She Said We Can Still Be Friends

Freezing Hell

The sun illuminating over the town as he walked down the street. It was the beginning of his summer vacation yet he felt like it was the end. He regretted going outside but he wanted pizza and forgot whether they delivered or not.
"Hey Julian."
"Hey." He recognized one of his classmates from school but he didn't want to stop to have a conversation. Instead he kept walking hoping the pizzeria would be cooler. Entering the store he took out his cell phone, ordering a pie, he dialed the number to his girlfriend's cell phone.
There was no answer, he wanted to know if she wanted pizza but since she didn't answer he didn't get to. He looked at his phone oddly, thinking there must be something wrong with his service, Cory always answered her phone, which never gave him the chance to leave a voice mail. Putting the phone away he paid for the pizza, heading home now.
He kept wondering why she didn't answer the phone, it has been two days since this happened. He was madly in love with her, or like his father says it, he has the love jones. He laughed that off but he knew it was true.
To his surprise though he saw that his grandmother was on the front porch with his dad.
"Hey grandma, dad where's mom?"
"Your mother is at the super market, your grandmother just came here minutes ago, she's staying for the summer."
"Hey grandma."
"Hey sweetie, leave the pizza box by my feet I'll eat it for you." She laughed as she beckoned him to come to her.
He obeyed her and kissed her on the cheek.
"I have another surprise but I'll tell you this when we eat."
Going inside he rested the box on the kitchen counter, he slowly went up the stairs now thinking what his surprise could be, as well as the where abouts of his girlfriend.
His mind switched back and forth like a game of ping pong, he was hoping one of them would lose and die down soon.
With his luck it did. By six o'clock the family was down stairs in the kitchen eating the pizza.
"So do you want to know what's your surprise you haven't bothered to ask me at all?"
"Well you know how he is mom, he's too cool and calm to be bothering, right Julian?"
"You got it!" Sticking his thumbs up to his father he smiled and waited for his surprise.
"Well Julian I didn't know if you was going to be alone this summer soo....I had my friends granddaughter come out here for vacation, and to spend time with you."
Julian's mind dropped at the thought, he expected a five year old girl nagging him to play on the swings.
"Now I know what you're thinking, but trust me it would be great, they moved to Italy when she was younger, so yes she is your age, she has an accent and I don't think she has ever been to New York so you have to make her feel comfortable."
"Umm..." Julian now eyed everyone in the room, hoping this was a late April Fools, hoping someone would laugh and make fun of his face expressions.
"Oh, Doris I don't think he's too thrilled about this."
"Well it's too late Natasha, the girl would be arriving tomorrow she's excited about this, you think he would be to considering he can make a new friend. Look here you can say thank you, I go out my way to do something nice for you and you lose your manners."
"I'm...I'm sorry grandma I just lost a train of thought, It's not that I mean it like that I mean it is a great surprise, hey maybe I can learn some Italian, it's just.......what if I'm with Cory?"
"Well then me and her would spend some time, she's like family to me."
" who's picking her up and where would she stay at?"
"Well you are picking her up, as for a room we say the one below yours."
Everyone nodded in agreement, only he was still puzzled on the whole situation, he had his summer planned out now it was all a flop because of a foreign girl. This better be worth it he told himself.
That night he tried calling Cory, again there wasn't an answer. He started making excuses for her, his excuses ran until he fell asleep.
During his sleep his phone rang, he didn't want to pick it up but he thought it might be her so he reached for it.
"Hey what's up?" Noticing it wasn't a girls voice he groaned, anger flooded through him.
"Dude I was sleeping, what do you what Steven?"
"Sorry man, I was just checking where you are at, did you forget there was a party today, I see your girlfriend here but not you."
"Are you serious? There was a party today?"
"The party is still going man, how you not know? I thought I told her to tell you."
"I never got that memo, can I speak to her, what is she doing?"
"Well she's looking at me now, but she walked everything ok with the two of you?"
"I hope so man I hope so, but listen when you see her tell her to call me, I gotta let you go though have something to do in the morning."
"Oh what you have to do?"
"I'll tell you tomorrow, it's a stories worth." They hung up without saying goodbye, leaving Julian to go back to sleep.
It was the morning and he didn't even know.
"Hey you wake up, you have to go pick up my surprise."
Jolting awake he ran into the bathroom to freshen up, zooming out he started dressing and made haste downstairs.
"Are you coming with me grandma?"
"Oh no silly, I'm going to help your mother in the kitchen, make some breakfast by the time you get back. Here's a sign I made so she can notice you."
