

You and I, sitting atop a majestic mountain top in the cool spring time air. Newly acquainted, already attracted, nonetheless unsure. We may have met in a strange manner, but at this point we are mere strangers, only hoping to change such a status. As you laugh softly and glance over at me, I cast a glimmering smile at you, realizing my attraction is much deeper than looks.

It's funny how it all works--one day I'm downcast and alone, and the next I meet you in an unexpected way, a pleasant surprise nonetheless. And now as we sit here watching the sun creep above us, I begin to understand why I was there at that particular time. It was fate, and now, fate has passed on the torch to you and me. We decide what happens now. Fate has told us when and where, who and how, and even discreetly told us why, and now, we decide present and future. It's up to us.

There's our beginning. Let's plot out the rest, you and me.
♠ ♠ ♠
Written in less than five minutes.
So be kind.
: )