She Said We Can Still Be Friends

Boring Boyfriend

It was the middle of the night already, Daniela had been in her new bed, wondering what tomorrow will bring.
A light came in to her room falling on her feet first then working up to her face. She knew it wasn't the moon for the light was too strong.
"What's going on?"
"Hey it's me grandmother must have given someone my number because they are asking for you." She sat up now, feeling relief as she reached for the phone. Nodding her head in thanks, she began to speak to the person on the other line.
"Buona sera zia, come stai?" Her conversation seem to quicken as Julian stood there trying to understand what she was saying.
"I'm sorry....that was my aunt."
"Oh cool, is everything ok?"
Daniela smiled. "Yes everything is great, found out my mother is pregnant, well she has been for four months already, we never knew because she never showed."
"Oh wow that's crazy congrats."
"Thank you, sorry for the phone call though I didn't mean to wake you."
"It was nothing, I was already up, you know thinking about all the stuff that happened so far, I just want this to be a good summer so far it just keeps getting worst."
"To be honest, I didn't think this was a good idea of me coming. Since I didn't know anyone and I didn't want to ruin your vacation by showing me around."
"Feel the same way, well I'm off to bed, see you in the morning."
She dropped her facial expression, Daniela thought she was boring him.
" about me and you just go to the kitchen, get some cookies and probably stay up to watch tv?"
Daniela smiled now getting up from her bed to follow Julian.
Julian took the pack of oreos from the cup board, taking out two glasses filling them with milk he handed Daniela her milk and proceeded to go through a door leading in to the living room.
Sitting down Julian spoke first. "Can I call you 'D' for short?"
"Sure that's what my friends back home call me anyway."
" what do you think of my friends so far? I mean they are weird and can be rude sometimes but they obviously like you."
Daniela dipped her cookie into the milk giving her time to replay the day in her head.
"Well Steven seems a bit intimidating, Erik seems like the shy one and Greg reminds me of a person who just goes with it. Mainly for the food at least." They laughed as Julian nodded his head.
"Yea Steven does seem intimidating but he is like a big teddy bear, don't tell him I said that, Erik is shy but once he starts talking to you man he doesn't shut up and Greg does eat a lot but he usually plans things. That was just the four of us, there are more when you meet them today. You would think we are a mob, but we just all drive out and skate around, we go eat then during the night we head out to the a ceremony during the beginning of summer we do that at least."
"Back home there are some roads where it isn't safe to walk through but me and my friends do it anyway, and if you keep going along it leads to this cliff, from our cliff you can see the back of my house along with a waterfall that is in hiding...we sometimes swim down in there when we feel it is hot enough. It isn't a lot of friends as you might have, just a small number."
The television was on casting lights across the room, no sound penetrated though, Julian had muted it when the conversation began to pick up.
"Wow, that sounds more exciting compared to what we do, which isn't much. But like back home do you have a boyfriend or something? Or a best friend?"
"Uh yes I do have a boyfriend, he is one my mother suggested, he is good to me but a little umm, boring a bit he doesn't know how to let loose. My mother thinks if I love him in the future we can marry to join families together, I don't see it that way though. As for best friends I have one of those as well, her name is Maria, she reminds me of Steven."
"Oh a girl version of Steven has to be interesting."
Daniela laughed. "Yes it is actually, she is a strong fighter, she holds her ground well. Her along with my grandmother are coming out here to visit soon enough. My grandmother misses your's and Maria never been to the United States but I have taught her English."
"That's nice do you know exactly when they are visiting?"
Daniela was now looking around, she was now fidgeting and trying to fight off the nerves she felt.
"They are actually coming tomorrow. Sorry, my grandmother is going to stay in a hotel but I just found out, my grandmother misses your's so she is coming and bringing Maria to accompany me just in case I get bored."
Julian had stared at his cup of milk, watching his cookie sink to the bottom. Great another girl in the house, he thought it would be even more problematic now considering he had to deal with another person.
"Well great then now she can definitely meet Steven."
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just to let you know i got the inspiration for this story because of one of my favorite songs by Emery - The Ponytail Parade great friggin song and yea it rocks lol