Status: I am going to continue soon, expect a new chapter by 11/03/09

Starvation of the Heart


Recap: Virgil had just through me into the pool.

As our bodies came into contact with the cool water, a huge splash erupted, spilling water out of the pool, and I couldn't help but think that I was so fat that I made the pool overflow. That thought soon left my mind as we sank to the bottom, me still in his arms. I opened my eyes withstanding the burning that the chlorine was doing to my eyes. We were both staring into eachothers eyes and it was so surreal, but like everything it had to come to an end. As he dragged me to the surface to refil our lungs with the percious air that we were lacking. Once we both caught our breathes he splashed me and then swam to the other side of the pool laughing. Does he ever stop playing pranks, but thats the Virgil I know and love. We messed around (in a nonperverted way) for a few hours. Untill it grew too cold to withstand, so we both got out. He was quick to fetch a towel and drape it over my shoulders. We once again took our seperate paths to the changing rooms.

When I was finished changing I walked out of the changing room, noticing for the first time that it had grew dark. I had to admit I was a little afraid to walk the mysterious streets of New York at night, especially when our apartment building is five blocks away. Well at least I had Virge to protect me. After a few moments Virgil emerged from his changing room. When he spotted me, he grinned. "Ready to go?" He asked cheerfully. I hestitated a little and then nodded. "What's wrong?" He asked, concern rimming his voice. "N-nothing it's just, it can be dangerous in the city at n-night" He smirked, "Is that all you're worried about? Heh Why would you be worried if you have the strong-awesometastic-emo-super-guy "Virgil the Great" to protect you from the evils of the night?" I giggled and gave him a friendly push while rolling my eyes. "Come on" I said dragging him toward the fence. He knelt down and cupped his hands telling me to put my foot in his hands so that he could give me a boost over the fence, but I paniced, I am way to heavy for him to be able to give me a boost. I would definitely have to skip food tommorow to punish myself for this one. I needed a boost though and he gave me a "Don't you trust me?" look that I couldn't resist. I put my foot in his hands and with ease he pushed me over the fence where I landed swiftly on my feet on the other side. Hm Virge is stronger than I suspected he must have hit the gym while he was away.

I watched as he backed up and ran at the fence easily climbing up it. We walked through the dark streets towards our apartment, and everything was going smoothly until we had to cut through an alley to get to the street we needed to be on, or else we would have to walk an extra two blocks. When we were half-way through the alley three guys I'd say maybe a little older than us, but very rugged and scary looking, emereged from the darkness of the alley and then two more came out from behind us. I was scared out of my wits. ONe of the guys whistled a me "hmm what do we have here, what a nice lookin' fox, what do you say you and me go back to my place." I couldn't speak my throat swelled up and I was close to fainting, I even forgot to breathe. I shook my head violently signaling that I did NOT want to go home with this dude. The two guys from behind us grabbed me by the arms "Bruce doesn't take no for an answer toots (sp?) I desperately looked at Virgil and he saw my look and his face turned from pained to hard "Let. Her. Go." He said through gritted teeth, hands balled into fists at his side. "Heh what are you gonna do punk?" One of the men asked. "I said let her go!!" Virge said, voice dripping with venom as he socked one of them in the face and the guy went flying into the wall and then virge turned towards the guys holding me and punched one of them but he was expecting it so the fought it out, me watching helplessly still being held by one of the thugs. I never felt so pathetic and useless in my life. So I turned around and kick the man holding my arm where the sun don't shine and he went down to the ground squealing as I turned to run, the one who spoke first, whom I am guessing to be the leader grabbed me by the wrist. "You're not going anywhere, you little skank" he said. I started struggling in his grasp trying to free myself, but his hold onlygot tighter and I cold feel a bruise forming if he held it any tighter I fear that he might brake the bone. He threw me against the wall and started kissing down my neck. Hot tears streamed down my face. I did the only thing I could think of I cried out "Virge!" bearly audible, but he heard me and stopped fighting the two thugs he had been intent on beating and stormed over and bashed the guy's head into the wall before he could anything else to me. When he bashed the guy's head into the wall they all ran off giving up and I collapsed into Virgil's arm crying. If it weren't for Virgil I would have been raped for sure. I clung to him like my life depended on it and he picked me up bridal style and wiped away my tears "shhh" he cooed "I will never let anyone hurt you again, I promise you" My heart melted as he spoke such soft words. I whispered "thank you" and he smiled as I burried my head in hist muscular chest he carried me through the streets toward our building.

I didn't realize it but I had fallen asleep in his arms on the way home and awoke to him gently setting me down on my warm bed. As he turned to leave I reached for his wrist, and he turned around. "I'm sorry to wake you Rainy, go back to sleep." He softly said. I sweetly asked " Will you stay with me tonight?" He put on a small grin and replied "Of course" I scooted over in my bed as he layed down next to me. He pulled the covers over the both of us and I snuggled in to him. I don't know what gave me the courage to aske him to stay, I guess I was just so shaken up by almost being raped that I was afraid to be alone. I am just so glad that I have such a great friend, but sometimes I really do think that I would like him to be more than a friend, but I know he would never like me that way that is why I must loose more weight, who would ever want to be was someone as fat as me? I fell asleep in the arms of the one I 'love'? My last thoughts being I know I love him, but am I in love with him?
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Another chapter should be out soon. I will make sure to have some of Virgil's thoughts in the next one, because I knwo you are probably dying to know what virgil thinks about the nights event :) Comment are very much appreciated. And suggestions are always welcome.