Status: I'm actually gonna re-write this it will still be the same just more detailed and better formed, Please wait for it!

Ashita no Kioku

I am.

I am angry.

Very angry.

I stormed out of the place, destroying their hiding place in the process.

“I think you pushed it too far Nari.” The foreign girl said as Istormed walked by.

“But both of you belong to me.” Ninomiya whined.

“You can only truthfully own one of us, and you chose Sie-chan, now go and apologize.” I froze at Ohno-kun’s voice.

You can only truthfully own one of us..

“But the moment I lose one…” Ninomiya’s voice began. But my pounding feet had already deafened the sound.


“I think it’s better if we never talk to them again.” Megumi said quietly.

“I second the motion.”

“We were happier without them in our lives.”

“Yes, we were, ne, let’s play Pokémon.” I smiled at her.

“Yatta! Pokémon is the cure for the soul!”

-3 months and a half later-






“What?! What?!? Pokémon almighty what?!”

“Ohno-kun passed me on the street today!” I squealed happily.

“You…are…pathetic.” She sighed and rolled back to sleep.

“Maybe, but I swear I think he looked at me.” I sighed as I walked to my side of the room.

In the course of time I had graduated early, and Megumi moved into an apartment with me.

We had stopped talking to Arashi and everyone involved with them, we were much happier being simplestalkers fans.

I shut my eyes.

When I opened them again, it was already noon, meaning I had slept around 18 hours.

“Hey.” I looked to my side, Ohno-kun sat there smiling effortlessly at me. I sat up and leaned towards him, his eyes widened and he stood up, I fell off my bed.

“Itai!” I yelped, before I groaned in defeat.

“Sorry, are you okay?” Ohno-kun asked, lowering himself onto the floor with me.

“Yep fine…could have warned me this wasn’t a dream and that you’re really-” I screamed and looked up but he was already looking upwards and away from me. I noticed that I had only taken my pants off before bed, and that my shirt barely made it to my waist.

Could this morning get any worse… I sighed.

“Actually it’s already noon, so yea…I’ll just leave.” Ohno-kun stood up and walked out of the room.

“I said that out loud…” I groaned, and quickly bathed, changed, and fixed my hair.

I opened the apartment door, to find Arashi and Fai-manager-sama sitting on the ground,

Ninomiya was talking to Megumi, at first I thought he was being mean but his voice was too soft too pleading.

“Kazu…they haven’t seen her...come on…” Matsumoto reached over and grabbed Ninomiya’s shoulder trying to move him.

“No!” Ninomiya said, his voice was near tears, he turned around and I saw his eyes had already watered, he saw me and rushed towards me, dropping on his knees, hands holding mine.

“Please tell me you’ve seen Jessie somewhere!” he pleaded my eyes widened and I looked upwards to Megumi.

“She’s missing.” Megumi said quietly, I looked back at Ninomiya’s broken eyes.

“No I’m sorry…” his hands fell down defeated and he cried.


Ninomiya was sleeping on Megumi’s bed, Ohno-kun’s lap was his pillow, and Ohno-kun’s elegant fingers combed through his hair. Occasionally Ninomiya would whimper, at those times Ohno-kun would bow his head towards Ninomiya’s ear and whisper ‘I love you’ I was later told that it meant ‘aishiteru’.

“When did she go missing?” Megumi asked as she placed tea on the table.

“About a week ago.” Sakurai said quietly.

“Have you reported it?” I asked.

“No, we didn’t figure out she was actually missing until today, but Johnny’s is already working on it.” Aiba said quietly, Ogata-chan squeezed his hand, and put her head on his shoulder.

“Well are you such good-” Megumi began.

“Idols get sent to do other things for work, she also had just gotten a movie, so the logical thought for her not showing up would be she’s on location, but she had been missing too many rehearsals so they called the director to figure when to schedule them, but the director said he was still waiting for her to show up that Johnny’s was supposed to train their idols to be on time no matter how short ago they debuted.” I blinked, Ogata-chan had a slight glare in her eyes, “And they are good friends, why else would they come here to find people they were happy to befriend only to have said people slam the door of friendship in their faces.”

“We were hoping you would have seen her last and could give us a clue to who has her.” Fai-manager-sama said quietly, she stood up, which was followed by the rest of Arashi, “*Sakana-kun can you lift Brat-san and go ahead and take him to his house, I don’t think he’s emotionally stable now that we lost this card.” Ohno-kun nodded, and lifted
Ninomiya into his arms.

“Well thank you.” Sakurai said with a slight bow the rest of them aside from Fai-manager-sama bowed, and well Ohno-kun.

Nothing much happened after that.

I am very angry, and upset, diary, why would someone kidnap the foreign girl?!

What purpose would that serve? I wonder would her country get involved, I doubt it, her country probably doesn’t even know she’s alive…

Arashi doesn’t seem as alive anymore, Ninomiya doesn’t talk much anymore, just sits silently there next to Ohno-kun, sometimes holding his hand, recentlyhe’s Arashi has been denying that Ninomiya and the foreign girl are dating, saying that Ninomiya was very close to her, just like he’s close to Ohno-kun. I’ll keep you posted diary.
♠ ♠ ♠
* = General term for fish.

Coments are love.