Irish Eyes

Your Remarkable

As the conversation between the two acquaintances progressed Karri found a new friend.
While they're walking Karri realized that they were headed the wrong way. They were heading out of town where the Inn and her house were located. Wondering, she turned to Adrian and asked him why. He replied

"So I could do this."

With those words, Karri started to get worried and turned from what she thought was going to happen. As she turned something caught her eye and she turned back to face him. What she saw she could never forget. She saw him smirk showing ALL his teeth. Even the oddly long canines. She gasped.

"You do know that I wasn't really frightened when you snuck up behind me. I lured you to me because your blood smelled sweet. young and full of courage, and I just knew it had to be mine."

"I'm not afraid of you or your instincts. Your just like any other wounded, hungry or scared animal." She braved shaking slightly.

"Oh REALLY now? Well by the rate your heart is beating, I suspect your lying." He confidently replied to her conflict.
As her heart beat began to slow from the sudden scare he realized that she was telling the truth. Of all the times he's heard his victims say that this was the first time that anyone wasn't truly afraid. This made him very confused and mad. Why wasn't this mere child afraid of him when grown men cowered at the sight of his eye's flashing black.

"What the HELL is wrong with you, girl?!?" He screamed suddenly enraged.

"What do you mean?" She questioned innocently.

"Why haven't you gone running?"He said trying to regain his composure.

"Because I'm not afraid. Are you dim?"

"How dare you say I'M dim! I think that it's the other way around!"

"Well why would i be scared of the likes of YOU?"


"But you don't want to be one." She stated simply.

"How would she know that?" He pondered aloud.

"All i saw in your eyes during our conversation was compassion. love and regret."

"You are truly remarkable. D'you know that?"

"I didn't but, now I do."
♠ ♠ ♠
there is more to come but not for like a week or two
no comments = no storie

love ya all
Mega N