A Harlot For Me


I slept in the human male’s closet. I woke up briefly when his phone had rung, but I was still too tired to move around much. I think that my enchantment had worked on him and he thought that last was just a dream. I thought so. But it had been so long since I had even dealt with humans.

I yawned greatly.

Now that I thought about it, hiding in his closet wasn’t such a good idea. He could have come in to get fresh clothing. But he didn’t. He wore the same clothes as yesterday, but it seemed that he was in a rush.

I stepped out onto the blue-ish white carpet and looked around. The house was fairly neat. I walked back into the bathroom and used one of the many hairbrushes. I looked into the full length mirror. My leathery wings draped from between my shoulder blades almost down to my ankles. I needed to fix that. And the nudity too.

I concentrated mingling Power in the room to make my glamour. The wings turned into a detailed angel wings tattoo on my skin. I smiled at my spite.

Now, clothes….

I headed back to the closet and searched through it. There was a lingering, old scent of fabric that seemed different from the rest in the closet. A different cologne, a different aura.

I shifted through and found a baggy hoodie thing had a ZV looking thing made with a switch blade. Finding pants was much harder. So had to settle for black nylon shorts found in a drawer full of boxers.

I headed out and was surprised to find that night had already taken over the sky. The city was even more active at night. And I needed to feed. I had to get to someplace that dripped of my food sources, which for demons was blood, sex, and fire.

But first I needed to get better clothing. For a demon, money was never a problem.

I found the first store that sold women’s clothing and bought leather pants, thong, lacey bra, and a light black studded over coat.

Now I cold find what I needed.

I walked the streets, following my nose.

I passed many bars that ached with sex. But not the other two. Sex was a good Power source to follow, but I needed all three to keep me going. I was still thin and wavering from my long time in the hot ground.

Then a found one. The bar was called The Hot House. I walked in through the back. Pyrotechnetics blasted from the stage as anorexic girls danced topless in front of writhing men. There was violence in this bar, I thought as a couple of men were beating at eachother. It was rough-looking anyway.

A new song started and all the girls from backstage began to dance on the strip of wood that went all the way to the back of the bar.

I stepped into the line and actually danced. These girls here just knew how to shake the boobs that they didn’t have.

Humans were primitive, and their movements were much different than mine anyway. To them, my moves were so much more exotic. I would be putting these girls out of tune very soon.

When I made to center stage, all eyes were on me. Even the females that were brave enough to try to catch their male mates here were spellbound by me. The emerald on my cheek flashed, even when I tried to stop it. I was just too Power high to do it. Everything desire, hate, and envy soaked into every pore in my skin.

When I made it to the end of the long strip towards the front of the bar, I saw him. The human male whose closet I had slept in. The shower I had used. He was staring at me. As if confused and exhilarated at the same time.

He was in a group of four other males. I picked up one of their familiar scents quickly. The one with the weird ZV hoodie. The other three were strange.

As the song came to a close, I walked back to the back.

The other stripper girls were all backstage. Now they were all staring at me. One in particular.

“Hey, bitch. You don’t work here. So don’t try to own our show.” She said and poked at me. I didn’t show a reaction, she smiled. “Why don’t you take your scrawny, cracker ass out of here before we show how far a dollar bill can go.”

My hand flashed across her throat a quarter of a second after she had finished her sentence. I didn’t have time for bitch, lazy humans, but I could use her blood. My sharp black thumbnail entered into her artery and the blood soaked into my skin. I remembered how to do it now. It did take a certain amount of strength.

I let her go when she was close to fainting.

I turned and left without a word.

Brian’s POV

“Man! did you see her?!” Johnny asked as the rest of the girls filed off the stage.

“Hell yeah.” Matt agreed. “And she was looking at you, Gates.”

I smiled. But somehow… had I seen her? It seemed surreal.

We began to walk back outside. This was a trashy club. We had never been before, and after a hectic day of watching even trashier girls try to shake their asses, we only could decide on three girls that seemed to be able to dance.

“There she is,” Zacky murmured as we turned the corner into the parking lot.

“Hey! Hey, girl! Can we talk to you for a minute? We just need to ask a question.” Matt yelled. The girl turned and eyed us. She looked even more beautiful this close.

She paused, considering us. “What is your request?” She asked in a husky, rough, crushing velvet voice. An electric shock went up and down my spine. This is familiar.

“We’re in a band called Avenged Sevenfold. We’re very popular and we wanted to know if you would want to dance for us on tour.” Matt rushed out.

She paused again. Eyeing all five of us slowly. Then me, even slower than the others. I looked over at the clustered cars. Oh, god. I am Synyster Fucking Gates! I do not blush.

“I’ll consider you. I do need a job.” She said.

“This isn’t where you work?” Jimmy asked.

She shook her head.

“Oh, i’ve always wanted to work in a bar.” Jimmy told her.

“There is a problem.” The girl stated.

“What?” all of us asked at once.

“I just got here to California, and I have nowhere to stay until this tour starts.” She said.

“You can stay with me.” I said at once. All the guys turned to look at me.

They knew I was right. I was the only single guy in the crew now.

“That’s very generous of you.” She said and smiled for the first time.

“Its not a problem.” I shrugged.

“I’m sure its not.” Zacky said between coughing obnoxiously.

“Do you need a ride?” I asked.

She nodded.

“See ya soon, Mr. Gates!” Johnny shouted and waved as we turned away towards my car.

“Whatta lady killer he is.” Jimmy said.

“I think the lady will kill him.” Zacky answered.

I led her into my car, and once we got on the road, I finally thought to ask her the obvious question.

“I’m Brian. What’s your name?” I asked.

“Nevaeh.” She answered, and a sly smile spread on her lips.

“That’s interesting. What’s it mean?”

“Its heaven backwards.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Another chapter.
the name thing... came to me wierdly.

comments are appreciated.