Status: Completed

Good Girl Wants A Bad Boy

Summer Break Begins (second party)

*Doctor said my mom should've had an abortion*
"WHAT?!" I shouted into my voyager.
"God damn Adam, I was just wantin to know if you wanna come and get stoned?" it was Pete, my best friend.
"Whatever, see yah in a hour," I hung up and groaned.
My head was pounding and the bastard took all the pills with him, ugh, I hate my life, why the fuck did I get stuck with these bitches as parent's?
I rolled off my bed and walked to the bathroom.
I looked in the mirror, blood shot eyes, and a black one.
My lip was cut up pretty bad, 'Huh the lil bitch I had last night must've been feisty.' I shurgged and took off my skinny jeans and threw them in the dirty pile at the corner.
My head started to pound again, "AHHH!" I threw a punch and put another hole in the already shitty wall.
"Mr, Cheslock are you alright?" our maid Sophia called up.
"Yah Sophie, I'm fine," I lied, I wasn't fine, my life was the worst life you could ever ask for.
I left the bathroom and looked for clothes.
I dug through my suitcase, no matter how longed we lived here I was never gonna unpack.
Black skinnies, Blink182 shirt, and red high top converse, I pulled on all the clothes, and ran back to the bathroom.
I straightened my curly brown hair, sprayed the tips blood red, and changed my snake bites, my eyebrow looked boring, I took out the needle I had hidden from my parent's.
"Rubbin alcohol, match, and piercing," I cleaned off the needle with the alcohol, burned it, cleaned it again, pulled my skin away, and shoved the needle through, I winced, then I put the ring in.
I looked at my new piercing in the mirror, pops would be pissed but I could care less, I like the new piercing.
I added a little bit of eyeliner, and walked out.
Sophia was attempting to make my bed, she was like my mom, but WAY nicer.
"Sophie you don't gotta do that," I helped her walk out of my room, I quickly ran back in and grabbed my voyager and ran downstairs.
I walked outside.
I climbed into my beat up dark blue truck, even though my family was rich I refused anything fancy but the phone, started it up and headed to Pete's house.
His house was beat up and looked like it was falling apart, and it was, I parked upfront, locked my truck and walked up to the front door.
I just walked in.
"JACKASS IM HERE!" I shouted.
"Hey dick, I'm back here," I went to his room, Shelly, Kari, Tommy, and Kenny were all sitting around, Kari and Tommy makin out on Pete's bed, Shelly in Pete's lap, and Kenny and I were missin our hoes.
"So what we doin today?" I asked sittin down on his computer chair.
"Weed, Kraig hooked us up wid tight connections," he took out a bag.
I walked over and took the bag, I was a pro, I started makin joints left and right, Kenny, Tommy, Kari, Shelly, Pete, and myself.
"Light up!" the ladies did so, then us guys did.
I woke up and Kari was naked ontop of me, SHIT!
I moved her over and looked over at Tommy he was passed out, THANK GOD!
Pullin my jeans on, and my shirt and shoes, I grabbed my phone and RAN OUT OF THERE!
I drove past Nina Drenens' house, ugh such a bitch, snobby and rich.
I saw her in the window, READING! IN THE SUMMER? NERD!!
She looked down at me, whoops, shouldn't be gawkin, wow she was hott, her legs look long, untouched, her shirt fit her perfectly, she had a nice rack, she looked great, I wonder why I never noticed at school, o yah I'm a druggie and a trouble maker, ugh.
She kept looking at me, she was beautiful.
I stopped my car, and got out, I walked up to the front door, and knocked, I have no idea what I'm doing.
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uh oh..i left u hangin lol well keep reading and commenting :)