She Said We Can Still Be Friends

Arm Wrestling Goes To The Girl

He couldn’t help but wonder if she was jealous so fast. If she was jealous she had no right to be she cheated on him and left him so whatever she felt is garbage.
Daniela stood her ground with Maria right next to her; two average height girls with their tanned skins making the rest look so pale compared to them.
Julian came up next to Daniela while Steven went to grab Tina.
“What are you doing around here? You need an invitation from us to join us?”
“What is it you are saying? Invitation? Don’t need one I came with a friend but if you don’t mind I would like to relax and have fun in New York.”
“Italian huh? Go back to your country.”
“You wish your country was as grand as ours, Americana girl think you are smart and pretty? I see ugly.”
Cory was now upset, the rage took over.
“Stop being a slut you want sloppy seconds then take them but don’t disrespect me.”
“A sloppy second would be you, giving away your ice cream when a person should have the whole truck, sloppy that is you, and to gain respect give it back.”
Julian went in between the girls, pushing Cory away. He hated her but he knew that was just a cover up for the hurt. He still loved her deep down inside.
“Cory why are you acting like? You don’t even know her.”
“Exactly why…can’t just let anyone hang out with us.”
“Well then I have the right to kick you out of the damn group then don’t I? Cheating on me? That’s an automatic kick out if I say so myself. Only reason why you stay is because of Tina so be glad and don’t start shit. Have a problem with Daniela and Maria get over it.”
Julian walked away from her, going back to the girls to apologize. Steven was having an issue of his own. Once more Tina smelled like someone else and she had the nerve to be territorial.
He didn’t understand her so he let her talk it out with Cory.
Greg flew by, his skateboard zooming without him knowing how to stop.
Steven laughed at him and continued to walk to Julian.
“Are you ready for some beach time?”
“It is too early.” He nodded his head, picking at one of Julian’s fries.
“So Daniela told me that Maria is a lot like you.”
“Really? Well ask her if she would like to challenge me in an arm wrestling contest.”
Daniela laughed and asked her friend. Maria agreed putting her elbow on the hood of the car as Steven did the same.
Every one circled around to see the challenge. Tina pushed the guys to the side to see the show, angry that Steven would flirt with another girl in front of her.
“Ok we have a six foot two inches and a hundred and seventy five pounds made of pure muscle in this corner. On the other side is a foreign girl from the land of Italy, she is currently single, smoking hot and an amazing accent. Let’s get ready to rumble.”
Greg moved to the side as they clasped on to each others hands both trying to pin the other.
Maria smiled at Steven while he looked at his hand. He had pinned her down, throwing his hands in the air, winning the first round.
Second round had gone to her proving she was his equal. Steven shook hands with her throwing her arm in the air declaring her a champ. Tina took that moment to go up to him and wrap her arm around his neck. The envy turning the color of her skin green.
She kissed his neck feeling better. Daniela looked at Steven.
Steven hugged Tina but pushed her away when he smelled the cologne. When he walked off she followed calling his name.
“Why are you walking away from me?”
“Because I just don’t get you Tina, one moment you want me the next you don’t then you smell like some other guy? For real what’s up with that? I mean it is either you stick with me or you just let me go like your best friend did to mine. You cheating on me I get it you’re a slut it is in your nature but don’t act like I’m yours when you don’t want me.” Her mouth dropped open, he called her a slut.
A slut out of all names is not appropriate for someone like her, she deserved the term hoe.
But it wasn’t in his nature to judge.
“I’ll forgive you this once Steven but do it again and that is it.” She left him now standing by another car.
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very short i know but im tired and my eye sight is doubling on me lol so i promise i will give you a longer one