Status: Completed

Good Girl Wants A Bad Boy

Nina Drenen:
Good Girl, straight A's, parent's perfect child, always listens, never late, doesn't dress in a "bad" way.
PERFECT everything. :-P
Every parents' dream child.
And most importantly virgin.
Adam Cheslock
Bad Ass, punk, F's, hates his parents, never wants to listen, lets just say the exact bipolar opisite of Nina.
And is NOT a virgin and is a father in 3 different states.
Now do you wanna see what will happen when these two fall for eachother?
Then read this, but trust me there is blood,sex,violence,and language ;)
It's summer break, and time to party, so let's see what will happen :)
goes from Nina to Adam's POV each chapter.
O yah this is so NOT like a romeo and juliet story, well in away maybe >:) but you will just have to read..
Enjoy :)


  1. Summer Break Begins
    Nina Drenen POV, this is the VERY begging of summer break :D
  2. Summer Break Begins (second party)
    Adam POV, so here it is the bad boy ;) YAY
  3. Romeo? and Juliet of Summer
    ok so i havent read the actual play yet so im gonna go by what my shorter version says while she is readin so DONT bug me about that. :D Nina POV
  4. Romeo? and Juliet of Summer (part 2)
    Adam POV lol here yah go..
    Nina POV
  6. WHAT THE HELL?! (part2)
    Adam POV
  7. Beach and Blood
    Nina POV
  8. Beach and Blood (part 2)
    ADAM POV sorry it took so long
  9. ***&Love
    Nina POV
  10. ***&Love (part2)
    Adam POV, sorry it is short :(
  11. I love you!
    pretty depressing Nina POV
  12. I love you! (part2)
    Adam POV
  13. This Can't Be
    Nina POV
  14. This Can't Be (part 2)
    Adam POV
  15. Mother&Father SUCK
    Nina POV
  16. Mother&Father SUCK (the end)
    Adam POV..short