While I Burn

Could You Use a Little Company?


Lily turned to her best friend, a huge grin plastered on her face. "Can you believe its our last year?!" She half screamed, like her counter part, she was determinded to make this year her best. And it was already looking up for her, because in her right pocket was her shiney Head Girl's badge.

"Excited to see who your Head Boy is?" Fallon asked, seeing the outline of the badge in her pocket.

"Of course!" Lily said in a low tone. Before she could go off in her theory of the possible Head Boy could be, a loud commontion from the other side of the platform could be heard. Lily rolled her eyes heavily, already knowing the source of the noise. "But what I know for is, that James Potter is not coming within an inch of me."

Fallon scoffed and rolled her eyes. She knew James fairly well, being as she had been on the same Quidditch team with him since 2nd year. And from what she knew about James, he never gave up.

"Hey, I have to go to the prefect comparment." Lily said, after Fallon finished unloading her trunk into her comparment.

"Alright! Make you visit me on your rounds." Fallon was all smiles but she hated this part of the trip. For about 98 percent of the way to Hogwarts, she sat by herself. Sometimes Severus would sit with her, but she knew he wouldn't this year. Lily gave her a solemn smile, before turning on her heal and walking out the door.

Fallon plopped down into the seat next to the window, leaning her forhead on the pane. The train had just taken off, moving sluggishly. She sighed, it would be a long ride.

Only a couple minutes passed before the glass doors slid open. Fallon turned her head hopefully to see Lily but was greeted with unusual pair. Sirius Black and Peter Pettigrew, their trunks in tow.

"Mind if we sit here? Everywhere else is full." Sirius asked, shaking his silky hair from his stormy eyes. He was tall, 6'4 almost, with broad shoulders and quite possibly the best facial structure ever seen on a man.

"Uh yeah." Fallon said, quirking her thin eyebrows. Out of her 6 years of being in the same classes and sharing the same common room, those were the first words she ever spoke to Sirius Black.

"Banderèz, right?" He asked, sitting down his trunk, and helping the struggling Peter.

"Fallon, yeah." She answered, tucking a piece of wavy hair behind her ear. She sat up straighter before asking, "Where's James?" Everyone who knew the infamous duo, knew that they were rarely apart.

"Oh he's Head Boy." Sirius said in a sort of disgusted voice, taking the seat next to her, leaving Peter to sit across from them.

Fallon couldn't help the loud snort that issued from her mouth. "'Lily's going to be pissed."

Sirius looked at her for a second before breaking out in a loud, bark like laughter. Peter offered a small laugh but otherwise sat there uncomfortably.

Sirius stretched out, his hands behind his head, his elbow brushing Fallon's shoulder.

"So why don't you talk?" Sirius asked abruptly after his laughter quieted.

"I don't know. Just didn't." Fallon shrugged her shoulders, feeling surprisingly comfortable with the heart throb.

"Didn't?" He lifted an eyebrow.

"Didn't." Fallon confirmed, a sly smile on her pale face.

Sirius never realized how pretty that Banderèz girl was. She was merely Lily's friend, who had a nice rack and that was it. But she had perfect round red lips, that formed into a seductive grin without her noticing. Her glossy black hair caught the light just right, illumiating her face.

Fallon crossed her arms across her chest, giving Sirius a one over. She could see why all the girls fell to their knees when he was around. There was nothing about this boy that was unattractive, unless you count his less than savory behavior at times. And even that was kinda hot.

Fallon got so caught up staring at him, she didn't notice he had caught her staring, a large grin was playing on his lips.

"Like what you see?" He made a small kissy face at her.

"Must you be so pigish?" Fallon retorted, but the smile on her face gave away her flirting tendancies.

"Hey, there ain't no rest for the wicked."
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I'm having a hard time thinking of a play-by for Sirius. Suggestions :D