Eternally Blood Bound

Lets get Physical physical

I was startled when I awoke to Christopher inches from my face. He quickly pulled back standing up staight.

He cleared his throat. "Hurry up and get dressed we have alot to do today before you go to school. Your uniform is on the dresser change quickly." Then he turned on his heel and left.

I took me a minute to remember everything. That I was a vampire that I couldn't talk, and that I had to go to school. I looked at the clothes on the dresser. A black push up with matching bikini style panties. The uniform was a dark blue (not navy like a midnight blue) skirt that went a few inches above the knee along with a black button up and plaid blue black and gray vest.

I pulled on the uniform and ran into the bathroom to brush my hair and teeth. I went back into the room and started looking for shoes. On the ground next to the dresser was a pair of black ballet flats. (they think of everything) I started walking towards the door when I remembered to snag my book of the disappeared off the floor.

I found Christopher waiting outside my door, his hair tousled looking quite sexy. I was amazed that I could be distracted by boys when just yesterday I was turned into a vampire. For the second time he held his hand out to me this time I grabbed it without hesitance. The world closed around me it just as quickly reappeared.

The room we were in now was all white and had the sterile smell of a doctors office, against the walls were lavish lavender chairs with mahagony coffee tables here and there. I gave a questioning look to Christopher.

"We are here to get you a physical and find out your maker so you may speak again." He responded to me cooly and letting go of my hand.

We walked forward to the front desk. Where a lovely dainty lady sat she looked around 30ish. She was wearing a pale pink jacket and a line skirt with a light blue collared cotten shirt peeking under the jacket. Her hair soft brown hair was in a neat bun with two curled tendrils on each side framing her face.

She looked up at me then over at Christopher and gave him a malicious smile. She licked her lips slowly at him then stood up.

"Hello I am Cynthia and who are you young child?" She smiled at me but there was something else other then a greeting hid behind her cool blue eyes. A warning?

I nodded it off then opened my mouth to say my name but Christopher answered instead. "Raina Joanne Emerald." God it sucks when you can't talk.

"Ahhhh yes." she opened a drawer going through files with her talons of nails she pulled out a file with my name on it then handed it to Christopher. "You know the way to go I suppose."

"As always love." He led me down a hallway past the front desk, We passed a room that looked like a dentist area then one more turn and we arrived in a room with a bench and a chair facing it. It had all the things most doctors have whenever you get a check up.

I sat on the bench and Christopher in the chair we waited for the doctor or whatever vampire doctors are. A kind looking lady came in she had raven blueish black hair tied back in a low pony tail.

"Hello we just need to do a quick checkup then we'll check how your teeth are doing." she radiated a perkiness that was just to much. "Ok first we need to see how your blood is progressing." she pulled out a little shot looking thing and quickly jabbed it into my thumb.

I biting my lip, I sucked in hair as she pushed on my thumb so the blood would come out. I was waiting for her to get one of those little things that suck up the blood, but instead she leaned over and licked the blood off. I jerked back

The doctor girl didn't miss a beat "I'm testing your blood, to make sure that your white blood cells are terminating themselves."

I nodded with a worried look on my face.

"Ok your blood seems to be progressing fine. Now we need to check up on the growth of your fangs. Just lay down over there and the dentist will be there." She gestured outside the room to the patient chairs that are at a dentists.

I layed down and something coiled over my front and along my neck holding me down. I started struggling but Christopher put his hand to my forehead and cooed to me "Its okay whenever your fangs are touched it triggers your hunting skills so we don't want you ripping out the dentists throat, just relax."

A kind looking man walked over he looked around 40 something, he had dark brown hair his green eyes reflected a knowledge as if he's seen things that you couldn't even have dreamed of.

"Hello I'm Lisander know I'm going to need you to project your fangs as much as possible for now." His voice had a calming effect and I instantly started concentrating on pushing my fangs out with no progress.

"You need to think of the hunt of protecting yourself of blood the sweetness that keeps you from dying fully." He put his hand over my forehead like he was checking my temperature but instead a image of a lovely girl with blood pouring from her neck and her arm held out to me.

My eyes flung open and I felt a tug coming from my canines, I could feel my eyes glowing with awarness. The doc went to work probing here and there, I kept jerking but after what felt like hours of fighting with my instincts the doc stepped back and left the room. Instantly the things holding me down were released I ran in a blurr over to Christopher his arm was already outstretched I bit into his wrist.

The blood rushing into my mouth warming my whole being. I stayed there but after awhile Christopher pulled away and licked the blood off my lips. Lisander came back in muttering nonsense.

"We just need to get a mold of the bite wound to find your creater and get her or him to take away your silence."
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Ok I know I'm most likely hated cause this took forever to come out well I had been having a writers block and with school starting I finally settled there its going pretty good
so forgive me and idk ill love you byyyyyyyyye