Status: I'm actually gonna re-write this it will still be the same just more detailed and better formed, Please wait for it!

Ashita no Kioku

I guess.

I guess I should introduce myself, my name is Norman Shizuko; I’m 17 years old and live in Tokyo, Japan.

My father is English but was killed in a drunken brothel, my mother is Japanese and works in a host club, and we rarely see each other.

Sometimes I wish that a knight in shining armor would come and save me, just whisk me away and we’d live happily ever after.

But we do not live inside of a book, and the things that happen in my head mostly stay in there.

“How’s your boyfriend?” Yoshi sneered, I kept my eyes to the ground and went to my seat, and he was not my boyfriend, though I wish he was.

“Oh my god!” Hideo screeched.

“What?” Yoshi asked as she made her way to his desk. “No way!” soon the whole class made questioning noises, she grabbed the magazine and lifted it for us to see.

There a blown up picture of Ohno-kun was on the page, next to him were Matsumoto Jun of Bokura no Yuki, Ninomiya Kazunari of Akimahende!, Sakurai Sho, and Aiba Masaki of M.A.I.N, the kanji under them proclaimed them as Arashi.

“They are debuting in Hawaii; he really is going to be an idol, is that why he left?”

“But hasn’t he been a Johnny’s since he was 14?”

“Yes he has, he’s left before but he always came back because his parents said he had to finish his education, mainly he did theater work, or he was a backup dancer, but now…”

“Now he really is going to be an Idol.”

“What a shame.” Yoshi said staring at his picture in a disgusting fashion, “I always thought he was cute.”

I stood up, my head bowed and I rushed out of the room. He really is going to be an Idol the sentence kept repeating, Idols were not under any circumstance allowed to date, they were allowed to marry, but only if their marriage did good for them not bad, but how can you marry if you can’t date?

I ran home, knowing I would be able to be alone, when I arrived; the house was empty which wasn’t unusual, I kicked off my shoes and made my way to my room.

He was leaving so soon, he was going to be unreachable so soon!

Damn it! All the years of loving him now gone to waste, if only I could see him one last time…that’s it!

I’ll see him off!

But then….would that make me his lover?

I blush as I write this down journal, how I wish to be his lover…

Tomorrow it is…wait…when are they leaving?!

Did I really just run out of school?!

But today we get our final’s reviews!

Damn it! I need to stop being so impulsive, when did I get so impulsive anyway?!

When you met Ohno-kun…

Shut up, Kokoro! You have no say in this matter!

I puffed fully satisfied with yelling at myself, before I began to think up my plan.

Which let me tell you now, journal, I’ve gotten nowhere…

“Are you done mentally screaming at yourself?” Wakahisa Megumi said as she looked at me. She sniffed at me, “by the way your face was like this.” She puffed out her cheeks, pursed her lips, squinted her eyes, and furrowed her brow.

Megumi was my best and only friend, who also claimed that the only reason she still talked to me was because of my many facial expressions.

“So you left school today?”

“You are here too?”

“I already graduated, re-me-mem-ber?”

“Shut up.”

“So what are we doing?”

“We aren’t doing anything. I am going to find out when Ohno-kun leaves the country.”

“Oh, you mean the Arashi group?”

“Yes them, do you know when?!”

“He already left?” she looked up, “Yesterday, around two I believe.”

“You mean…”

“When he left class, yes that was the day he left Japan.”

“God-damn it!”

“Stop cussing, just because the boy you love left.” She paused. “Oh by the way your face was like this.” She frowned in an over exaggerated manner, and opened her mouth and a small sob sound.
♠ ♠ ♠
Coments are love.