Status: Completed

Good Girl Wants A Bad Boy

This Can't Be

Adam poped into my head.
His smile is what really got me, his eyes, and of course his lips, I was inlove with him. Holy crap he said he would kill himself if I left him.
I put the blade down and grabbed my phone.
I dialed his number.
"Thank god, Adam I am inlove with you, please don't kill yourself," I begged.
It was quiet,"Nina I love you too, but I have to die."
"NO, Adam please, you are the first and last guy I love, and I don't want you to die, please Adam please," tears were streaming my face.
"Nina, if I come back to your house, you just have to say yes," what did he mean?
"Of course baby, just please come back," he hung up.
I set the phone down and the tears just kept falling.
I looked down at my wrist, the one I was about to cut, and the memories just flooded back.
The one thing I didn't tell Adam was that, I had been raped before, by a 16 year old boy when I was 12.
I ran down my street with Jessi playing tag, then he came out of no where and grabbed me.
"You are coming with me," he smelled of tabacco and alcohol.
I didn't say anything he just carried me off.
I woke up tied to a bed, my clothes were missing then...

My memory fades away there.
*Knock Knock*
I ran downstairs and opened the door.
Adam was there,"Nina Drenen, will you marry me?" he took out a small black box and opened it.
There layed a black skull ring.
"Yes," he put the ring on my finger and kissed me.
"I love you Nina."
"I love you too Adam," I looked up into his dark eyes and kissed him.
He kissed me back once more, and wrapped his arms around me and I wrapped mine around his neck.
Finally I was going to be his forever.
"Adam what's that?"
"Nina, I think I should tell you, I called the cops on myself, I'm sorry, will you wait for me?" he asked as the cops came up behind him.
Tears pooled in my eyes,"Of course, will you wait for me?"
"What do you mean?"
The officers were handcuffing him.
"Officer, I helped with the whole thing, he is not the only killer, I witnessed the whole thing, trust me," the other officer didn't ask questions he just cuffed me.
"You both have the right to remain silent anything you say can and will be held against you in the court of law," they walked us out, and all my neighbors watched we were put into the car.
They put us in the same car.
Adam leaned over and kissed me,"I love you."
"I love you too."
The sirens started back up again and we were taken to the station.
My whole life was perfect until I met Adam, but I love him, why would I do this? Why would I put myself in prison for him? I mean I can get someone way better, and richer than him.
"Excuse me offier?"
The one on the right turned around,"Yes ma'm?"
"Yes Adam Cheslock put me up to this, I didn't really have anything to do with this, he told me if I didn't help him then he would kill me, well I mean stick up for him and go with him, I had nothing to do with this," I stated.
"I see, well, Bob, pull over, we gotta let this young lady out."
The officer pulled over and let me out, he uncuffed me and I waved to Adam, the last thing he mouthed was,'I thought you loved me.'
'You thought wrong.' I mouthed back.
I walked down the street back to my house.
I went up the walk, opened the door and went inside.
Tears rimmed my eyes.
I just left the only one I have ever loved, but I can't be apart of his world, he was right the first time, I should've just let him go.
I ran up to my room and slammed my door.
I took out a piece of paper and a pen.
Mom and Dad,
I'm sorry, I am no longer alive, but you have to know, I found someone I was inlove with and I let them die, his name was Adam Cheslock, and he was my frist and last love.
He saved me from guys who were trying to kill and rape me, but he ended up killing them, I also witnesed him kill other people, and he did drugs, but he was the nicest boy in the whole world, his eyes were beautiful as was he.
Mommy I'm sorry that you have lost your other daughter, but if you knew what I have gone through then you would know why I am dead.
Daddy same thing, I love you but I just can't live anymore, life has become too hard for me.
The way I died was by cutting my wrists, and letting them bleed out.
I am sorry, again.
God forgive me.
But mostly, you please forgive me, I am sorry.
Your Little Girl.

Tears started streaming down my cheeks as I changed my clothes, I changed into a black mini skirt with white skulls on it, and my black corset, I pulled my hair into piggy tails, low ones, black eyeshadow, thick black eyeliner, and my locket which contained a picture of my sister and mom and dad.
I put the ring on my finger, and grabbed for my blade.
Tears streaming down my cheeks.
I held the blade to my wrist and pulled it horrizontaly 3 times.
The blood started to flow, I dipped my finger in it and drew a heart on my wall, a huge heart I kept dipping my fingers into my blood, and continued the heart.
My head started to spin.
As soon as the heart was finished I took the blade again and drew it down vertically not directly on the main vein, yet.
My head started to swim.
The knocking continued, so I stumbeled down the stairs.
I opened the door to see Pete Adam's friend.
"Nina, holy fuck, what happened?"
"Help me," I cried.
He picked me up bridal style and carried me out to his car, he sat me down and took off his shirt and tied it around my arm to apply pressure.
(3 hours away)
My eyes fluttered open, I saw Pete.
"Nina thank god! You lost alot of blood."
"Where's Adam?"
"Adam I'm sorry please forgive me," I begged taking his hand.
"Slut, whore, bitch, fuck no, die," he turned around and....

"I'M SORRY!" I shot up.
"Nina, lay down, shhh," Pete came over to my side and rubbed my back, he sat down next to me and I leaned into him.
"Pete, I want Adam," I cried.
He kissed the top of my head,"I know, I know."
"No you don't I'm engaged to him, and I told him that I didn't love him and I really do, please help me, you have to tell them that it was all out of self defence, just so I can see him, and tell him I do love him and that I don't ever wanna lose him, please Pete?"
He looked into my eyes,"Fine, you're lucky you got a bangin body or I wouldn't." he got up and left.
I layed back and just stared at the ceiling.
Adam, I love you, forever and always.
♠ ♠ ♠
sorry if this isnt my best, you judge
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black skull ring