Status: Hiatus until inspiration returns

And When I Lose Myself I Think of You

Together We'll Be Running Somewhere New

Okay, maybe if I’m really quiet, he won’t hear me. Of course, knowing my luck, I’ll be found in the most annoying way possible. That’s just my luck for you.

I sitting as still and quiet as possible when I sneezed, causing me to hit my head on the underside of the small table I was sitting under. “FUCK!” I yelled, “My fucking head! Ow!”

“Found you!” I heard my boyfriend, Bill, say when he looked under the table. Well shit. I suck at hide-and-seek.

I stuck my tongue out at him. “No fair. There’s dust under here. It was working with you and against me, causing me to sneeze. It cheated,” I said.

He shook his head and I crawled out from under the table. “I win,” he said.

“Nah-uh. You still have to find the G’s and your darling brother who seems to be PMSing,” I told him standing up.

“I found Georg. He was in his bunk. Gustav and Tom are still not found,” he said.

“Where’s Georg now?”

“In his bunk still. He said he felt like being lazy today so he wasn’t getting out of his bunk.”

“Ah. Where do you think Tom and Gustav are?”

“Let’s check the bathroom.”

I nodded and we started towards the bathroom. Bill looked at me and put a finger to his lips before opening the door. “Ah-ha! I found you Gusti!” he said.

“Scheisse Bill! Was die Hölle?” Gustav asked before walking out of the bathroom. He saw me and asked, “He found you as well?”

I nodded. “Did you happen to see where Tom hid?” Bill asked.

“Tom? He left,” Gustav replied.

“Was? Warum?” Bill asked.

“Ich weiss nicht. Er ist wahrscheinlich dabei, gelegt zu werden. Wieder,” Gustav replied.

“Scheisse,” Bill said before pulling out his phone. From what I’ve caught as long as I’ve been hanging out with them, Tom’s probably gone to go get laid. Again. But whatever. He hasn’t spoken to me since I started dating Bill. Not that he should care. But whatever. That boy confuses me.

“Tom, where are you? Come on! I’m hungry and I was hoping all of us could go out to eat. Of course you already ate. Look, whatever. Meet us at McDonalds when you’re not PMSing,” Bill said before hanging up his phone, “I’m going to kill him one of these days.”

“No, you won’t Bill. Because then you would be über depressed and we can’t have that. Plus the band would be minus a guitarist and you may end up in jail for killing your brother. And trust me Billa, you wouldn’t last in jail too long,” I told him.

He stuck his tongue out at me. “Come on, I say we go to McDonalds and eat. I’m hungry. After that, who knows what we’ll do,” he said before wrapping an arm around my shoulders.

We nodded and Georg (who showed up when Bill mentioned something about food) and Gustav walked off the bus. I started towards the door and I felt a slender hand wrap itself around my wrist. I looked behind me to see that it was Bill. “Ja?” I asked.

He just smiled and planted a kiss on my lips. “Come on Bri,” he said, “Let’s go before Georg and Gustav think we’re doing something.”

I nodded and grabbed his hand before we walked off the bus and caught up with the Gs.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ich weiss nicht. Er ist wahrscheinlich dabei, gelegt zu werden. Wieder. - I don't know. He's probably gone to go get laid. Again.

Short, I know. but it's the first chapter. it'll get better. (i hope)