Irish Eyes

The Begining

With eyes as black as the midnight sky and lips as red as a crimson rose,Karri gazed far out over the seas of Ireland. Throught all her years she admired the beauty that she saw before her.Karri turned to her mentor and companion and just stared at him. she was trying to compare him and the sea, but he won. He always did. Adrian was the most beautiful man she had ever meet,emerald eyes,aburn hair that shone red in the moonlight. God,she loved him so. Even when she knew what he was, a vampire.

She had meet him walking home from her fathers bar,she worked there as a waitress, and when she saw him she stopped, just stood there looking like a dim witted person with a wee bit of a problem. Her delima was her age. Being only at the ripe age of fifteen and the vision before her being in his his late twenties. This thought made her almost weep with dissapointment, but not wanting to forget his face and figure she went up to him to make his aquantice.
"Hello, my names Karri" She murmred in a quiet voice.
"Oh. Oh hello. You frightened me, I wasn't expecting anyone."He replied in a bit of a british accent.

tell me if it is any good if not ill bin it