She Said We Can Still Be Friends

Don't Watch What You Don't Want To See

As soon as they entered Julian's house they all went to their rooms and got ready to shower.
They fell asleep quickly, not a single word escaping their mouths besides good nite.
Julian's mind wandered over onto Cory, he wanted to know what she was thinking, how she was feeling at that precise moment.
He washed the thought away with a new one. His summer was already starting off in a rocky montain and he couldn't for the life of him understand why.
He prayed for a moment, picturing Zeus in a chair of clouds looking at his small body in amusement.
That's why, he answered his own question, because Julian was human and the mere sight of one is hilarious, causing for commotions.
He sighed; rolling over to his stomach and pulling the pillow close to his face.
His eyes closing quickly, needing the sleep to cover him like a blanket on a cold day.

Julian woke up to his grandmother singing. She passed by his room five times singing La Vie En Rose, pretending to be French.
He took his extra pillow and placed it over his head but he still heard her and more loudly than he expected.
When he pulled the pillow off of him he found that she entered the room twirling and singing. Humming and quickly moving her feet around.
"What are you doing?"
"Lovely day, I feel love in the air, yes I do." She laughed and hummed out of his door. Leaving the door open so the light can come through. Daniela and Maria dragged their feet into his room and closed the door behind them. Daniela plopped herself on the floor next to Steven and Maria laid next to Julian.
"My grandmother sang a song in Italian, they met downstairs and sang together...too tired."
"Mmmhm" Julian mumbled through his teeth, his body falling back to sleep.
Steven woke up screaming. Everyone else jumped from their spots.
"Why are you screaming? Shut up!"
"Tina and her purse...and these crazy twirling thingies all around." He shivered and laid back down. Trying to clear away the dream.
Julian sat up throwing his pillow at the door and screaming. Daniela sat up glaring at him and Maria rolled to the floor landing on Daniela.
"Shh maybe if you lay down and close your eyes we all can sleep."
Their eyes were blood shot and the eye lids were heavy.

They had all dressed, preparing them selves for what was going to happen in the house.
When they entered the living it was the same as before.
"When are the twins coming again?"
"This weekend."
"Well, let's get to work then."
The boys tackled the living room first. Taking the sofa's and throwing them outside. The coffee table stood in the backyard as a keeper.
The girls went upstairs to repair the bathroom. The glued on the tiles and scrubbed the tub.
Maria scrubbed the walls and sink while Daniela tackled the floors and toilet.
It was still early in the day, they each had coffee to keep they awake. The hours didn't go fast enough, only ten minutes had passed announcing that it was only eleven-ten in the morning.
Julian and Steven fixed and let it sit while Julian went to the kitchen and painted the walls white.
Steven painted each cabinet black.
An hour had passed when the girls said they finished the bathroom. Steven ran upstairs to check and to his surprise it was done.
No stains or dirt anywhere in the bathroom. Nothing hung in there yet because he wanted to wait til the house was ready for it.
Steven went back downstairs and have the girls help spread the tarp on the floor. The living room was getting a shade of red that his mother always picked out but never bought.
The primer was set on first which brightened up the living at first.
"Now we aren't going to do my mother's room yet, I want her to be a part of that because it's her room. But we can do my room that's for sure."
The girls started to sing songs in Italian that the boys didn't know.
By two o'clock the house was a big turn around. The kitchen had replaced many of its utensils and cook ware along with the bakeware.
The living room had no sofas but a coffee table. The tiles shined and the paint brought a certain mood they couldn't explain.

The girls went back upstairs to decorate the bathroom. They found the closet of curtains and towels and threw out the old ones. Julian came up with the can of white paint and started there.
Steven went into the small kitchen to put all the pots and pans away. He opened up all the windows in the house because he forgot so the stench of fresh paint filled their nostrils.
Another two hours passed when they were ready to finish decorating. He still had to leave her clothes and accessories in the bags.
But the rest of the house sparkled.
It was close to seven when they truly finished the works in the house. New curtains hung in the living room.
The house now smelled of apple cinnamon due to the candles.
"Your house looks great man."
Steven gave a pound to Julian as his mother came in the house. Her eyes down and counting to herself.
"Hey ma what's up?"
She went to place her back on the hook but found it wasn't there. She looked up and saw it was on the other side behind the door.
She hung up her jacket as well.
"It smells good sweetie."
He stopped his mother from moving and picked her head up. He turned her around and made her look at the wall.
She jumped up and crashed into him; screaming.
"What's all this? Where are the sofas Steven? What happened to the walls and my floors?"
"We fixed it all...I threw away the sofas because I'm getting new ones."
She touched his face, and took in the color of the room.
The kitchen illuminated as Maria flicked on the switch to reveal the white walls and black cabinets.
His mother left him and went to see it all. She saw the new clothes that hung from the handle of the oven.
The new dishes in the cabinets.
The whole hallways that connected each room had the same tiles. The color splashing everywhere.
"It will be better than me on that one okay? Me and you are going to fix up your room together. And then you can help me with mine."
"What about the twins?"
"They can get their own stuff."
"Don't act that way sweetie, this is-this is marvelous. I couldn't ask for a better gift any time of the day. But I need some sofas Steven." She laughed causing them to laugh.
They looked at the coffee table and realized they really did need it.
She walked over to him hugging him.
"Go, go out and have fun, this must have taken hours and hours of work to pull this off. Oh it's like drinking wine off my walls you don't understand. Wine I need wine and pie, I still have pie, is there wine left?"
"Yes in the den on the wine rack." She nodded her head, her fingers laced while her index fingers tapped her lips.
"Baby go have fun, I'm going to live in this right now. I am going to live in my house tonight. Tomorrow I will take the day off and will fix up our rooms, be and you kiddo. The team."
She grabbed his hand and took it all in.
Maria grabbed Marjorie's hand and pulled her up the stairs and showed her the bathroom.
Marjorie screamed again.
"Look at this, oh my what am I going to do when you guys leave? Can I go to Italy with you?"
She came back downstairs.
"I'm going to take a long hot bath and eat pie and drink wine. All I need is the bubbles."
Julian went to his car and digged in the remaining backs for the box. When he found it he came and handed it to Steven.
"Its like soap bubbles but in brick form. Drop it in the warm water and it fizzes and makes bubbles."
She jumped up and down, kissing her son's face.
She took her pie and wine and went upstairs turning on the bathroom water.

Steven changed out of his clothes and took Julian back to his place so the the rest can change as well.
Steven said that Erick told him there was another party tonight and that they should go.
So they did, Julian had on navy blue tight fitting jeans with a white shirt and navy blue vest.
Maria had on purple shirt, tights and her purple flats. Her hair was braided in two long separate braids while her bangs cut to the side.
Daniela had on black jeans with green flats and forest green tank top. Her hair in two buns.
Steven wore what he usually wears, his denim jeans with a graphic tee, this time it said said 'I'm allergic to love'.
When they walked through the door they saw everyone dancing. They went to the kitchen to find Greg and Erik taking a shot. Tina was staring and Cory was laughing with a guy they didn't recognize.
Julian knew immediatly who it was as soon as they kissed.
He felt he entered a black hole, sucking his life away as he stood there watching.
♠ ♠ ♠
Uh Oh what do you think Julian is going to do next?
Walk Away?
Punch the guy?
Or Snatch Cory and curse at her?
Or get really drunk and make a fool of himself?

Hmm...which one would you pick if you saw something like that?

I WANT COMMENTS!! i feel like no one is reading this and that makes me sad :(