Forever the Road Goes On


I never really though about running away until right now. I just thought I would have to endure the pain my adoptive parents gave me until I turned eighteen. They would hit me and slap me and everything that would count as abusive.

It wasn't always like this. I used to have my mom, my real mom.

It hurts to remember her but I do know that she didn't just die, she was murdered. Unfortunately it happened on my seventh birthday. Seven years ago one Halloween. I still remember most of it.


My tiny hands grabbed onto the bar. I was at the park with my older friend Daniel. He was nine. It was a small town so our parents trusted us to be okay and today was the day I was gonna go upside down on the Monkey Bars.

" Come on Lie ( pronounced the same as Lie. its just her nickname) you can't do it," Danny called.

Duh! of course I could do it. I was Leila Harper Mathews and I could do anything.

I did a quick spin and Ola ! i was hanging upside don onto he monkey bars with my tongue sticking out at Daniel. " Told you I could do it. So pay up ! "

Yep we made a bet. I won ten buck. " lets get home ". I dropped from the bar and ran ahead of him.

" Race ya ! " I called back at him. He started to gain on me. I pushed my legs harder. No way was I gonna loose.

Just as we rounded the corner to our street we heard the most terrifying sound a seven year old could hear. A scream coming from our house. We stood frozen on the sidewalk as we watched the shadows move within the windows. The scary part. The blood splattered on the window. I couldn't take it I ran ahead to my house, Daniel tried to stop me but I was to fast.

I pushed the door open and there she was. Lying on the floor covered in her own blood. She was barely alive but she could still tell it was me.

"Honey. Oh, my sweet sweet girl. I love you darling. I am so, so sorry this happened. Take my locket hun. Keep it safe. It holds secrets no one should kno . . ." She too a shaky breath.
" Mom " The tears spilled from my eyes and to the floor. " If you find you father tell him he's a bastard but i love him. You should have had a better ... life then you do now" She closed her eyes but opened them.
then she said her last words.

" Find yourself. I love you "

(End flashback)

I could feel the tears stream down my face. The floor creaked below me. I hadn't even noticed I had fallen to the ground. I made my decision.

I was going to run away tomorrow.
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Okay so this is my first story on mibba. so please don't be to harsh on me. anyway blah. yeah i said blah.