Status: I'm actually gonna re-write this it will still be the same just more detailed and better formed, Please wait for it!

Ashita no Kioku

I'm Remembering.

I’m remembering

As Ninomiya-kun spoke the images fluttered in my mind, everything was out of focus, and backwards, words were missing. And as he spoke things began to go in order. Tears streamed down my cheeks as he neared the accident.

“I don’t know why I ran, but there was this desperate desire, if I made it across that street, if I made it to Jessie then, maybe just maybe I could put Megumi behind me. Then I wouldn’t hurt the one girl I had loved, and who loved me back, if I could make it…so I ran." he glanced towards the ceiling, he let out a small breath.

"You must have taken off a few seconds after me, but I didn’t know you were behind me, I just knew that Riida started running towards me, that’s when I noticed the car, and suddenly it was as if no matter how hard I tried I wasn’t going to make it, that I wasn’t going to be fast enough, your hands hit my back at the same moment Riida pulled me towards him, that’s what saved me, then you said it.” He paused.

“Did he hear me?” I knew exactly what I had said, I had confessed.

“No, he reached for you though, once I was plastered to his chest his hand reached for you, but you were already falling, you were already asleep that’s when the car hit you.” He sighed.

“He didn’t hear me?” I asked, my throat felt funny like someone was choking me.

“No, he didn’t but I told him, he knew you said something but he couldn’t make it out. He was muttering to himself at the hospital when we first brought you here, ‘What did she say? Damn it Satoshi! You should have paid attention what did she say?’ so I told him, his eyes got wide and he nodded slowly before he left the hospital, I don’t think he’s ever been back.” My heart exploded, pain seeped through my body slowly agonizing me.

“Shizuko.” The foreign girl breathed as she walked in, a smile on her face, she seemed gentler, her eyes were softer then I remembered her piercing stare, I glanced down, her belly was protruding, a hand resting on it there was a ring on her finger.

“Papa!” my eyes jumped to a little boy, he looked like her but he looked a lot more like his dad, it must be the eyebrows, I smiled as Matsumoto-kun walked in. He smiled at me as he grabbed his son.

“Seiki, you have to be quiet, you’re in a hospital.” Jun said softly a smile on his face.

“Hai!” Seiki said happily.

“You’re awake.” The foreigner girl said with a smile.

“You’re pregnant!” I exclaimed then blushed for my obvious and unneeded comment.

“Yes, I am with triplets.” She looked at Jun, “It’s going to ruin my figure.” She said a playful glare on her face, he simply smiled and walked to her.

“I would love you no matter what happened to your body, Sie is Sie no matter what the outside look like.”

I smiled at them as Ninomiya-kun gave up his chair and the foreigner girl sat next to Megumi who smiled at her, and then rubbed her belly, the foreigner girl smiled and let out a small breath.

“How are you feeling Norman-chan?” she asked her soft eyes on me, my stomach fluttered, I wondered was the foreigner girl of the past gone?

“You’ve changed.” I said quietly

“I haven’t changed, I have always been this nice, you just saw the bad sides of me or the bored sides of me and for that I apologize, but I haven’t changed.” She sighed, and looked at the door. “Do you think he’ll come?” she asked.

“I doubt it but he might.”Matsumoto-kun said softly, she nodded and turned back to me.

“Shizuko!” our heads snapped to the door, Aiba-kun stood there a bouquet of flowers and a bear in his hands a giant smile on his face.

“Masaki, you have to be a bit quieter.” The nurse said with a smile he hugged her.

“Ah, Jade-chan.” My eyes wide as my eyes connected with her green eyes.

“Hai?” she asked, she walked over to me, “Do you need anything?”

“You two are still together?” I asked, my voice getting quiet.

“We are, 11 years and still going strong.” She smiled, “We’re married too, with two kids.”

Her smile became gentle.

“Really?” I smiled, she nodded.

“A 6 year old boy and a 4 year old girl.” She looked at Megumi, “Megumi and Nino are married too, and they have their own child, a 5 yr old boy.” I gawked at Megumi she nodded.

“Where is he?” I asked excitedly.

“He’s with Shin and Sho.” She paused, “they were getting something to drink and going to the restroom they should be up here in a bit.”


“Sho’s son,” the foreigner girl smiled. “Uwa, we all have kids.”

“Hey…all of our firstborns are boys…all except for Riida it’s like second generation Arashi.” Aiba-kun said with a smile.

“Is Ohno-kun…” I stopped, “married?”

“No he’s not.” I looked up, Sakurai-kun was smiling at me.

“Kaasan!” a little boy ran up to Megumi, he looked like Nino in the impish way his face was structure but his eyes and smile were all Megumi, he had a giant smile, and his eyes kept jumping towards the rest of the boys, almost as if pondering if he could get away with running over there.

“Don’t think about it.” Ninomiya said crossing his arms; he looked at his son sternly before his son broke into a smile again.

“Hai, I understand, Tousan.”

“What’s his name?” I asked.

“Takuma des.” His response was quick, I looked at him he was staring at something, or more at someone, I followed his gaze.

Ohno Satoshi bowed, there was an awkward air around him, he looked around his eyes down cast, his mouth moving the way it would move when he was nervous or uncomfortable. He looked up his eyes connecting with mine.

There was a surge running through my body.

“Ohisashiburi.” He said quietly.

My heart exploded again.

“Ohisashiburi.” I repeated.
♠ ♠ ♠
So much closer now~