Status: Completed

Good Girl Wants A Bad Boy

This Can't Be (part 2)

Nina's name.
"Thank god, Adam I am inlove with you, please don't kill yourself," how did she know?
I let out a breath,"Nina I love you too, but I have to die."
"NO, Adam please, you are the first and last guy I love, and I don't want you to die, please Adam please," tears were in her voice.
"Nina, if I come back to your house, you just have to say yes," proposal.
"Of course baby, just please come back," I hung up, her voice made me happy and sad, at the same time.
What is this girl doing to me?
I took out my phone and dialed 9-1-1.
And I told them.
I hoped in my car and grabbed a ring out of the glove compartment, it was the same one I had worn the day I met her.
I started the car up and just drove straight to her house.
Finally I got there, jumped out and ran right up to her door.
I got down on one knee and knocked, she answered.
I started,"Nina Drenen, will you marry me?" I took out the box and opened it.
"Yes," she said looking at me, I put the ring on her finger and kissed her, as my finace.
"I love you Nina."
"I love you too Adam,"she looked up into my eyes and kissed me.
I kissed her back and then I wrapped my arms around her, she wrapped hers around my neck.
She was finally mine.
"Adam what's that?" there was fear in her voice.
Fuck, "Nina, I think I should tell you, I called the cops on myself, I'm sorry, will you wait for me?"I felt hands on mine being pulled behind me.
Her eyes were glassy,"Of course, will you wait for me?"
"What do you mean?" what was she doing?
I was handcuffed.
"Officer, I helped with the whole thing, he is not the only killer, I witnessed the whole thing, trust me," NINA!
"You both have the right to remain silent anything you say can and will be held against you in the court of law," we were walked out, I could feel eyes burning into my back.
They put us in the same car.
I leaned over and kissed her lightly,"I love you."
"I love you too."
The sirens started back up again and we were taken to the station.
Why would Nina want anything to do with me? She could be with someone richer and smarter, not someone like me, I have nothing to offer her, just a broken home and a fucked up past.present.and future.
"Excuse me officer?"
One of them turned around,"Yes ma'm?"
"Yes Adam Cheslock put me up to this, I didn't really have anything to do with this, he told me if I didn't help him then he would kill me, well I mean stick up for him and go with him, I had nothing to do with this," tears were forming in my eyes, how could she?
"I see, well, Bob, pull over, we gotta let this young lady out."
I looked as she waved at me tears were falling I mouthed,'I thought you loved me.'
'You thought wrong.' bitch.
The car drove to the station.
The officer got me out and walked me up to the station.
I was takin to intergation.
"Adam why did you do it?" the tall officer with a mustache asked.
"Do what? Kill the bastards? Because they, almost raped the love of my life, or what used to be and besides they were coming at me first, it was self defence," I stated.
"You are speaking with a lawyer, risky move."
"I would only need one if I killed them out of greed or whatever, this was self defence," they both looked at me.
"Adam Cheslock, you commited a crime."
"The crime of what protecting myself?!" I wanted to punch their faces in.
"No the crime of not reporting it after it happened, I mean really? Son you are how old? And you didn't report this!"
"If you grew up in the home I did you wouldn't wanna report it either, if my father found out I would be beaten to a bloody pulp then he would say I did it to myself, he hates me, I mean look at these scars, lift up the back of my shirt," the one officer did.
Officer POV
I had Adam stand up and did so.
John lifted up the boys shirt, and, "Holy shit!"
I looked at his back, and there it was, 5 diagonal scars long down his back, and a few in other areas,"You really do know self-defecnce, I guess you have to."
He laughed,"Yah, I guess I have to, so can I please go? My girlfriend I can sense something is wrong."
I looked at John,"Sure kid, look, don't make us pick you up ever again."
The kid thanked us and left.
"Jack, why did you let the kid go?"
"That kid, he is my son."
Adam POV
The guys lifted up my shit, I heard the one whisper,"Holy shit!"
I wasn't lien douches.
"You really do know self-defecnce, I guess you have to."
I laughed,"Yah I guess I have to, so can I please go? My girlfriend I can sense something is wrong."
The officer looked at the other one, what he was thinking I will never know,"Sure kid, look, don't make us pick you up ever again."
I thanked them and ran out of there.
Why did the officer who let me out look so familar?
I kept pondering that thought as I walked back to Nina's house.
I finally reached her house and knocked on the door, but to see the door was left wide open.
"Nina?!" I ran up the stairs.
Her door was open too, I walked in to see a giant heart I walked up to it, to see that it was drawn in her blood.
I touched the heart,"Nina damnit, you better be in the fuckin hospital."
I looked down at the blade she had used, I picked it up and set it on her bedside table, I sat down on her bed and looked a picture on her bedside table, it was her mother and her with Allie, the dead sister,Nina, you can't leave your mother, she needs you.
Tears started to well up in my eyes.
I took out my phone.
"Hello?" I sniffed.
"Adam fuckin Chescock, get your ass to the hospital, Nina wants to see you, she's lost alot of blood, she is doin good just come," he hung up.
"Shit, Nina, you die on me, then heaven better make room for a devil to join you," I left her room, ran down the stairs and started running.
I made it to the hospital.
"Nina Drenen?" I asked the lady.
"How do you know her?"
"I am her fiance, please tell me where she is," I said standing up straighter.
"Room 402."
"Thank you," I left to the elevator.
I pushed the button and waited.
Nina, please be okay.
I stepped out and ran to her room.
"Nina?!" I asked walking over to Pete.
"Adam?!" she asked with a smile.
"Baby, I love you," I leaned down and kissed her.
"Eh Hm, Nina, I have some news," the doctor said coming in.
"What?" her and I both asked.
"Well Nina you are, pregnant."
My jaw dropped, I looked down at her, she was about to cry.
"How though? I mean I'm still a virgin."
"Well, it's about 2 months along."
I thought back two months ago when I laid a brunette chick at some party, she was pretty wasted, so was I.
Oh Fuck.
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tehe >:)
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