's able to fool everybody with her little act."

I nodded my head in agreement. "I tried to tell him that, but he insists that she's a sweet girl." I said, rolling my eyes. "He's only going to get hurt." I whispered.

"Vinnie," Jamie started, but then stopped himself, his frown deepening as he thought to himself, " ... are you sure you don't want one of us to talk to Alex for you? I mean, I'm sure we may be able to get him to realize how stupid he's being."

I shook my head, "thanks, but no thanks." I mumbled. "The whole thing is humiliating enough; I don't need you three to run off and intimidate him. He's made his choice, and I have to accept that."

"Aww, sister," Casey whispered softly as he took me in his arms, hugging me tightly. Taking a deep breath, I let it out slowly and then made a move to pull out of his grasp, but he only held me tighter. "I'm sorry," he said quietly before he kissed my forehead and let me go.

Without another look at any of them, I turned around and made my way to the front door. Tonight I was going to find someone to take my mind off of Alex. Even if it was just for tonight.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Vinnie, Lauren, over here!"

We were barely able to hear Jack's voice over the music, but still we heard just enough to know that his voice had originated from somewhere beside the pool table. Gazing in that direction, I saw him waving to us with his free hand, while his other held onto a plastic red cup filled with an unknown alcoholic substance.

Smiling back at him, I led the way toward him. "Hey Jack," I grinned as I gave him a hug, "you made it."

"Yeah, my mom let me take her car." He replied with a sly smile.

"Oh?" I asked. "How did you manage that?"

"I took her keys after she was already asleep." He grinned.

"Jack Barakat!" I gasped. "You're gonna get your ass into a load of trouble."

"Only if she finds out." He said defensively.

"Jack," I growled before I looked at his cup. "What's in this anyway? Give me that," I said, taking it away from him. I smelled it, and it smelled strongly of peach Schnapps mixed with some kind of soda. "From now on all you're going to drink is either water or soda."

"Vinnie," Jack whined, "I just got here though, I didn't even get a drink of that yet."

"I'm not going to let you drink anything if you're going to be driving yourself home tonight. Especially if you took your mom's car and expect to have it back before she wakes up."

"Just one sip, Vinnie, I spent a long time making that." He pouted.

"Just one, then." I said, giving the cup back to him.

I watched as he took a drink, and then took the cup back from him before I stood on my tip toes and kissed his cheek. "That's it, Barakat."

"Fine," he sighed before he went to the pool table and began to set it up.

As I watched Jack set the pool table up, I finished off his drink, and from there on in, everything seemed to pass as any other party would. I drank, visited, and joked with all my friends, all the while keeping an eye out for any potential flings. Not to say that I'm a slut who has one night stands, but I do like to run around kissing cute boys.

After some time had passed, I felt the alcohol starting to get the best of me and my thoughts. Deciding that it was best if I sat down, I found myself wandering through the house until I came across Darrell Morrell sitting on one of the couches by himself.

"Hey Darrell." I greeted him as I sat down beside him.

As he glanced up at me, he gave me an intoxicated smiled and replied, "hey Vinnie, how are you?"

"Good," I said shyly. "Good game tonight."

"Thanks," he grinned, "you know, I'm determined to make it to one of your volleyball games. I haven't gotten to see you play yet." He said sheepishly.

"I know, douche bag," I pouted.

"I'm sorry," he grinned, "next home game I promise you I'll be there."

"Promise?" I asked.

He nodded his head with a smile as he brushed some hairs out of my face. "Promise," he confirmed before he leaned over and pressed his lips gently to mine.

-|| Jack's POV ||-
Beside me, Alex growled lowly as he watched Vinnie make out with Darrell, and it was all I could do to suppress a little smirk. As if he knew what I was thinking, Alex shook his head and then diverted his eyes to the floor.

"Don't even say it," he mumbled, "don't you dare say anything."

"You're stupid." I said simply. "You have no right to be mad at Vinnie."

"She's just doing that because she wants to make me jealous." He insisted.

"Alex, she doesn't even know you're here." I sighed. "She's just having fun, it has nothing to do with you." I paused for a moment, thinking to myself before I added. "Well, I suppose it does have something to do with you in the sense that she's trying to get over you, but, it's nothing personal like you think it is." I clarified.

