Status: Completed

Good Girl Wants A Bad Boy

Romeo? and Juliet of Summer

I opened Romeo and Juliet to page one.
'Two households from ancient grudge break a new mutiny, from these two foes, a pair of loves take their life..'
I stopped, the book was too boring right now, besides I had the whole summer to read, I sat there looking out the window, it was beautiful out.
I took out my sketch pad, and started drawing the trees, with their shadows, I then saw a birds' nest and I put that in there aswell, the mother bird flew back to the nest and I drew her flying, I kept adding and adding as new things came in.
I finally finished my picture, it consisted of the one big Oak tree in the front yard, the grass in detail, and the birds, a postal car, and other things, I smiled at my drawing, daddy always said I was a good artist, but this picture was my best of all, I set my book down and stood up.
I streched and walked over to my phone.
I looked at the front screen, 5 missed calls, 3 new text messages, no new voicemails.
First the missed calls,
Alex (my brother)
I'll call them all back later, probably just wanting to know what I'm doing.
Now the text messages:
DUDE OMG i just saw justin troy with his shirt off!!


FINE atleast come 2 the bonfire tonight!!!
the beach 8:00pm till whenever the booze runs out lol :D
luv yah txt me back :D

I laughed at my best friend, she was always like that.
I sighed and texted her back.

Kristy i am goin trust me, lol i will see u there..what
are u wearin??

CHICKA god took yah long enough..ok
Mini shorts.cami.and a hoodie.flipflops.

kk thnx c yah there.

I shut my phone off and went back to the window seat.
I sat down and picked up Twilight, I was at the part where Edward and Bella arrive at prom.
My parent's hated me reading Twilight they said I was too proper to read it, I hated my parent's sometimes, they never let me have any fun, which is why I was thankful Kristy's bonfire was when they were out of town, I could never lie to them if they asked where I was really going.
I shook that thought away and continued reading.
I finally finished Twilight, I would have to ask Kirsty for her copy of New Moon, I want a guy like Jacob.
I looked out my window and saw a truck, it looked beat up and worn.
I looked at the person in the truck, he had brown dark brown hair, straightened, with blood red tips, he looked like someone at our school but I couldn't tell who.
He looked as though he was smiling, I looked away, then back again, he looked hot.
He got out of his truck and walked up to my house.
I set Twilight down and ran downstairs.
I looked through the peep hole, ADAM CHESLOCK!?
Why was he standing at my door step?!
I opened the door, and he looked down at me, he looked about 6'0, and me at 5'6 I felt really short.
"Um can I help you?" I tried to act snobby.
"Um, yah aren't you Nina Drenen?" he acted hurt.
"Yah, what of it?" god I hated acting this way.
"Oh never mind then bitch," he started walking away but I didn't want him to.
"Wait stay please, I'm sorry, I'm not actually like that I swear," I grabbed his arm, and he turned around.
"Ok then I guess I beleive you, so can I come in?"
"Sure," he stepped in, his emo punk look really didn't fit with the prep ass life stlye my parents' went for.
He looked uncomfertable. But oh so hot.
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