Status: I am going to continue soon, expect a new chapter by 11/03/09

Starvation of the Heart

String Bikini

I woke up in my bed, but that was no surprise, because everytime I fell asleep on the roof, Virge would gently pick me up and carry me to the comfort of my own bed. I decided I didn't really feel like getting up yet, because my starving body could only handle so much at a time and after being beaten, I'm lucky I didn't crack a rib. Just as I snuggled into my warm bed and dozed off, I was abrubtly awoken by Virgil jumping on my bed. "Wake up, Rainy!! It"s already ten!! You are wasting the day away in bed!!' "Ugh gosh Virge, For an emo boy, you can be very obnoxious!!!" I yelled throwing a pillow at his head, which he dodged, "Aww but you love me just the way I am!" He said putting on a childish grin. He stripped the comforter off me and I shivered at the sudden rush off cold air "Wiiiiirrgggeeee" I whined. "Get up" he said firmly . "and what are you planning to do if I don't get up?" He didn't answer my question and oddly he just walked out of my room. It confused me, but I used that oppertunity to try and go back to sleep and then I woke up to being lifted up. I flailed and kicked, but Virgil was strong. He carried my struggling self to the bathroom and threw me in the now filled tub. It was a huge jacuzzi(sp?) tub so it didn't really hurt when he threw me in. And then an idea popped into my head. "Viiiiiiiirge..." He was too busy cracking up and then he stopped and said "I'm sorry Rain, but it was too tempting and you did ask for it. Here-" He said extending his hand to help pull me up, but I pulled his hand so fast that he had no idea that it was coming and he was thrown into the freezing water with me. I started laughing so much as he pouted.

We got out and dried off. "Hey Rainy, I have an idea, why don't we go swimming?" Oh no the thing I dreaded most. " I'd rather not, I don't really feel like hanging around the city's barbie collection all gathering at the communtiy pool." "Aww hmm what if we sneek in later tonight, none of the barbiesd will be there." I thought about it for a second, I really sisn't want him to see my fat ass in a bathing suit, but I also didn't want to disapoint him. so I agreed. "Yay!" Btw the term 'Barbies' is what we call all the preps that annoyed the hell out of us." He got serious "Well what should we do untill then?" He asked in deep thought. We eneded up going to the movies, which I didn't mind, no one could see my fat in the dark of the movie theater. It was all good except for Virgil trying to get me to eat popcorn. Ugh full of butter and fat. Although I have to admit, I was tempted to, but I knew I couldn't.

After the movie we walke dto the community pool, and he hopped the fence, I climbedall the way to the top but didn't want to jump, because it seemed so high. "Come on Rainy, jump. I'll catch you, don't you trust me?" I sigh and jumped landing softly into Virgil's strong arms. "Of course I trust you!" I said smiling. He walked over toward the changing rooms and set me down. we parted going into the different changing rooms. I pulled my bathing suit out of my bag and sighed, of course I just have to have a string bikini. I had to admit though, it was cute.


Suddenly I felt very uncomfortable, I didn't want Virge seeing me in this, what if he thinks I'm fat. Ugh I hate this whole falling for my bff thing, it sucks!!! UGH!.


I can't stand this, am really falling for Rainy. But I don't want to ruin our friendship, she doesn't like me like that anyways. This is so hard for me. I just really hope she's not wearing a bikini, because I might just lose myself.

I walked out of the changing room, wearing my black and white trunks as Rainy was walking out of her changing room,a nd she was wearing a String bikini. Let me just tell you, I almost lost it and made out with her right there, I mean she was perfect, her every curve. I looked her up and down and automatically said "Wow...." She blushed and then looked down. "I knew I looked so fat in this." she began to cry. I quickly replied "No no Rainy you look perfect." my sincere thoughts. I wrapped her into a hug and being so close to her when she was so exposed made my hormones go crazy so I pulled away and then walked back a couple of step and then came running towards her.


"virge waht are you doiiinnnnggg!!! I screamed as he ran toward me and grabbed my jumping in the pool, me in his arms.
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I know it's short, but I might have another chapter out today. Please tell me what you think!