Status: Completed

Good Girl Wants A Bad Boy

WHAT THE HELL?! (part2)

[ok i have to tell you this about this chapter is that I skipped like the whole time just down until 6:45, because I totaly altered this chapter into something and messed it up, so just bare with me here, and I did fix the other one from Nina POV so check it out for the update.]

"Well where is our money?" he asked again.
"Look I dunno ok? Jeez I'm not the one in charge of money," he started to turn the gun to Kenny.
Kenny began to whimper..15 and gonna die..that is pure shitty luck, and if I did anything, the gun would blow my brains out!
"Look I think this kid wants to die, I'm not sure but I just think he does,"Aaron was making no sense, but what else is new?
"NO, look just don't kill Kenny he's only 15, he has so much more to do in life, and if you kill him then he can't fufill what he could do with his life." I was begging, but Aj wasn't take any of that shit.
Kenny was looking at me with pleading eyes, I took in what I should remember about him, nice, sweet and caring, he was always joking, and you just couldn't take him seriously for more than 5 seconds, he just looked so helpless, and I knew he had a shitty life too, his mom always drunk and his damn step-dad always beating the shit out of him, and now hes gotta die. DAMN.
Why did he have to get caught up in our damn lives, they were already screwed from the age of 10, he could've gotten out.
"Kenny, well mister, you shall just go ahead and die," the trigger was having more pressure added to it.
"NO, AJ DON'T!" that was the first I had heard Tommy speak yet today.
"Oh, Tommy, big man, wanna say something?"
Tommy was dead.
I looked over at him, the front part of his face was missing, his hood was flug back, and only the back of his, wait, there was barely anything there, the gun shot was so close and so strong that it blew pretty much his whole head off.
Kenny was shaking now, shaking with fear, that, that could've been him.
I took this as an oportuinity to save Kenny, while Aj and Aaron were looking at what had just happened, I ran full force at Aj...
"YOU MOTHER FUCKIN BASTARD!" I shouted jumping onto him, I started flinging my fists left and right, smacking him hard in his purdy lil face.
"YOU'RE THE ONE WHO MADE ME DO IT, IF YOU WOULD'VE JUST GIVEN ME THE MONEY YOUR RETARDED LIL FRIEND WOULD STILL BE ALIVE!" we all knew Tommy was bipolar but to call him a retard was just crossing the fuckin line.
"YOU SHOULD BURN IN HELL!" I punched him hard in the stomach, he almost puked, I looked at my knuckles blood covered them, and they were bleeding from how hard I was hitting, I then looked back down at Aj's face, it was bleeding and starting to bruise, his head was cut open, but only at the top.
Aaron tried to leave, but failed, Pete grabbed for him after untieing his hands and started to punch his face in.
I looked over at Kenny, he was stricken with fear,"DUMBASS GET OUTTA HERE, AND DON'T TELL NO ONE!"
Kenny nodded and pulled out his pocket knife and cut the ropes and his wrist, he didn't flinch instead he ran out of there like I told him to.
I heard the back door shut, but I head another door slam..foot steps?
I wasn't the only one who heard though.
"There is someone in here, Aaron go check," Aj instructed.
"No way Aj, it could be the cops, you." Aaron was such a wuss.
"Fine," Aj walked over to the door and turned the knob, and then I saw who had made the noise.
"WHAT THE HELL?!" she shouted, she looked upset as those few words left her perfect lips.
"Oh hello, and you are?" Aj ass..
"Nina," she mumbeled.
I wasn't going to let her die, normally if they find out you have realtions with someone they won't kill them, so I piped up,"And she is my girlfriend"
She looked shocked at what I had just said, but hey I like the way the words sounded.
"Oh so I guess she should get to watch her boyfriend die, or should she die?" Aj was pointing the gun at each of us."Or should he die?" he pointed the gun at..KENNY!
The moron he shouldn't've come back, I told him to leave and NOT come back, why did he?
"KENNY WHAT THE HELL MAN..WHY AREN'T YOU GONE?!" I shouted at the window which he looked through.
