Status: I'm actually gonna re-write this it will still be the same just more detailed and better formed, Please wait for it!

Ashita no Kioku

News Flash

Reporter: We have just received a video clip which we’ve been told to show, mind you it’s contents might be severe.

Reporter 2: It seems to be a clip sent by the person who is holding Arashi’s Chaos Jessie-san captive, if we can proceed.

There was static.

A body lay on the floor, though the room was dark you could see the body was filthy, as the camera neared the body the outline was female.

“Wake up, baby, come on, wake up…”

The body stirred, but it’s eyes seemed to be swollen shut, suddenly her left one open slightly, the honey brown of the person’s eyes seemed dull, it’s gaze seemed haunted.

“Come on, tell them your name, your real name!”

The foreign girl’s head moved a bit to the side, the light from the camera hitting it, showing the crimson that was caked on to her face, and also showing four shiny rings that pierced her lower lip, which opened slightly but closed right away.

“Now how about we tell them your name from two years ago? Does that sound good baby? Let’s do that tell them your name of two years ago.”

The foreign girl heaved some air into her lungs, and let her left eye shut again.

“Johnny…”The girl rasped “My name was Johnny…”

The person holding the camera let out a hysterical laugh, and the girl coughed.

“Now Chaos Jessie-san…let’s say your real name, ne?”

The foreign girl’s left eye opened slightly again, and her head moved from side to side obviously saying no, suddenly the person with the camera’s leg stuck out, connecting with the foreign girl’s shoulder, which enticed her to cough.

“I expect you to honor my requests! Are you not my prince?! Did you not call me princess!? You said ‘you are my pretty princess, and I’ll be forever your prince,’ did you not mean it?!”

“I’m an idol…”

The now known female’s leg stuck out again, hitting the same spot, the foreign girl began to crawl away, the female kicked her again.

“Wrong answer! Now tell them your name!”

“No…I will not."

“I’ll get your friend, what’s his name Nari? Is that what you call him? That Ninomiya Kazunari, yeah, I’ll take him next, and with him I won’t be so nice, so now tell me your real name…”

“It’s just a name, it’s not important.”

“But it is, isn’t it, didn’t you lose your given name when you came here, you’re parents stripped you of your real name, because they were against this weren’t they? But to you it’s your pride even if no one will ever know what it is, it’s your precious treasure, that name of yours…it’s your secret, but see I’ve already told you, if you don’t say that name to this camera, Ninomiya Kazunari will disappear from this earth.”

“Milane, Milane Jessica Madison…happy?” The foreign girl had a scowl on her face and her left eye stared at the floor, even though it was opened just ever so slightly you could see the disgust that it was filled with.

There was static.

Reporter: We were also told that the captor would continue sending videos like that to us.

Reporter 2: Also we’ve been warned about police involvement, the captor has stated that if the police become involved it would bring about the death of Chaos Jessie-san, at the moment we can only hope for the best.
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