Complete Opposites

trashing time

“Sydney?” Will blinked, unable to believe the horrid truth that his worst fear was right infront of him. At that instant, he forgot what he and Amanda had talked about this afternoon or so.

“Why the hell are you here?!” He squealed like a girl and almost woke everyone in their trailer. Almost.

The brunette stared at him and smirked mischievously. “Nice of you to greet me.” William twitched, annoyed at his girlfriend’s sister and remembering his conversation with his blond girlfriend-well actually only girlfriend, but whatever.

“Ugh, nevermind.” Will murmured tiredly. “Oh, is little Mr. rockstar a little exhausted?” Sydney continued to smirk at the irritated musician.

The red haired boy glared at her and walked away.

Sydney frowned as Will went to his bunk. “No comeback.”


The one thing Sydney hated-that was obvious-was silence. By silence, it meant no sarcastic replies, no witty comebacks and no funny insults that would be thrown back at her after she’d speak.

It was weird that she loved word fights, she always won, but she always seemed like the type of person who’d engage to any hair-plucking, bitch-slapping combat.

But no, she never engaged to any very violent actions. She was more of the verbal fighter.

But since Will didn’t reply to her, she was annoyed.

And because she was annoyed she had to redirect her annoyance to more entertaining matters.

Namely, annoying Will and Amanda. But unfortunately, Amanda had given up and ran somewhere to hide.

Will and his band mates were the unfortunate ones who had to deal with Sydney.

“Let’s throw a party.” She commented.

“Uhm, no?” Will replied, sitting on a nearby chair. “Why not?” She wanted to party and this was the right moment.

“Because we have no reason to party?” he asked, trying to ignore her, but mentally slapped himself for pretending Sydney wasn’t there while talking to her.

“Well, how ‘bout my homecoming. You could throw a ‘welcome back’ party for me.” Sydney suggested eagerly.

William scoffed, murmuring a “as if that would ever happen.”

“Now that I think about it, that kinda sounds crappy.” She pondered. Then she smiled.

Sydney stood up suddenly, which made Will stare at her ridiculously. “Where the heck do you think you’re going?”

She didn’t even stare back at him for one last glance and banged open the door of the trailer.

“Out.” She replied coolly.

And with that, Sydney was no where in sight.


“Where did she go?” Amanda asked.

“Uhm, Sydney? She went dashing out.” He replied tired once more. They were just done with yet another concert. They seriously needed a break.

“Really?” Amanda was somewhat amazed, could it be that her sister had finally-after all these years-left her to life in peace?

The odds of that happening was extremely low, but Amanda hoped that Sydney would just leave her alone.

All of them-Amanda, Will and his band- were slowly returning to their beloved trailer, slowly.

It was almost midnight and all of them were tired beyond anything, even Amanda-who did nothing but scream and babble to random people that Will was her boyfriend- was tired.

“Ugh, I’m so tired.” Someone said behind Will. “Me too.” Another band mate stated.

There they were inches from their trailer, their comfort zone, a quiet place to rest and sleep.

Until they heard the loud eccentric music bombing from their trailer

They all entered.

“Hey!” Sydney screamed at the loud music.

Will gaped while Amanda gasped at her sister. “Thought I’d throw a party.” Sydney said while dancing.

Paul, their drummer, and Alex, their bassist, were astonished. “Awesome.” Paul commented.

Both of them sprinting in different directions to dance off with some girls.

“Who the hell are these people?” Will asked, Amanda was still shocked at how their trailer had magically turned into a bar-clubhouse thing.

“Just some of my friends.” She said simply, while giving her signature smirk. Some of her friends?

There were fucking too many people inside his trailer.

“These are all your friends?” Amanda questioned, she never realized her sister was this popular.

“Naw, these are just some of my friends in Milwaukee.”

William glared at the slender brunette, pissed. “Get these fucking people outta my trailer!” he declared.

Sydney frowned. “Jeez, you sound like my cranky grandpa. Chill for once.”

“I can’t ‘chill’ with you trashin’ my trailer. I mean, this isn’t funny!” Will blew, but wasn’t that audible with all the loud music storming the night.

“Relax, dude.” Sydney calmed him. “Just think I’m throwing this party for you guys and don’t worry. I’ll handle this fucking thing. You two just dance.”

That wasn’t very convincing.


William and Amanda seemed to take Sydney’s,uhm, advise.

And to their surprise…

They found their selves having fun.

A lot of fun.
♠ ♠ ♠
.the.inevitable.insanity.of.yours.truly: As you can see, Sydney can really throw an awesome party. Yes, she’s awesome, but a little too reckless and wild for Amanda and Will.

By the way, Sydney isn’t really that bad. She just wants to have fun and want to part-tay! Or maybe she just wanted to trash Will and Amanda’s place.