Alex didn't say anything, but rather returned to staring at Vinnie. I don't know why he did, because I knew it hurt him to see her with someone else, but for whatever reason it didn't seem like he was able to look away.

"Dude, I fucked things up so bad." He finally murmured.

"It's not too late to go back and fix things." I pointed out. "She still wants you, even though you've been running around with her cousin."

Stubbornly, Alex shook his head. "A girl like Vinnie is way too good for me." He mumbled. "She deserves someone better."

"Yeah, and who would you suggest?" I sighed.

"I don't know," he said, "someone like you."

Caught off guard by his words, I snapped my eyes in his direction, trying to determine whether or not he was serious. Slowly, he turned his eyes to me, staring straight at me, indicating that he was dead serious.

"I know you like her too, Jack." He said quietly. "And, I know that it must be awkward for you to admit because of the situation we're in, but if you really like her, I just want to say that I have no problem with you going after her."

"This whole thing will just turn into an even bigger mess if I go after her." I mumbled. "Nothing good will come of it, and somewhere along the lines someone's friendship will fall apart. I can't do that."

"But you like her." Alex said. "If you like someone that much, isn't it worth sacrificing some things?"

"Alex," I hesitated slightly, thinking out my next words carefully, "Vinnie likes you ... you like her ... and I like her. I don't know about you, but that equation seems off, probably because I don't see any room in there for me. I'm not going to go after her, knowing that she has feelings for you."

"In time she'll get over me," Alex said quietly, "and when she does ... that's when you come in to sweep her off her feet."

"I don't know, Alex," I mumbled, "I ... I don't know."

"Jack, if there's one person I trust to take care of Vinnie, it's you." He said quietly. He opened his mouth to say something else, but then stopped short when Amy appeared beside us. Giving her a quick smile, Alex turned back to me and said, "I gotta get going, Jack, but I'll see you tomorrow."

With that, I watched as he walked off with Amy while his words bounced on and on inside my head. True, I liked Vinnie, I've liked her probably as long as Alex has, but it wasn't any worth mentioning. It was just a crush. At least I thought it was, up until Alex started running around with Amy. I don't know what it was, but my feelings for Vinnie had grown stronger after that.

But like I told Alex, I couldn't go for her. She was still hung up over Alex, and I couldn't compete with that.

"Jack," a soft voice whispered, jerking me out of my thoughts.

Glancing down, I jumped slightly when I found Vinnie to be standing just in front of me, a sad look on her face.

"Vinnie, what's wrong?" I asked gently.

"Do you know where Lauren is?" She whispered.

"She left a while ago," I said, "she took off with Gary. What's wrong, Vinnie?" I repeated.

"I want to go home." She whispered as a small tear fell from her eyes.

"What happened?" I asked as I wiped the tear away. "Did Darrell do something to you?"

Vinnie shook her head as some more tears fell. "I just want to go home." She cried softly.

I was quick to wipe the new tears away, "Vinnie, tell me what's wrong."

"I'm such a mess, Jack," she whispered, "I'm such a mess over him, and it's not fair. The whole time I was with Darrell, all I could think about was Alex. It's not fair." She cried.

"Shh, sweetheart, come here." I whispered as I carefully picked her up.

Vinnie automatically wrapped her arms around my shoulders as she continued to cry, and I bit my lip, suppressing my own emotions. It was because of Alex that this was happening, and it was because of Alex that I couldn't do anything to help. The most I could do was whisper sweet words of comfort into her ears, and hold her close as she cried.

Readjusting Vinnie in my arms, I turned around and headed toward the door. On the way there, I passed Alex, who just stood there, staring at us with a sad look on his face.

As I passed him, I narrowed my eyes at him. "This is your fault, Alex." I said meanly before I disappeared through the front door, and into the cool, night air.

Taking a deep breath, I let it out slowly and couldn't help but wonder how we were all going to work our way out of this mess.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey driver! To the top of the world ...

This Alex story is finished, I'm just slowly posting it up ... I tend to do that ...
