She Said We Can Still Be Friends

Spying? What The Hell Man

Julian's eyes began to move yet all he saw was darkness. He heard murmuring and wondered what dimension he had fallen into. His eyes slowly opened, but he felt uneasy to see the faces of his family along with Daniela. He groaned.
"Oh look at that Doris, my son isn't happy that he is awake."
"Well he certainly should be after what we did for him." He raised his hand to his head trying to see if it was still attached to his body. Daniela was far off in the room while the others were on his bed staring at him.
"What's going on? Why are you all around me?"
"Well son you kind of lost it last passed out again." He father spoke out to him.
"Well Pete he should be lucky I was watching him, I knew that girl was up to no good, you could see it in her face when she was at the door."
"Grandma....wait you was spying on me? What the hell man people have you ever heard of privacy? Let's all practice it ok." He felt the blood swirl within his skull.
"Mom he isn't very appreciative with moments like this....besides we should be glad he is awake. Let's go down stairs I have my chili cooking.
Everyone cheered up and followed Julian's father down the stairs, Daniela had stayed behind.
"How are you feeling?"
Julian looked at her, trying to stop the swirling movement in his head while trying to think of an answering.
"I feel...very dizzy."
"Don't worry that will go away soon enough, that sometimes happens to me too, your body over reacts to your emotions and just crashes down right?"
"Yea...then it feels like your body explodes, feels like a movie when everything fades to black."
"How do you know about that?"
"I just told you that sometimes happens to me, hasn't in a while though I try to keep happy thoughts or just listen to some music to calm me down."
His hand fell down from his head.
"Like wise, but last night was a special cause I guess." Her face drew in to a sad expression, she knew what had happened last night, she had saw the girl running from the side of the house.
Julian's cell phone rang, showing that it was Steven on the phone.
"Hey what's up Steven?"
"Ok we need an emergency meeting because I'm freaking out over here, let's meet at Stacy's diner pronto."
"Dude I don't feel well man, can you do a rain check?"
"No I can't....fine then we are going over to your house."
"Who's we?" The phone had already hung up when he asked. He looked at Daniela, telling her the story he wondered what had happened now.
"Maybe it's something to do with Cory." Julian shrugged his shoulder's, within a matter of five minutes Steven and two other guys were with him in Julian's room.
"Ok buddy what's going on man? I'm not liking what has been happening the past few days....who's this? summer just started man I do not need it messing up."
"Steven this is Daniela, Daniela that is Steven, Erik and Greg." The guys had waved at Daniela as she waved back.
"Ok Julian give me some answers."
"Steven I don't even know what your talking about man. You're not making sense to me."
"Cheese its man....I'm talking about you and Cory, me and Tina....these other guys who are coming through."
"What about us?"
Steven had hit his forehead with his hand in despair.
"Daniela what is wrong with this kid?"
"He had an accident last night."
"Well that explains why you didn't answer my phone calls, I thought you was killing the other guy. Well Cory had told Tina that you broke up with her, that you was cheating on her with some other girl or did she say guy....and then NOW I hear Tina is cheating on me but people are asking me if I'm cheating on her. And what the hell happened to you last night?"
Julian sat there in his bed taking in every word Steven was saying. He felt like his skull was an amusement park now, the blood acting like people on water slides, making messes throughout the park grounds.
"....I didn't cheat on Cory she cheated on me, I'm definitely not gay that's second. Third Tina probably is cheating on you, Cory and Tina had become these diva chicks who just don't care....and Cory literally told me we can still be friends." The guys had made a sound from the back, now going in Julian's closet to pull out chairs. They had been watching Daniela sit on a stool and were envying her.
"Julian those are some harsh words she had said to you my friend, sorry you had to hear that. But you know what that means right? That if all fails with her boyfriend she would crawl back to you."
Julian laughed but abruptly stopped, he contemplated that thought, now shaking it away.
"So what's up with you and Tina?"
"DUDE she has been acting weird ever since you and Cory broke up man. Like she has been ignoring me, but yet when I'm talking to another girl or one of the guys she jumps in and tries to claim me as hers, sometimes I smell another scent on her on like the other side of her neck."
"She's cheating on you." Daniela had spoken out, her eyes now wide because she didn't know if that was the right thing to say.
"How do you know?"
"In Italy I see girl's cheat all the time, besides I think me being a girl I should know...she's becoming territorial because she knows she cheated, she's ignoring you because she wants to break away, and to stupid that she leaves the scent of the guy on her shirt or neck."
"Julian you have to keep her around man, we need her female wisdom."
Julian had looked at Steven, when he first met him he didn't think of him as a friendly guy, considering he is tall and nicely built into his figure. Julian thought of him as a jock, he looked for the weak ones, until they bumped into each other, Steven had complimented him on his skateboard.
Erik had spoke out now. "So what are you going to do about Tina?"
"I'm going to dump her ass before she can get to me, I could be out there roaming now, but she is holding me back, you know she has been acting like that ever since I started dating her, never noticed till now."
"Well buddy there is a first time for everything, would be messed up if it was a college guy man, I hate those guys." Greg had voiced his opinion now.
Everyone had nodded their head, turning their head at the opening door to see Julian's father.
"Hey guys are you staying for chili night?" They turned to look at Julian who had shrugged. His friends shrugged at his father.
"I'll take that as a yes, great I have enough for all."
"Ok I may have shrugged but man I love chili night at your house." They all laughed at Greg's appetite.
After lunch the talk had become more silenced.
"Julian tomorrow come to Dead Man's Lane, we going to hand out and just I don't know do shit, probably go to the beach later on that night."
"Gotcha." The guys had left, taking their plates to the kitchen as Julian and Daniela stayed in the room watching the emptiness of the door.