Dangerous To Know

Chapter 17- Belle

As I stepped out of the bathroom cell, I was met with Savvy’s face in the mirror. Her thick, raven black hair was pulled into a high ponytail and she was wearing a pair of dark skinny jeans, pink ballet flats, a pink tank top, and various gold necklaces. As I stepped up to the mirror she pulled out a tube of dark brown lipstick and pressed it firmly to her moist lips. I tried my best to play out a fake smile, but she gave me no reaction. After she had finished applying her lipstick, she threw it in her Boux Turner handbag and buttoned it closed. I took a deep breath as she began to fix her already perfect hair.

“Good morning, Savvy,” I pulled some of my stray red hairs behind my ear and grabbed a paper towel to wipe off some of my smeared mascara. All I got was a fake smile.

“Why are you talking to me?” she answered, her tone edgy. Her eyes hardened as she glared at me, but then snickered when she notice I was taken off guard.

“I just said ‘hello’ is that such problem?” I snapped. She scowled and began to cover her words in her dangerous, thick accent.

“Actually it is. You know Lucas and I had, I mean have a ‘thing’ therefore you aren’t supposed to talk to me seeing as I’m the ‘other girl’.” My face began to turn cherry red. “Honey, I am going to tell you exactly what I told your boyfriend. Go back to you little la la life with your ‘perfect’ boyfriend and friends and leave me to my own life. And, honestly, I wouldn’t take you little boyfriend for granted because I told him that when he was done playing around with a juvenile such as yourself, he should break up with you as publicly as he can and then play out his relationship with me FULL OUT. But, sadly, seeing as I am still left to hook up with who ever begs enough, he has yet to do so.” She headed for the door, but then spun back towards me, her hand on her hip. “But if you would like to hear my two cents, I think he is chicken, because he keeps coming back for more.” A sneer covered her face. “See ya ‘round, Belle.”

My hands began to shake as she left the bathroom, and tears glazed over my eyes. I couldn’t believe I let Savvy get to me, but here I was crying over what was obviously said just to get me mad. I wiped away my tears, and washed my face in the sink, trying to lessen the redness around my eyes.

When I thought I looked presentable enough to leave the comfort of the restroom I opened and walked out with my head held high. I made my way through the crowded halls to Lucas’s locker. Knowing his combination I opened it, and grabbed a pencil and a piece of paper, careful not to look around; what he had in his locker was not a concern of mine at the moment, I really couldn’t care less. Or at least that’s what I told myself.

I hope you have a good day. I’ll see you at Stacy’s party tonight.
Love you,

With that I close his locker and walked to fourth period.

As hard as I tried I could not focus on my classes. All I could think about was Stacy’s party. It definitely wasn’t going to be the biggest one I’ve been to but it still would be a nice… getaway.

I was in my favorite class, my last class of the day, 6th period Physical Education. No matter what, I could not help but constantly look down at the watch on my wrist, feigning interest in how much time I had left for running the mile, when really I was counting down to the end of the period. On any other day I would stay in this class for 7th period, helping out with the freshman class, but today I felt like using my free period to go home to start and hopefully finish my homework.

I had half a mile to go, I whispered to myself as I pushed myself further, harder than I had planned to go. I looked down at my watch again; 20 minutes left in class. Then I felt angry, the pain and hurt of the last few months surging into one unavoidable feeling. I couldn’t cry, not now at least, but I was sick and tired of crying. I pushed myself, finishing the half-mile in just above three minutes, powdered by frustration.

It didn’t feel like I had run a mile, it felt for like I had merely run across the street, but I guess when you are blinded by anger that’s what happens. I put my hands on my knees to calm my breathing, but when I looked at the ground, I didn’t see the grass, but the shoes of my PE teacher. I looked up and was met with the stern face of Coach Thompson. I stood straight, thinking that I might have ran one less lap than I thought, and prepared myself for the worst. He just stood there so I decided to speak first,

“Coach Thompson?”

“Belle,” he said, the look on his face even more disapproving. Before I could ask what was wrong, his hard glare turned into a soft look as he began laughing at how scared he had me feeling. I should have known, I thought to myself, Thompson has always prided himself in being a good actor. When he recovered from his laughing fit he continued talking to me. “Your time for the mile was 7 minutes and 53 seconds.”

“Really?” I asked, surprised at how fast I had finished, but other than a person record, it meant nothing. Coach Thompson nodded.

“A school record for the girls,” he said, patting my back approvingly and walking off to tell the group of boys that had already finished the records for the school. I smiled, proud of myself; this was the first positive thing that had happened to me in a long while.

I sat on the grass for the rest of class, my head tilted up towards the sky, soaking up the happiness that I felt. It wasn’t’ going to last long, I knew better than to expect it to, but I was going to relax in all its glory while I had the chance. But as much as I wanted to remain in the sun, a big white, but still threatening cloud got in the way. I had a choice to make, for the near future, and as much as I was unwilling to go with it, I had to prove myself.