She Said We Can Still Be Friends

Too Long Of A Day

Steven's mother woke to an empty house. There was a note scotch taped to his door stating that he was gone for the rest of the day.
She tried to worry but she knew what he ws going to do.

"Okay maybe I should spilt this up so we can get a lot done."
Julian was tired and also wondering why he was spending his summer vacation shopping.
"The girls can do the shopping for the house like you know girl stuff, curtains, shoes and make up what ever you think she needs. Me and Julian can get the guy stuff."
"What does that mean?"
"No no, I'm not good with stuff like you understand? You both clicked with my mom so hopefully you know what you can get her. Besides your both Italian so I thought ya have good taste."
Maria laughed, she clapped her hands and waited for the instructions to get more detailed.
Steven took Julian's Jeep and drove them to the mall. Leaving the girls on the sidewalk.
He started to drive away when Julian stopped him.
"How are they going to pay for the stuff if the credit card is in your father's name?"
Steven drove back and found a parking spot in the front. He prayed knowing that the spot was luck.
The girls stood where he left them, waiting for him to come up.
"Sorry I forgot."
The girls laughed at him and walked away.
Steven looked at Maria, her long orange hair coming down her back. She wore black capris and a teal shirt. She had on flats the same color.
"She's pretty, realness to her man."
"Who are we talking about now?"
"We are talking about Maria man wake up."
"Sorry no breakfast or coffee in my system I'm out of it. But continue what you were saying."
"Well I was saying that she is hot, more real than Tina which any one is realler than Tina."
The guys laughed and walked up to the girls who stopped in the center of the mall.
They saw acy's and went in that direction.
As soon as they started to walk again Steven saw Tina coming out of Sephora with two bags.
"Steven...Steven sweetie come here."
Steven didn't budge instead he stood where he was and stared at her.
Tina walked to him, taking in the crowd as she always does.
"Hey what's up?"
"What's up? Baby I'm not one of the guys talk to me normally, what are you doing tonight?"
"Fixing up my house why?"
"Wow what are you doing to it?"
"Everything Tina." He was getting annoyed and she was already bored. She thought his house was a pig pen, not worthy of fixing up.
"You should move out of there babe might be contaminated you know?"
Steven didn't answer her, instead he kept walking to Macy's ignoring Tina as she tried to run after him.

It was night time when they had finished shopping and made their way back home. Though the economy was down they still found a way to shop more.
Every one was exhausted, but their skins smelled wonderful.
"Do you like the perfume?"
"Thank you it smells nice."
Maria nodded her head and Julian patted Steven's shoulder.
"Steven you do know we have to shower and eat right?"
"I forgot sorry...drop me off and then go home."
"Come with so she doesn't see the bags."
"Okay but let's stop by the diner, eat and I can give her something."
Steven did what he said. He drove over and saw the dinner crowd stuffing their faces off of the steak and potatos. Smiles on their faces as they flung food around from their fork.

"Hey you what are you doing in here at this time?"
"Came to eat and give you something."
Marjorie sat them at a booth and took their orders. Steven waited till their food was on their table to give her the long boxes he had.
Her eyes lit up, her mouth hung open from the shock.
Her heart couldn't take it.
He laughed and kissed her on the cheek.
Sterling silver necklace and bracelet. Crystal bubbles hanging from them.
She once told him a story of how she used to blow bubbles for everything, including funerals.
She loved the colors and magic of them.
Her fingers touched the cold metal and she began to tremble.
"Now you don't have to wear those ugly jewelry sets dad bought you. You have genuine stuff right here."
The diner clapped for her and a woman at another booth hit her husband, declaring he buy her something special.
"Oh this is to-I can't-Steven dammit." She started to cry. "Oh I almost forgot to tell you, the twins are coming home from college."
"In two more days baby I'm so happy, I have my family and oh it's going to be a great week."
"Okay that's good, hey I'm staying at Julian's for the night will be home tomorrow."
She nodded her head and went back to work.
They ate their meal, talking very little, the girls trying to understand the boys and vice versa.
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oh wow took me so long to write this damn chapter....lmao almost three hours thats sad man

but i was trying to wrap it up which I did.
my favorite part would have to be when Marjorie(steven's mom) is trying to say something but she keeps cutting her self off classic

Hope you enjoyed : ) now time to update my other stories