Status: Completed

Good Girl Wants A Bad Boy


I kept looking at him, he did look VERY uncomfertable, I shouldn't have invited him in.
I turned around and started to walk towards the kitchen, hopefully he would follow I didn't want his bad reputation to steal anything from my house.
"So, you loaded?" he sounded like a complete moron, of course I had money or else I wouldn't be living in a house like this.
"Yah I guess, my dad is a CEO it keeps him out of the house I guess," I shrugged, I didn't really like talking about my perfect family.
"Nice, so uh, you goin to that bonfire tonight?" he asked me as I sat down, of course why wouldn't I? My best friend was hosting it.
I attempted to act shocked,would Kristy really invite them?,"You were invited?"
He looked at me like I was crazy,"Nope, but me and my buddies are gonna crash it, they got the best booze 'round, and some of the hottest chicks ever." PIG, but I still answered him,"Yah I'm going and if you crash it you will be aressted."
"Whatever, thanks for letting me in but I gotta go peace," he stood up and saluted me like I was some kind of head bitch in charge.
I rolled my eyes as he drove away, he flipped me off but I didn't care, I was just in shock that I let him in my house in the first place.
I am going to buy a ringtone soon.
"Hello?" I tried to sound like I didn't just have the hottest guy in the world in my house.
"Oh hello Nina, I just wanted to ask you what you are doing this evening,"she sounded like a happy mother, but I know she wasn't.
"Oh, just staying over at Kristy's, she is having a sleepover and I was invited," I lied, partially.
"Oh ok, well I will see you in 3 days," she hung up.
She wasn't happy because daddy's job pulled them all the way to England, and she didn't want to go because she wanted to have so quality time with her daughter, me.
I ran upstairs to my room, and sat down on my window seat again.
I took out my diary to re-read my entries, I did that often just to remember the good memories before the accident.
But of course I opened up right to the page, the day of the accident.
March 13, 1998
Dear Diary,
Good news I am 7 today! And mommy bought me this diary as a birthday present, but that is the only good thing about today, nothing else has been good, I have terriable news. Allie my twin sister is dead, I am crying so hard as I write this. Mommy said it was because she was sick, cancer is what the doctors call it, Mommy said Allie is with the angels and god now and is no longer hurting. I miss her so much, dear god please bring Allie back.
The other bad thing that has happened today is that, Daddy left Mommy for another lady, she is crying now, I hope that I get a new Daddy a nicer one would be nice, well that is all I have to say, I have to go to bed now. Good Night.
R.I.P Allie
Good Bye Daddy.
Love Nina, age 7.

A tear trickled down my cheek Allie my sister is dead, and isn't coming back.
I put my diary away and layed my head on the window, I closed my eyes tight.
"Mommy where is Allie?" I looked up at a tall strong well hearted woman, my mother.
"Sweetie, Allie is with God, Angels and Grammy, she is safe now and is no longer hurting," she hugged me, kissed my forhead and walked away as the phone rang.
I felt hot tears sting the backs of my eyes, then they began to pour over the edges of my eyes, I will never see Allie again.
That night I cried myself to sleep, hugging my pillow.
The next morning my father left me and my mother.

