Status: Completed

Good Girl Wants A Bad Boy


"Excuse me miss hoe, I would like to have a word with you," I said looking that skank in the eye.
She turned around,"HEYY NINA!" her voice was hell.
"Tasha, you are such a UGH why are you trying to steal him from me, I mean really, how big of a slut can you get?" Holy crap did I just say those words?
"E'cuse me? WHAT is YOUR problem, miss virgin, slut wanna be," o hell no, I lunged at her, and I heard a growl escape my lips.
"BITCH JUST LAY OFF OF HIM!" I shouted, pulling Tasha's hair, ugh.
"BETCH!" what an annoying voice, then she did something bitchy she grabbed my shirt and RIPPED IT!
So I did the only fair thing, I took hold of her top and ripped it right off.
"HEY HEY HEY LADIES, BREAK IT UP!"a very deep but familiar voice shouted.
"Slut let go of me," I punched her down hard.
Then I saw Jon take hold of Tasha around her waist and pulled her off of me.
Then a pair of arms grabbed me, I turned around,O god.Ronnie
He grabbed tighter,"Hey babe, you and me gonna have some major fun, and it involves alot of touching, and hard work," he was whispering.
My eyes shot open, as I felt his hand go up my bra, sexual harrasment, help.
'I'm gonna shout, I'm going to..
"You say anything you will be sorry." he just continued, I shut my mouth, then I looked over at Adam.
"Help Me!" I mouthed to him.
He just shook his head and looked down,I knew I couldn't trust him.
I began to sob, but Ronnie took a tighter hold and I stopped.
"We are gonna go for a ride," I was done, I wasn't going to fight anymore, he took me to his car and I sat down in the passenger seat, and crossed my arms over my chest.
Looking over at Adam I saw him begin to move over but he was stopped.I'm done.
"So you wanna know where we is goin?" he was blaring some rediculos rap song.
"I could care less," my mind was on Adam, he was so hot, and I knew he wouldn't want just sex from me, he would want more, I could tell, the way he looks at me, is the way a true love looks at their true love.I love Adam Cheslock.
"Are you a virgin," we were pulling into a house not too far from mine, it was his.
"Yes you douche now leave me alone," he started running his hand up my leg slowly, I slapped it away.
"Now baby, I like it rough, but if you are gonna act like a bitch, then you might have a problem," he started doing it again, I did want to live but I really didn't want to have sex with someone I didn't love, I mean if it was Adam then yes I would love to, but I hate this disgusting perv.
I mean sure Ronnie has an amazing body, but I want to have sex with someone who I love not because of their body.
He got out of the car and grabbed me by my arm,"C'mon."
He pulled me up to the front door unlocked it and then he took me up the stairs to where I would possibably loose what I had left in this world.
"So are you ready to fuck?" what the hell?
"No, I'm not and touch me I will cut off your dick and put it in a blender, pure and make you drink it," wow I am fierce.
"Try," he dropped his pants and the first thing I saw, was barely anything.
"Uh, wow I dunno what to say other than, where is it?" he was pissed.
He lunged at me and smacked me down onto his bed hard, my back arched and I let out a wail of pain, it hurt.
Then he grabbed my shirt and ripped it completly off leaving me in my bra only.
He positioned himself ontop of me, so I punched him in the throat.
He got off me gagging, and gasping,"B.I.T.C.H!"
"Ouch that hurt," I tried grabbing for my pants but he stepped on them.
"SUCK MY COCK WHORE!" I punched him.
"You know you really should work out this whole rape thing before you actually try to do so," I pushed him down, and grabbed my pants, and pulled them on as quick as I could.
"Oh I did," a pair of huge hands took hold of mine, and held them above my head, and then they threw me back onto the bed, and tied me to the posts, and then I saw who it was as they tied my feet to the bottom posts it was, Samm, one of the toughest guys in the whole school, he had helped someone rape me.
"Why," was the last thing I said before...
Ronnie and Samm were moving around, when I heard.
"NINA?!" it was Adam's voice, but Ronnie and Sam heard it too.
I waited, then,"ADAM, COME UPSTAIRS, PLEASE," my voice was shaking.
"HOLD ON BABY I'M COMING!" did he just call me baby?
"ADAM!!" I screamed another, then I felt a hard hand connect with my face, it was like gunfire had just shot through the whole house, and my cheek was stinging.
I felt hot tears stinging my eyes,"You dicks."
"Adam thank god, please help me," he looked horrified, probably because he was seeing what Ronnie doesn't have, and me tied up, and Sam's hand still by my face.
"Get the fuck away from her," Adam was walking closer, I saw him go for his back pocket, then he brought it back around.
"Make us," Ronnie said pulling his boxers back on.
"Oh I will," he brought out a switch blade, and popped the blade out.
"I aint scared of you," Samm walked closer to Adam, a huge ass muscle guy vs a tiny lil emo with a hot body.
Adam didn't say anything he just moved forward slowly, then Sam brought out a blade too, they were going to fight.
"YOU GUYS STOP!" I screamed.
"NO!" Samm, began forward too, they were circling eachother.
Then Adam moved forward fast, he stabbed and hit his mark, blood was lightly then heavaly flowing from Samm's chest, my eyes had tears, I hate watching people die.
"You bastard," Samm's last breath escaped his lips.
"DOUCHE BAG!" Ronnie ran at him, with a knife which the loser obviously kept hiden in his room, he had the knife at the perfect angle.
"ADAM LOOK OUT!" I screamed, Adam didn't get stabbed instead he kept the blade out as he moved, and Ronnie was stabbed in the stomach, but he was still alive, he lunged at Adam and tried to stab him the blade cut Adam's arm, he just winced, and brought the blade around to Ronnie's back, and just stabbed it as fast as he could.
Ronnie coughed blood on Adam, and then he just died right there, and landed ontop of Adam, both fell with a loud thud.
He grunted and pushed him off.
"Adam, please help me," I begged.
He said nothing, he just stood up and walked over to me, and...KISSED ME!
Adam Cheslock just kissed me, on my lips,"I love you."
"I love you too," he kissed me again, and then he untied me.
"I don't know what I would do if they raped you, I want your first time to be special, and I want to be him," he kissed my neck.
"I want you to be him too," he picked me up bridal style as we walked down the stairs, leaving the two dead bodies behind.
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look i updated :D