"Uh, I didn't want to leave, I'm not a coward, and plus my best friend died in my place, and I don't find it fair, if I just leave without a single scratch.
"Oh you can leave with a scratch alright, a scratch right through your pretty lil head," Aj pointed the gun at Kenny and started to pull on the trigger harder, I was frozen, I mean I couldn't let him die, but I just couldn't move.
"NO!" Nina shouted, I looked over at her in awe, she was standing there with her fist clenched at her sides, and a very pissed off look on her beautiful face.
"No? So you want to die in his place?" he moved the gun to her again.
"No I do not, but you really shouldn't go around killing people, it's just wrong," she began to walk over to him. In a seductive way.
Aj looked uneasy and Aaron just looked like he had to piss or something.
"Um, your boyfriend is right there," he motioned his head over to me, while she wrapped both of her arms around his neck.
"What boyfriend?" she asked in a very very seductive tone, I could see his pants getting tighter, NOW I get it, she is trying to distract him.
He just smiled uneasily and KISSED her!! My mouth dropped open in total shock, and she let him, this tiny little virgin was letting one of the most horniest guys in the world kiss her.
She entwined her fingers into his hair, and wrapped her leg around his, and brought the other one slowly up his, then back down even slower, damn he was gettin a boner now.
"Slut," he whispered in her ear, right before he PUNCHED her!
"SON OF A BITCH!" I ran at him like an angry bull, and socked him right in the stomach.
He fell back uneasy,and took the gun again.
Kenny fell with a thud.
Tears began to sting the backs of my eyes, he was like my little brother.
Nina ran to my side,"Adam, are you okay?"
She looked at me with tears in her eyes, the whole room got quiet, except for the small whimpers coming from her lips, she looked at me, tears building up in her beautiful eyes, she hated me, and I think that is best.
"Fine, I hope you burn," she whispered in the madest tone I had ever heard before.
She almost left...but Aaron.
"Hey hoe, you aint goin no where, you owe me big," he grabbed her roughly by the waist and tore her shirt.
"I owe you nothing douche," he roughly kissed her, blood trickled down her lip as he pulled away, dumbass.
I was pissed, but I just told her I didn't care about her, I could never be nice to her now.
Or could I?
"You are goin to the bonfire with me tonight," Aaron declaired she didn't even care.
"Look Aaron, let's get goin before the cops show," Aj and Aaron left with Nina, and I just sat on the ground, the tears were falling silently now.
Pete was crying and I mean crying hard, he just watch what was goin to be his best man die, just gone like that, brains all over the walls.
"Pete, man, c'mon let's go there is nothing we can do now," I walked over and helped him up.
We walked out of his house as though nothing had happened.
I dropped Pete off at his brother's house and drove myself home.
"Hey, um Adam?" he sounded sick.
"Um, I think the search after only half an hour is over, Kenny basically had no family, so no one would look for him, same with Tony, I think we good, just thought I would let you know, gotta go, bye," he hung up on me, I just set my phone down.
Tears were stinging my eyes, and this time I just let them fall, sobs escaped my chest.
I finally finished crying, I got off my bed and walked into the bathroom.
My hair was sticking up,and my face was stained with tears, someone might think I'm a wuss.
I quickly washed my face, added the eyeliner again,and fixed my hair, grabbed my hairt, and pulled on a clean shirt.
I grabbed my phone and ran outside to my truck to go to the beach party.
I got out of my truck and looked over at the ever so high fire, it smelled good.
I looked around and saw nothing but preps, and dicks.
Then Nina looked over at me and I smiled to myself, mini shorts, teal tank, and a black hoodie partially zipped.
She looked at me in disgust, nice.
I began to walk over to her but then....
♠ ♠ ♠
sorry took so long but i got it up :)