Status: Completed

Good Girl Wants A Bad Boy

I love you! (part2)

I carried Nina to the car and sat her down in the passenger seat, and then got in on my side.
I scooched in, when,"O my god, Adam we have to fix your arm, please, I don't want you hurting."
I always hurt wanna see the scars? I didn't say that I just laughed.
"Nina, trust me I'm fine, c'mon, let's go back to your house and get you all cleaned up,and into some warmer clothes," I chuckeled one last time,and started down her street.
I should really say something, the silence is killing me, I have to hear her voice.
So I just spoke,"Soo,tell me about you."
"Uh, okay," she paused,"Okay, well here, you might think I'm the perfect child, well I am far from that, you see,I had a twin sister,but something happened to her."
Had? I sucked in,"What was that?"
"She..died, it was just kinda weird yah know, I mean one day she was there the next in the hospital,another playing soccer, then she was in the hospital again, finally the doctors found out it was cancer, she was going to die, so her and I began to spend every wakin moment together,then one night she just drifted too far away,and she died," I looked over at her, and tears were all down her face then she did the unexpected,she smiled,"But hey, God can deal with her now."
I laughed,"I know how you feel."
"How? You lost someone?"
"Yah, my baby sister,Nixxie Lynn she had the brightest blue eyes ever, she was only about 1, when it happened," I hated talking about her, it always makes me sad,"But enough 'bout that, so go on with your story, about your life."
"Uh, okay? Well I also lost my real father, he left my mother after Allie died, he just cheated on her with my sunday school teacher,and my mom found out and he left us that night, my family has gone though hell,and I just can't take it anymore. I mean half the time I just wanna die, I mean I've tried so many times, but I can never bring myself to do so."
"Nina, you can't die," I didn't think twice about what I had just said, I just turned to her and looked into her beautiful eyes.
"Yes I can, pull over, now,"she began to reach for the handle, NO!
"NO, I swear to God if you make me pull over and then loose you I will kill myself as soon as you get out, I will drive my car off the bridge," I grabbed her arm to show I wasn't joking. I can't live without her.
"LET GO!" she screamed, my ears rang,"I HATE YOU!"
"NINA! YOU DON'T HATE ME!" it hurt to hear her say that.
"YES I DO! NOW LET ME GO!" she began crieing, I just grabbed her and pulled her into my chest and rubbed her back.
"Nina I love you, don't ever forget that." I had to help somehow.
"I love you too," I cupped her chin in my hand and pulled her closley and kissed her gently.
"Aight," she sat back and I began driving again.
The rest of the ride was dead silent.
I parked and we got out.
We held hands and walked up to the front door and went inside.
"Here follow me," she pulled me upstairs, o shit.
She told me to sit down on her bed so I did, and she grabbed some clothes and headed to the bathroom.
She looked amazing even in sweats,"Hey beautiful,"she came and sat down next to me.
"So um, can I hear about your life now?" she sure was eager.
"Sure, come here," I moved to the top of her bed and motioned for her to follow me, she did, once she was next to me she layed her head down on my chest and I placed an arm around her.
"Okay so tell."
"Well, as I already said my lil sis died." I started, Nixxie.
"But how?"
Here I go again,"Okay, well it was just after her 1st birthday,and my mom and I and Nixxie were all going to see my grandparents in Michigan,so of course we just decided to drive. Well we went to a hotel to stay the night before we got there we were in Indiana and well my mom left to get some diapers from a near Wal-Mart and left me to watch her, well she was sleeping in her playpen so I decided to get this one chicks number that I had seen when we had come in, and well I locked the door and left. Well as soon as I got her number I heard a scream so I ran as fast as I could and my hotel room door was open,and it was my mother who had been screaming, and I saw why she was," I could feel tears start,"It was Nixxie, she had been murdered."
She looked into my eyes and asked the question I had heard so many times,"How?"
I sniffed,"I guess I hadn't locked the door like I thought. And well someone went in and stabbed her repeatedly in the chest and stomach and slit her throat,and in her blood he wrote :You better watch your backs, I will be back and soon!, we still don't know who it was, that was about 5 years ago, still nothing."
It was all my fault, I basically killed her, if I hadn't been born she would've lived.
Her eyes were shiny,"Who would do such a thing?"
"A sick bastard, but I think it was my moms ex boyfriend, he is my real dad, and I don't think he has gotten over the fact that I am not gonna live with him or that she is married."
She sniffed,"Bastard."
I kissed my baby's head,"Babe everything will be okay, I promise, I won't let that bastard hurt you ever."
"Anything else I should know??"
"I'm a druggie, I have killed,and I have a major record, so I don't think we should be together, I love you Nina, but I have to leave town, I promise I might come back, or I might, I love you baby, bye," tears were stingging my eyes, I got up and walked to her door.
"I love you too, but please baby, please don't leave me!"
Just stop, this is already hard enough.
"I have to bye," my voice was cold and lifeless, tears started to stream my cheeks, I placed a chair infront of her door.
I heard banging and her screaming at the base of the stairs.,"PLEASE ADAM PLEASE COME BACK I LOVE YOU!"
I ignored her.
No one can love me, I am the reason a 1 year old lost her life, I don't deserve my own.
I ran to my car and reved the engine.
I looked up into her window she was standing there with tears streaming her face, I hurt her, but I hurt myself more.
I just drove.
I drove to the cliff, the same one my older brother had jumped off of last summer, it was my turn.
I stepped out and moved to the edge.
Nina, I love you, but you can't be with me.
I looked down over the edge, there was the hard ground below, and in seconds my body and blood will cover that ground.
The Nina's face poped into my head.
Her beautiful eyes, perfect smile, cute laugh, flawless skin, silky hair, and her wonderful personality, her everything.
*I love you baby muah muah muah*
I shot my head up and ran to my phone to see....
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