Complete Opposites

Hazardous, yet approachable. That was how most people described her.

She was very annoying yet many people seemed to enjoy her company. She was somewhat a loner, but loads adored her presence. She was a walking, talking, breathing paradox who seemed to contradict every single rule in the books.

She was insane, yet she was always calm and cool. She boasted about al the things all the time-usually trivial things-, but she always had a mysterious demeanor.

She was an enigma.


He, on the other hand, was her complete opposite. Unlike her, he was never on the edge and he didn’t seem to contradict anything. Sure, lots of people liked his presence, sure, he did moronic things-like casually drinking until you literally dropped-, but he rarely had a calm, cool and mysterious persona.

He found her very annoying, but she could care less.

They were complete opposites. They somehow hated each other and finally got rid of each other.

But because of some unfortunate events…

They crossed paths once more.

Who are they? You’ll find out soon enough.