

When I wasn't seething I would ask myself. Why do you care so much?. The answer came to me easily. Those people weren't just disrespecting MCR, who meant so much to me, they were disrespecting me and every other fan as well. It was a screwed up situation. The only time I was calm was when I was listening to my music. Past memories began to float before my eyes. Back to the last time I had been so angry.

I had be eleven. My parents had taken me for ice cream. My reward for doing so well at the pyschologist office. A boy was there in line. He was ordering his ice cream and taking quite a while to do it. I began to get impatient. Squirming and jerking. I hated standing in one place for too long. The boy just kept on choosing one flavor and then another. I began to cry softly. My legs were weak. The joints loose and unsupportive. My parents tried to help me up from where I had sank to the ground. The boy turned around and began to laugh as I had a seizure. My first in two months. He laughed wildly, the ice cream dripping down his fist and shirt, spraying onto me as he rocked back and forth on his heels. I felt myself boiling. Time stopped. I don't know how I did it yet I tore myself from the ground and lept onto to that laughing maniac. The sticky cream gushed into my shirt as my stomach crushed his hand. We ended up on the floor. His arm pinned beneath me. My hands digging into his face. His blood paying me back for my humiliation. I don't know how long I held on. Or how long he screamed. I just remember that as the night I became a resident of Forrest State Sanatorium.