Status: Completed

Good Girl Wants A Bad Boy

***&Love (part2)

"Adam thank god, please help me," she was close to dieing, I could tell that, she just wanted ot die right there, but she can't die on me.
"Get the fuck away from her,"I began walking closer, I reahced around back,and pulled out my switch, the idiots were goin to die.
"Make us," Ronnie said pulling on his boxers, thank god, douche aint got nothin.
"Oh I will,"I flipped the blade out and waited.
"Shit," Ronnie the wimp.
"I aint scared of you," Samm began walking closer to me, he really should be though.
I didn't say anything, just thought,If he comes any closer I should just be able to lunge at him, but then Ronnie, might try something, ah fuck, Samm just pulled one out too.
"YOU GUYS STOP!" Nina screamed, she shouldn't have to watch this.
"NO!" Samm, started moving towards me slowly circleing eachother now.
I just went for it, I lunged at the bastard,and I felt my blade go into something, I looked up at the monster over towering me, I had stabbed into his chest, Samm's face turned a lighter color, his lips were becoming blue.
"You bastard,"was the last thing to come from his now blue lips.
"DOUCHE BAG!" I turned around as Ronnie ran at me with a fuckin butcher knife at the angle towards my damn heart.
"ADAM LOOK OUT!" Nina shouted, I just kept my arm stretched out as I walked towards Ronnie, I hit Ronnie in the stomach, I heard a cough, he was goin to die, hopefully, then.
AH FUCK! Lil fag cut my arm.
I moved quickly, briging my blade back, I stabbed him, right through his back, as fast as I could.
Ronnie looked me in the eye,as his rolled back into his head, he coughed blood, and then he just fell right ontop of me,landing with a loud thud.
"Omph,"I grunted, and pushed the dick off me.
"Adam, please help me," I looked over at Nina.
I didn't say anything, I just got up, walked over and did something I have been dieing to do, I kissed her.
"I love you," she whispered.
I didn't think, I just reacted, "I love you too," I kissed her again,and untied her, "I don't know what I would do if they raped you, I want your first time to be special, and I want to be him," I kissed her neck, I could tell she was happy.
"I want you to be him too," I picked her up bridal style and we left.
I finally had found my love, and she was perfect.
♠ ♠ ♠
sorry it's so short, but my computer is screwed up, sorry
i love you all :)
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