Eternally Blood Bound

As normal as it gets

After he left I sat on the bed exausted and very very very confused. Was it normal for vampires to kiss eachother like that. That was just odd for me. I've had a few boyfriends but we never kissed. They were just not the one that I wanted to kiss. I moved the Book of the Disappeared onto the ground. I sighed and stood up remembering that I didn't have any of my things. I went to the dresser it had 3 large drawers.

The top one had a simple black silk button up night shirt with black silk drawstring pants to match. I pulled them out and set the clothes on the bed then ventured to the next drawer. The middle one was empty so I shut it and went to the bottom one that too was empty.

I shrugged and spun around looking for some door to a bathroom. I found it on the opposite wall. Opening it slowly I peered into the dark room fumbling for the lightswitch till I finally ran my fingers over it and flicked it on.

Illuminated in front of me was a pretty large bathroom. It had gold tiled floors plain white walls a huge bathtub against the right wall like those jacuzzi size ones it had gold gilded handles. A long white counter with a mirror I stared back at the outline but no distinct features because I still couldn't see myself.

In the corner of the room by the tub was a glass shower, but not even one of those with the blurred glass you could see right through it. Hmmm???? I found a towel hanging on the wall then decided to take a bath I turned the faucet and instantly the water was warm I closed the drain and found some expensive looking soaps and shampoos along with some bubble bath. I poured it in and bubbles erupted into the bath.

Along with that I tipped some bath salts with an appealing smell in. While I waited for the bath to fill I grabbed my pjs and brought them to the bathroom. Finally I turned off the water and stripped off my jeans and t-shirt along with my bra and panties and slid into the bathtub.

I soaked in there for an hour or so after a few minutes I lost my track of time and just slid into my own oblivion. At some time when most of the bubble had gone I went and washed my hair and body. Eventually I let the water out and pulled the towel around me hugging it tight. I stepped onto the cool tile.

With my hearing I could hear each individual drop of water fall off my hair and onto the ground. I stood there for a minute then dryed myself off pulled on the pjs and wrapped the towel around my hair. I searched the cabinets for a hairbrush and after some searching found one along with a tooth brush and tooth paste.

I realized I was exhausted and after brushing my teeth and hair I staggered to the bed. I sunk into the mattress along with the soft crisp cotten sheets and royal blue comforter. It took me very little time to fall asleep.

Most people if they don't see anything or at least remember anything that means they don't dream. Well that was my dream blackness till the very end seconds before I woke up. I was in front of a mirror and I saw myself but she was talking back to me. Her eyes glowed red and she had a look of murder in the bright eyes, but of course right as I was going to speak back or actually hear what she said I woke up.

Leaning over me was Christopher.
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it took forever to get out i know. At first i thought i didnt have any inspiration when it was just that i was to lazy to write it but now here it is not much happens but the next will be better hang in there with me.