Complete Opposites

Spontaneous, is it contagious?

Sydney Harlow, that was her name.

She was absurd, rude and obnoxious. She was insane, annoying and worst of all, she was spontaneous.

Today was no different.

Today she was as random and spontaneous, as usual.


William Evans, that was his name.

He was calm, cool and collected. For today, that is.

But as usual, Will was organized and loved to plan things ahead of time.

That is…

Until Sydney Harlow popped up.

William Evans despised Sydney Harlow because not only was she unorganized, Sydney destroyed most of his plans. Not only did Sydney barge into William’s life without any warning-or hesitation, but she occasionally ruined all of Will’s plans regardless of what they were and with ease.

Weirdly, Sydney’s older sister, Amanda Harlow, was everything she wasn’t. Yes, Amanda was astonishingly William’s girlfriend.

The two of them- William and Sydney- were complete and utter opposites, yet their collision seemed inevitable.


Sydney glanced at the mirror and started to toss and strangle some strands of her chocolate brown, blond and caramel hair into a messy pony tail.

She stared at herself, satisfied.

“I’m gonna be random today.” She declared, proclaiming her thoughts while still staring at the mirror.

After that, she sprinted to her heels and started heading towards the door.

Today, Sydney Harlow was going to be reckless, she was gonna be wild and lastly, she was going to be free.

Today, she decided that she’d move to Nebraska. Yes, you heard me-actually, read, but who cares about the minor details?

Sydney Harlow had decided-on whim, actually- to leave Miami and go to a place that was hundreds or maybe even thousands of miles away from her home.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how spontaneous Sydney Harlow was.
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.the.inevitable.insanity.of.yours.truly: Okay… That was short, but I planned it that way. Omg, I can’t believe I actually created another story! I know how Fallen and Falling Out will end, but I don’t know how this one will turn out. I have an idea, but I really can’t visualize it and get the ideas straight. That’s the end of my rant.