Status: Completed

Good Girl Wants A Bad Boy

Mother&Father SUCK

I looked down at Nina, she was so fragile and helpless, I have to call Adam.
I walked out and pulled out my phone and dialed his number.
"Hello?" what the hell was he crieing?
"Adam fuckin Chescock, get your ass to the hospital, Nina wants to see you, she's lost alot of blood, she is doin good just come," I hung up, I couldn't think of anything else to say, other than what I had.
I walked back to Nina's room and sat back down next to her and waited for Adam.
'Mommy, why is my sissy dead?' I asked looking up at my mother.
'Because she had cancer-,' she was cut off by my father.
'No it is because of you Nina, you were a bad child and she died,' he slapped me across my face, I flinched, he had never struck me before...

A familiar voice woke me up,"Nina?"
It was Adam,"Adam?!" I felt a smile across my lips.
"Baby, I love you," I felt lips crash into mine.
"Eh Hm, Nina, I have some news," the kiss broke and I looked over at the doctor with dark brown hair and emerald green eyes, a light tan...
"What?" Adam and I asked.
"Well Nina you are, pregnant."
The words hit me like a freight train, I was what?!
I felt hot tears in my eyes,"How though? I mean I'm still a virgin."
"Well, it's about 2 months along." WHAT?!
I started thinking back two months ago, there was a pretty raggin party, and this one guy who kept giving me beer..Adam?
"ADAM CHESLOCK!" I screamed.
He looked at me with fear in his eyes,"Nina I'm really sorry."
"So you mean to tell me, I am p-p-pregnant, because you just had to get me fuggin drunk?! I thought I was a virgin until I remembered 2 months ago," I know I sounded like a blonde, thinking I was a virgin, lieing to myself the whole time.
"Nina, I am sorry, please please please forgive me!" he begged, I looked down at him he was on his knees now.
The doctors emerald eyes were looking at me,"I could get security to get him out."
"No, No, I will deal with him," I looked at his pleading gorgeous eyes,"Adam, do you promise to support me with my decission?"
"Yes," he sighed a breath of relif.
I sighed,I had to keep the baby, either I would put he or she up for adoption or keep the baby, either way it would still grow inside of me.
"I am going to keep the child," I smiled down at Adam who jumped up and kissed me passionatly.
"You mean, I might be a father?"
"MIGHT? Adam, you are going to be," I just can't tell him I might put the baby up for adoption, maybe later I would.
"Nina, Drenen, I have already asked you this, but don't leave me this time, but would you marry me?"
I looked at his eyes,"Yes."
He pecked my lips then lightly touched my stomach.
Maybe I would keep the baby after all.
>>3 days later<<
I was finally home and happy.
Adam was ecstatic that he would be a father, and I well, I'm still debating if I am that excited.
"Nina, when are your parents going to be home?"
"Soon actually, their flight should be landing in about 2 hours, then we tell them."
He ran over to me and picked me up and swung me around, I laughed at how happy he was,"I love you baby girl."
"I love you too Adam," I kissed him, and he set me down.
We decided to go and watch a movie to pass the time, I popped in The Notebook, and snuggeled up to him.
He yawned and rested his head ontop of mine.
I just enjoyed the movie.
>>2hours later and 30 minutes<<
I woke up to the sound of a juggeling door knob, my eyes shot open and I shook Adam awake.
"Adam, my parent's are home," I kissed his cheek, he smiled down at me.
"Okay," just then my parents walked in.
My mom's mouth was agape at the boy and my father was furious.
"Nina Drenen, why is a boy on my couch?!" daddy dearest said through clenched teeth.
"And why is he that nasty Cheslock boy?" my mother said walking over.
"Oh yah, mom dad I'm, pregnant," then all hell broke loose.
My mother was crieing my father was screaming and I had Adam's arm around me, so I wouldn't lash out.
"Nina Drenen, I disown you," my world was over.
♠ ♠ ♠
sorry this took so long, i've been busy with my other stories.
I am going to write Adam's POV then the story is OVER :O
But do NOT worry all you Adam and Nina fans, I am going to continue into a SEQUEL which
I will start as soon as I can :)
So thank you for reading this :D
Sorry if it is crappy,but I had to get to the big dramaticish part :D
I hope you enjoyed the last Nina POV of this story.
Lots Of Love,
NicoleElizabeth :)