Status: Completed

Good Girl Wants A Bad Boy

Summer Break Begins

I rolled over and hit the snooze button HARD, Ugh.
"What the heck? Why is it going off during summer break?" I asked myself out loud.
I blinked my eyes, and got up off my pink comfy bed, I looked in the full body mirror, my pajamas were still neat looking, my light pink silk bottoms, and dark pink cami from american eagle, I smoothed my hands over my dark brunette shoulder length hair, and ruffeled my long bangs. I stretched, yawned and walked off to the bathroom.
I walked into the bright pink with white stiped bathroom and looked in the mirror, no flaws on my light skin, my eyes looked well rested and my teeth were still white.
"Hmm, I think I will take my shower now, mommy and daddy won't be home until tomorrow so I won't get yelled at if it just a bit longer than usual," I smiled at myself and went to fetch a towel.
I went to the linen closet and pulled out a light white fluffy towel, which smelled of apples and pears, I smiled and grabbed a wash cloth too, it smelled like wild berries.
I walked back into the bathroom and closed the door and locked it.
I quickly undressed and put all of my clothes into the hamper, I stepped in and turned on the water.
Hot water shot out and I jumped,"Jeez!"
I continued to let the warm water wash over me, I washed my hair with Suave, and washed off with Dove.
20 minutes later.
I stepped out of the shower and wrapped myself in the towel.
I stepped out of the bathroom and went to my closet to find an outfit for the day.
I grabbed my hot pink underwear,and light blue bra, and quickly put them on, then a pink hollister shirt, and an american eagle skirt, with aero white flip flops.
I ran back to the bathroom and dried my hair.
It was fluffy so I took out the straightener and did my hair.
I finished my hair, it looked wonderful, I took out my makeup bag and looked for the right shade.
Light Pink eyeshadow.
Black eyeliner.
Black massacra
Cotton Candy lip gloss.
First the eyeshadow, then the eyeliner and then to finish it off the masscara.
I put a light coat of cotton candy lip gloss on, and I was finished.
I walked over to my env2 and looked at the front screen.
*Mommy* Calling.
"Hello?" I asked sweetly.
"Oh hello dear, why are you up so early?" she sounded shocked, I was her daughter and I never liked to sleep in.
"Oh mom you know me, I don't like sleeping in, so why did you call?"
"Oh your father and I won't be home for a few more days, the meetings are going longer than expected. So I just wanted to let you know what was going on, Oh I have to go, I will call you later, bye," she hung up.
I set my phone down on my bed side table again, the house a few more days to myself, didn't sound so bad.
I looked down at my bed, it was a mess.
I began to make it, I fluffed the pillows set them up where they went, fixed the sheets, and smoothed them out.
My stomach growled,"Hungry."
I ran downstairs and went straight to the kitchen, I took out a bowl and a box of Cherios.
I poured the cereal into the bowl, put the box back and got out the milk poured just enough, put the cap back on and put the milk away.
I got out a clear glass with green dots and poured OJ into it.
Taking my breakfast over to the counter I sat down and began eating, I flipped on the small white T.V in the kitchen and watched the morning news.
I finished my breakfast and rinsed out the dishes, shut off the T.V and went back upstairs to read.
I grabbed my copy of Romeo and Juilet, and went over to my window seat, sat down and began reading.
I wanted to finish it before the end of summer, and I was just begging.
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ok how was that? iv never writen from that POV so comment.subscribe.message me with ideas :D..i will post more..promise :)