Eternally Blood Bound


After a while the sun was finely down, the moon was glowing behind a cloud. I pushed myself down the rest of the slide my feet crunching under the pebbles scattered everywhere. Taking a deep gulp of the chilly air I pulled my arms around myself and began to walk out into the glow of the dim streetlight.

Where could I go to? Home, with my druggy brother and my whiskey shooting one, my parents who are always overstressed from trying to control my brothers. Right now it seems as if I joined the disfunctional club. I had always tried to be good obeying my parents wishes and doing my best in school. Just to make it a little bit easier on them. Most of the time it doesn't seem enough.

I sighed seeing as right now home was my only option. Pulling my thin jacket closer around me I started to trudge home, my friends mom had dropped me off at the pizza place and I was supposed to call my mom whenever I was ready to be picked up. I pulled out my cellphone to look at the time it was 7:13 not very late, yet something was holding me back from calling my parents so I continued walking.

I passed a few other businesses along the streets and a gas station here and there, but nothing much finally after maybe 20 minutes, I saw the sign for my neiborhood Palm Meadows. Every once in awhile on my walk to my house I saw a couple of kids being watched by there parents outside or a group of teenagers gathered closely most of the time puffs of smoke rising from the middle of there tight circle.

I would ignore it and keep walking I turned another road onto my street and then into my driveway I punched in the code to open the garage then slumped into the house calling a quick I'm here over my shoulder, then running to my room and falling on the bed. I didn't know what to do, but I couldn't stay here.

By now I might accept that there was a possibilty that I could be a vampire. I noticed more signs of it on my walk home, how I could see every detail even thought the street lights only showed shadows of what was in front of me. How whenever someone was close by me I could feel there heartbeat in my veins yet not my own. Also I never felt tired when I was walking and a new strength was running through me.

I went into my bathroom and looked in my mirror I gulped and saw nothing only the faintest outline of what was me and turned around and looked down. Noticing that I didn't have a shadow I put my leg into the light of the bathroom but no dark outline of it was there. I was gasping for air trying to hold on to the counter so I wouldn't collapse.

My mom came in and I quickly ducked out of the view of the mirror.

She looked at me for a minute then asked "Honey is something wrong?"

I opened my mouth to speak and moving my lips but no words were coming out I tryed to scream but not even a small shierk was coming out. I couldn't talk, I was mute. I finally collapsed sobbing silently. My mom took a long look at me then left closing the door to my room. Several hours later I was still curled up in a ball on my bed. Helpless and weak after a glance at the clock it just turned to 12:00.

Then I heard the faintest of movements that sounding like extremely loud after this long silence. I pulled myself up and saw a man standing in front of me. He was broad shouldered and looked about 6 "4 with bright blond hair he gestured his hand toward me I silent invatation to come.

In my head a heard the words "Come Child."

Without even realizing it I had gotten up and intwined my hand in his, a small smile of satisfaction rose onto his face, and then my world was spinning in blurrs around me I was completely still, but it was if the earth had moved on my account. As quick as it had begun it ceased and I was standing in large Hall two big windows made up most of two walls parralel eachother with emerald green curtains hanging on each. The floor was a dark wood and a large door behind me and a long hallway facing me I turned to my side.

Still holding the blond mans hand he pulled me down the hallway then opened a door and pushed me into darkness
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Thank you for the comment on my last story I really am enjoying this already I think that I'm really gonna stick with it and thank you to whoever likes it I do this for fun and for all your entertainment