With This Ink in Our Skin We've Sealed Our Fate


Have you ever wanted something for so long, that you started doubting that you'd ever get it? I know how that feels. My name is Brielle Sanders, but everyone calls me Bree Shadows or Bree Bloodshed. I've been called everything from a scene queen to a stupid cunt. Yes, I am in the public eye. I'm a model, and my older brother is the singer of a band, Avenged Sevenfold. This is my story, about how people think they can talk shit on myspace, and how I had the chance to get the one boy who's always had my heart.

"Mommy, who are they?" the young, black haired boy asked.

His mother smiled, "Baby, those are your little sisters."

"So, are they coming home with us?"

She laughed, "Of course."

The little boy made a confused face, "Why?"

"Because they are my babies," the woman explained patiently.

The young boy looked sad, "I thought I was your baby."

The woman smiled, "Matt, don't be silly. You'll always be my baby."

The little boy grinned, "Even when I'm 25 and have big muscles?"

"Even when you're 25," the woman said, smiling.


"Mom! Tell Brielle to leave me and Brian alone!" a 9 year old Matt Sanders complained.

"Sweetheart, you know she likes to hang out with you."

"But she won't go away!"

The woman sighed, "Brielle, sweetheart, why don't you help Mommy make some cookies?"

The young girl stomped her right foot, crossed her arms, pouted, and said, "Fine."

Matt smiled triumphantly, "Yay!!"

Brian smiled at Brielle, "I'll come get a cookie, I promise."

Brielle smiled "Okay."

The two boys ran out to the front lawn, playing with their action figures in the hot California sun. The young girl and her mom got the ingredients, the only talking was the little girl asking if the thing in her hand was correct. After everything was gathered, her mother looked at her, while mixing all the ingredients together

"Baby, why do you like to follow Matt and Brian around, Rose never does."

The little girl smiled, "Cause, Mommy, I'm gonna marry Brian one day."

Her mother smiled, "Does Brian know that?"

The little girl smiled again, "Not yet."


"Bree, its entirely pointless to have a crush on a 20 year old. Especially Brian."

"Thanks for the encouragement, Rose, but he's with Michelle."

"You mean if he wasn't, you'd go for it?"


"Bree, you're only 16!"

"It doesn't matter, he's with Michelle. I'm waiting until I'm older."


"Synyster Gates, stop staring at my sister!"

"Dude, I'm sorry."

"You're still doing it!"

"I can't stop!"

"Well, stop!"

"But Matt, she's so gorgeous."

"She's only 19. I don't want you doing anything to her until she's atleast 20."

"Ugh, fine. Fuckface."


"Bree, I have to tell you something," Val said.

Bree knew what was coming, "What?"

"Brian and Michelle--"

"--are back together," Bree finished, "Happy 21st birthday."


"Bree, you are such a hoe!"

"Fuck you, Michelle, I didn't do anything!"

"You don't stop flirting with him!"

"Are you just jealous that I've known him since I was 4?"

"You whore!"