She Said We Can Still Be Friends

Credit Cards And Dollar ***s

Steven had laid in his bed all night, sleep wouldn't wash over him like it usually does. And that night was when he desperatly wanted to sleep.
His cieling was molding, his bed was breaking. The pipes are always leaking and his dad, his dad never pays for anything but the bills. His mother puts in the hard work.
The sounds of tires screeching across the pavement filled his ears but they came to a sudden stop. The headlights filling in his room. He looked out the window and saw the lights turn off.
Both doors opened and a massive sound of giggling filled the front yard.
Steven stood up and jumped over Julian. He was awake as well, waiting for Steven to say something.
"Where are you going?"
"My father showed up." Julian didn't have to ask what the urgency was for. He knew, he knew no man shows up at the door of their house at this time with his wife waiting in bed for him.
They ran together down the stairs and landed at the front door. Before his father obtained the chance to open the door Steven did it for him.
His father's face was pressed against the face of a girl much younger than him.
When his father pulled away from her he let out a sigh and looked at his son. His shirt was open and his pants were loose. His hair that is usually slicked back is not standing at end. Her fingers playing with his ends.
"Who are they?"
"Nastachia go back in the car sweetie I'll be right there." She sighed and pouted her thin lips at him. Her body was too skinny, her bones could break with just lifting a finger.
She slowly walked back to the car putting on a show.
"Okay Steven, now I know I told you don't tell but this time you have to make certain you don't. Same goes for you." His father pointed at Julian, giving him a warning that didn't hold anything.
"Give me your wallet dad." His father laughed and tried to step in the house.
Steven blocked his path and pushed him back.
"Son you don't want to mess with me."
"Give me your wallet dad because I don't want to repeat it. You owe us so much for being a snake and cow now give me that wallet. I am going to use your cards and purchase anything I want. If you terminate them so help I will go to your job and break your bones along with hers."
His father took his wallet out of his jacket pocket and tossed it to him.
"Don't over charge it kiddo."
"Shut up, you seriously thought you could come home with another woman while mom is home? Really how retarded can you be?"
"I-I was just going...
"You was going to do what? Have sex on the couch? Maybe on the same bed while mom pretends to sleep."
"No I was just going to go inside with um...with...
"Forgot her name already? No excuse for what you could possibly do in a house with people in it. No possible reason for you to cheat on your wife and son."
Steven grabbed his fathers jacket bringing him closer.
"Get out of our lives, don't come back, and keep paying the bills to these cards because trust me I will use them."
Steven threw his father back, rushing inside and closing the door. Locking it and making sure that the curtains covered the windows.
He hated the curtains, the stains and dust that lingered on them.
His house was disgusting in his eyes, the life of a street dog would use this house as his own.
"What are you going to do with the cards?"
"I'm going to shop tomorrow. You and the girls will come, I will paint, I will fix the tiles and change the locks and also I will fix the pipes. I will get a damn dog and I will fix my room up."
"What about the twins?"
"They are never here so they don't count."
They ran up to his room making a list of things to buy. Checking the amount of money on each card. His father keeps the passwords of each one taped to the card.
His mother heard it all. Her ears pricked as she heard the sound of his car hit the gravel.
She felt joy in the way her son defended her.
She also felt bad, the years she spent on her husband for nothing, the way her son stole from him.
She didn't raise him that way, but it didn't hurt her knowing how he was going to spend it.
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okay so its been a while sue me (please don't)

gave it a new edge different line, and the next chapter will have more on what they actually spend

Yay for thievery and shopping lmao