Complete Opposites

The uninvited guest

A year had passed.

An entire year was over.

William never saw Sydney. Ever.

Amanda, too, didn’t know where her sister was, but as far as she was concerned- oh, wait. She wasn’t concerned. Oh, well.

Both Amanda and Will were in Milwaukee, in a trailer, living together.

Before you get all the ‘lovey-dovey’ thoughts in your head, let me confirm this they aren’t living together as in ‘living together’, they were more like ‘living near each other’.

This is the story.

William spontaneously decided to form a band after Sydney left. It was creepy, it was as if Sydney’s randomness went to him.

It was weird, for an entire month they did nothing but play their music. For a month, they did nothing but compose and play.

After two months of playing or whatever their band did, they were invited to tour America. Talk about lucky!

And of course little Mr. lead guitarist and singer couldn’t just leave his beautiful girlfriend all alone in Miami? So, lucky for Amanda, she was with William, with his band and in a trailer touring America.

Amanda was so friggin’ lucky. Or so she thought.

“Hello big sis.” The voice cooed. Amanda stopped dead in her tracks, her eyes widened with shock and her sweat was pouring from her forehead.

Amanda froze on the spot as her eyes saw the one person who could ruin her plans, her happiness and her life.

She saw none other that, her sister,-the one and only- Sydney Harlow.

“Long time no see, sis.” Sydney smirked, blowing a small smoke while holding her cigarette.


“What the hell are you doing here?!” Amanda screamed at her sister who sat inside their trailer.

Sydney lighted another cigarette while shrugging. She threw her first cigarette on the floor and squashed it under her foot.

“Don’t throw your crap here!” the older one was furious.

“Small place you got here.” The younger one commented, ignoring her sister who, by the way, was ready to decapitate her head by strangling her any minute. “Don’t you have a van or something? Most rock bands have cool vans, not lousy trailers.”

So Sydney did know that Will had his own band, her anger subsided and she asked “How’d you know?”

“I have my sources.” She stated, finally lighting her cigarette, but she did this with poise yet without effort. She did it coolly.

Rage returned to Amanda’s body.

“Why the hell are you here?!” As you can see, these two aren’t exactly on good terms.

“Heard the news so I wanted to pay a visit.” The brown haired girl smirked, the cigarette still in her mouth.

“Ugh, Fine. You win. Throw that cigarette away before I get cancer.” As much as Amanda hated her sister, she hated the smell of cigarette even more. The blond-or Amanda- covered her nose and mouth, disgusted at her younger sister’s smoking habit.

“You can stay.” Amanda proclaimed in defeat. In an instant, the cigarette was on the ground, stomped on and under Sydney’s shoe.

“Thanks, sis.” What had she done?

“You’re the best.” Her sister said in a monotone, gazing at her cigarette and not her sister. The blond gaped in horror and disbelief.

Too mortified-and disgusted with her sister, she couldn’t think of a witty comeback. Was this for real? Did she just invite the one person who could destroy her life in a heartbeat-if not faster- to live and stay with her in Will’s band’s trailer without asking William if her sister could stay? Okay, that was messed up.

Even the words were messed up.

Amanda, to get some air, ran off somewhere stammering the words “I’m gonna call Will.” Sydney smirked devilishly.

“Thanks a lot.” She whispered to no one in particular.


Although Sydney Harlow had returned to Amanda Harlow’s life-more like came to trash her life was Amanda’s humble opinion- Amanda was still luck.

Fortunately, although William Evans despised Sydney, he could never say no to any of Amanda’s requests.


After an hour of playing his guitar while singing in a live convert with his band mates, Will returned home-which meant his trailer- completely tired.

“Fancy meeting you here.” And there she sat on a nearby coach-the only one, as a matter-of-fact,- with a cigarette in her hand.
♠ ♠ ♠
.the.inevitable.insanity.of.yours.truly: Gah, another chapter. I actually updated. Ha! I can’t even believe it. Second of all, check out these stories made by yours truly. Fallen and Falling Out.