"Daddy," the name barely escaped my lips as I opened my eyes.
I looked around at my room, it wasn't the room I had always lived in, we used to live in a tiny 1 story house, 2 bedroom, Allie and I shared one, but then Mom got remarried and we moved here, to this rich prep ass town, that I HATED!
I finally got off my window seat and went downstairs to eat.
Water, and a salad, I was going to starve myself.
I finished washed the dishes and headed back upstairs to my room.
I layed down on my bed and looked up at the ceiling.
Mom, Dad, Allie, we were all so happy, but then Allie got cancer and died, then my dad left for my sunday school teacher.
A tear escaped my eye.
My life is so screwed up.
I rolled over on my side and looked at the family picture on my side table, Allie, Daddy, Mommy, and me, all of them looked so happy, but me, I looked like a Emo child, all in black, and looking down, everyone else was in white and pink, I really don't belong in this family.
Now I'm a preppy, cheerleader, and I don't wanna be anymore.
Another tear.
I grabbed for one of my pillows and held it close, my tears were coming in buckets now.
I looked at the window, a single bird was perched on a branch and was looking at me.
I rolled over on my other side, and I was now facing my closet, I hated that closet, so many times had I tried to hang myself in it but I could never bring myself to do so, I loved my family too much to do that to them, but I just didn't want to live anymore.
(i bet you didn't relize how many problems I had)
I just curled up in a ball and wanted to die.
I fluttered my eyes open, I looked at my clock.
I sighed and lifted my head up off my pillow, I looked in the mirror at the end of my bed, my hair was a mess, and my outfit was all wrinkly, I was going to change just not at the moment.
Hello its mom, just wanted to text you really quick I'm in a meeting, I love you sweetie.
Love Mom
I didn't bother to text her back, she would probably just think I was asleep or something.
I rolled off my bed and hit the floor hard. I didn't mind the pain, I just got up and walked to the bathroom.
I stripped, through the clothes in the hamper and walked back out in my bra and underwear, my closet was still neat and tidy.
I sighed and picked out mini shorts, and a black cami, I pulled both clothing articles on and then grabbed a hoodie, that said Nina Drenen on the back and on the front was a broken heart.
My step-father got it for me when I turned 16, it was because my boyfriend had just dumped me, my step-ass was an ASS a huge one.
I went back to the bathroom and brushed out my hair, and just let it be.
Added more eyeliner, a little bit more of eyeshadow, and walked back out.
I still had 3 and half hours until the party.
"More reading I guess."
I walked back to the window seat and began reading Romeo and Juliet again.
"The quarrel is between our masters and us their men."
"Draw thy tool-here comes the house of Montagues."
"Do you quarrel sir?" (Capulet man)
"Quarrel, sir? No sir." Montague.
"I serve as good a man as you." Capulet.
"No better." Montague
(Benvolio enters)
"Yes better sir," Montague
"You, LIE" Capulet.
"Draw if you be men," draws sword, Montague.
Benvolio notices the quarrel,"PART FOOLS."
"Put up your swords," Capulet.
The fight starts, but Benvolio stops it, all three swords clash.
'What art thou drawn among these heartless hinds?' Benvolio.
"Turn Benvolio..look upon thy death," Tybalt.
I stopped once more, I didn't want to read too much in one day, but what is going to happen to Benvolio and Tybalt.
"Hello?" I asked.
"Hey girl hey, just wanted to ask if you were still coming, o yah you can stay the night if you get too wasted that is what alot of the guys are doing," thank god her parent's were out for the weekend.
"Uh, I think I might just stay there anyway," we both laughed, because I didn't drink.
"Cool, hey gotta go see yah soon smexxi bitch," she laughed, we always said stuff like that.
"Bye baby," I hung up, and started laughing really hard, I didn't know what it was but I could always act stupid with her.
I looked at the clock
I was still bored.
"Time for a drive," I grabbed my phone, and my keys, locked the door on my way out and climbed into my Black Porche.
*Party In Your Bedroom-Cash Cash*
Was playing in the background as I drove around aimlesly.
I was in a part of town I had never been in before.
I looked around and I noticed a dark blue beat up truck, it looked like Adam's.
As I drove closer I saw it was Adam's!
I pulled infront of it and got out of my car and locked it, I was freezing, should've brought my hoodie, idiot.
I heard gunshot coming from the house I was standing infront of, I ran up to the door to see what had happened.
I knocked, no answer, I turned the knob it was unlocked, I just let myself in.
"Hello? Is everything ok in here?" I started walking to the back, I heard whispers.
I put my ear up to a door, and I heard the people talking on the other side.
"There is someone in here, Aaron go check," it was male.
"No way Aj, it could be the cops, you."
"Fine," the door knob turned, I was frozen with fear.
The person named Aj, was now looking at me, face to face, of course I really couldn't tell what he looked like considering all the blood and dried blood that caked it.
I looked past his head and I saw ADAM! and two other people, one looked DEAD, I felt my stomach do twists, but I wasn't going to throw up, it just sickened me, the wall behind the one that looked dead was coated in blood, and other matter, I think the dead one was missing his head.
"WHAT THE HELL?!" I shouted, that was the first time those words escaped my lips.
"Oh hello, and you are?" Aj asked me.
"Nina," I managed.
"And she is my girlfriend," Adam piped up, he didn't look any better.
"Oh so I guess she should get to watch her boyfriend die, or should she die?"
I watched as he pointed the gun at the other boy tied up,"Or should he die?" he began to pull on the trigger.
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tehe im evil >:) comment subscribe :D
love nikki