The sign read Daniela Portecelli, he had a hard time saying he last name. Scratching his head he went outside and saw his car waiting for him. He barely used it, so using it today he felt like a boy learning how to ride a two wheeled bike.
The ride to the airport was long, but he spent majority of the ride singing to the radio, not noticing his cell phone was ringing. Finally making it, he wanted to stay in the car and sleep. Going inside was the worst, people were bustling everywhere like ants running from the sun. He went over to gate six and saw the plane land, grateful it made a safe landing, but he was hoping it would hurry, he was tired and hungry at the same time.
He held the sign up to his chest, hoping it was good enough for her to see. Minutes passed and he still didn't see her come out, well he didn't know what she looked like but she could read. The last two people came out, the stewardess and a young girl. The stewardess pointed to wards Julian, and the girl walked up to him.
"Ciao, of course you know I am Daniela, are you Julian?" He caught the accent before it hit his face.
"Hey, and yea I'm Julian, you're staying in my house for a whole summer right?"
"Oh...sorry if it's an intrusion, I haven't been in the United States in years, so it's a wonderful thing being here."
"Yea it is." She noticed his lack of enthusiasm and kept quiet. They retrieved her bags, now walking out of the airport their lack of conversation grew dull.
"OMG! Daniela look how big you have gotten, I remember you when you were five now look at you, twirl darling twirl."
Daniela did as she was told and laughed. Julian settled her bags by the counter.
"Oh wow mom who's this lovely site you brought in my house?"
Julian sat back laughing low. "Natasha, Peter meet Daniela Portecelli, my friends granddaughter."
"Ciao, or should I say Hello?"
"Ooh Peter, hear how she says it...ciao! To die for, babe maybe we should to go Italy take a few mambo classes or something."
"Natasha don't play like that, I would book a flight right now." They all laughed except Julian. He was waiting for a phone call that never came, or so he thought. He checked his phone and excuse himself.
"Hey Steven what happened?"
"DUDEEE!! I don't know if that was her or not, but....I think she was kissing someone else, and when I tried to talk to Cory she walked away from. At the end of the party she said she would be going to your house today. Man I don't know if she kissed that guy or not I couldn't see her face."
Julian's world dropped, he didn't know if it was her either, but if it was would he forget about it and forgive her, or just break up with her. As he weighed the two options the door bell rang.
"Hello, who might you be?"
"I'm Cori, Julian's girlfriend is he here?"
His grandmother looked at everyone for approval, they nodded. Julian came to the door, grabbing Cory's hand he lead her around the house and to the back. Sitting down on the swinging chair he smiled at her.
"Hey babe, I missed you, what has been happening?"
"Oh nothing, I have been busy that's all."
" the party last night that you never told me about?" Her face tensed up, she didn't want him to know about that.
"I'm sorry Julian it probably slipped my mind, but I need to talk to you about something."
"Before you do, did you kiss someone at the party? Be honest I won't get angry."
She sighed and looked at her fingers.
"Julian I kissed another guy at the party, actually I have been dating that other guy for a while."
Before when he thought his world dropped, he had mistaken it for his jaw.
"Ok see now I can get angry."
"I didn't mean to hurt you Julian, I mean this just happened, he was more in-tuned with me and things are similar between us, me and you are so different it mixes up my brain."
"So what are you trying to say Cory."
"....I'm saying I want to break up with you....but..."
"But what?....Cory why? You knew I was in love with you then you cheat on me, when I told you from the beginning if your cheating on me let know, and then now you dump me for what for a guy who's just like you, that is so you do you know that, self centered."
Cory began to cry along with Julian. He wanted to kill her but the love he had stopped him.
"I'm sorry....I didn't mean for this really I didn't....but I think we could still be friends Julian." His eyes grew wild. He didn't know what to do with himself, his bangs covered his eyes and he felt them burn. His whole body felt like he was in boiling water.
"Get out....get the hell out of my yard my life, everything. You suck you know that? You're a prick, clap your hands Cory you achieved something not even I thought you could pull, so go clap your damn hands."
He took her hands and made them clap, pulling her up from the chair he pushed her to make her walk.
They were now crying, Cory ran back to the front, away from his house.
He fell down on the floor, breaking down he felt he skull break apart and explode in his body. He swore all the bone fragments broke free from his skin. He passed out, his grandmother witnessing the whole scene.
She ran to the living room calling her son to fetch Julian. Julian lay in his father's arm until he was brought in the living room, his grandmother checked him for any injuries. They laid him in his room, waiting for him to wake up.
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hey this was on quizilla but since i spend a lot of time on mibba n i only had four chapters on quizilla decided to take it over here hope you like : )