Status: Hiatus until inspiration returns

And When I Lose Myself I Think of You

I'm Staring At An Open Door

Yay Micky D’s! Of course, it would be so much better if his royal pissyness (aka Tom) would actually stop being…well, pissy.

I was munching on my honey mustard crispy chicken snack wrap as Bill took a sip of his vanilla Triple Thick Shake. That boy gets the same thing every time. Big Mac, six piece chicken nuggets, and a vanilla shake. Me? I’m not boring like Bill. I usually mix it up every time. This time I got the chicken snack wrap, small fry, and chocolate milkshake.

Bill looked over at me and scrunched up his nose as I took a sip of my shake. “Really Bri? Why chocolate?” he asked.

“Because chocolate is amazing. You are so missing out Billy boy,” I replied.

Both Kaulitz twins rolled their eyes at me. “Was? I’m right and you both know it,” I said.

“Whatever you say Bri,” Bill said when someone’s phone started ringing. Tom automatically reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone. He flipped it open and answered it.

“Hallo? Ja. In front of me. He didn’t? His phone’s probably dead. Again. Yeah I know. I’ll tell him. Yup. Okay. Love you, too mom. Bye,” Tom said before closing his phone, “Bill, where’s your phone?”

Bill patted his pockets. “On the bus,” Bill replied.

“Well, that was mom. She wants you to call her back when you get the chance.”

“Got it.”

I looked between the twins. They hardly ever speak anymore. I think it started…fuck when did it start? Ah man! It started after Bill and I started dating! Damn it!

I sighed in frustration. “Are you okay, Bri?” Bill asked.

I nodded. “Headache,” I half-lied. All this thinking was giving me a headache.

I rested my head on the table when a hand tapped on my arm. I looked and saw two little…well, whatever color Ibuprofen pills are in someone’s hand. I looked up the arm to see that it was Tom. I weakly smiled and took the pills from him. “Danke,” I said.

He nodded. I popped the two little pills in my mouth and washed them down with my milkshake. I grabbed my chicken wrap and took a bite of it, mulling over stuff. My mom and “step-dad” haven’t tried to contact me since the day they called on private numbers. Of course, that doesn’t mean that they’re aren’t thinking of trying to. They just haven’t.

I looked at Bill out of the corner of my eye as he took a sip of his shake, smiling inwardly as I did so. He’s sweet. Really sweet. I don’t know how I got lucky enough to get a guy like him. The farthest we’ve gone is kissing. He knows that’s I’m apprehensive about going further. That’s what makes him so amazing.

I glanced across from me at Tom. Why won’t he talk to me? It’s driving me crazy that I don’t know why. I’m half tempted to shove him in a closet and lock it, not letting him out until he told me why he won’t talk to me. Hmmm, if I weren’t so little, I would do that. But, alas, I’m small and weak compared to Tom. Damn my littleness!

I started stirring my shake with my straw when I was poked in my right side, the side Gustav was sitting on. I looked over at his royal quietness and asked, “Gusti? Did you poke me by any chance?”

He shook his head. “Nope. Never dreamed of it,” he replied.

I rolled my eyes and just poked him back. He smiled and rolled his eyes again before taking a bite of his burger. What can I say? Gustav’s fun. He’s like a big brother I wish I always had.
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Another update.

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