Eternally Blood Bound

My first step to hell

I sank further into the tube slide. Slowly I put my fingers into the last ray of sun light peekings through the side. A shot of pain coursed through fingertips making its way to my hand. I quickly jerked my hand back making me stumble farther down the slide.

Taking a quick look around while holding my pulsing hand I searched for any passerbys seeing none I ran my the tips of my other hand over my newly sharpened canine teeth, feeling them poking into my flesh, I sighed trying to think of some other explanation. At least other than the obvious one that seemed completely impossible. How could I seriously be a vampire?

I slouched down recalling the past events in the last few hours while waiting for the sun to go down. I had been walking into the womans restroom at a pizza joint that my friends and I had been at. I had gone into the nearest (and cleanest) stall did my business then went to wash my hands.

The lights in there kept flickering as if to go out at any moment, a stall door opened and I grabbed a paper towel then when I looked up at the mirror a woman who looked about 30 with long bright red hair, and tatooes along one arm grinned at me.

I smiled back at her trying to be polite, but then she walked up right behind me and then pushed me against the tiled wall. I struggled against her trying to figure out what was happening, but then she bit me on the wrist where my you could see my veins the most. It felt like liquid metal pulsing into my blood, trying to scream but my throat was closed up and in a second the lady was gone and I was on the ground gasping in pain.

Somehow I had struggled out of the bathroom and then outside, but once the sun hit me I was thrust into a hungry fire. I recall falling back into the shadows, still not being able to speak I stumbled to the playground across the street then made it into the tube slide.

I was still in pain from the bite, it felt like a dying a million different horrid and painful deaths over and over and finally time had stopped and the pain ceased all together and now I am back waiting for the sun to go down.
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This is a new story I hope you like it I had been wanting to write a story like this and finally I did