Status: I'm actually gonna re-write this it will still be the same just more detailed and better formed, Please wait for it!

Ashita no Kioku

I miss.

I miss him.

I miss everything about him.

I hate how the chair is always empty.

“Oh my God did you hear?!” Yoshi screeched as she ran into our class room.

“What?” Yasuo asked.

“Ohno-kun dropped out!”

“Eh?” Ayumi questioned.

“He dropped out?”

“Yes, he turned in his letter today; he’s never coming back, not even for a visit.”
Yoshi turned and looked at me, I guess my eyes were wide with disbelief.

“You drove him away!” she yelled, my brow furrowed.

“I’m sorry?” I tilted my head a bit to the side, “I did what now?”

“You drove him away with the creepy way you looked at him, the way you were always trying to be close to him, you drove him away!”

“Actually if my memory serves me right, he said he was tired of us, as in all of us, we drove him away not just me.” I don’t know why I was even trying to defend myself; I usually just sat there and let them take their frustrations out on me.

It’s because she’s talking about Ohno-kun, and like it or not you love him…

I gulped, wanting to shout at Kokoro, but knowing that it would only make more problems for me.

“And furthermore, maybe you drove him away, maybe you and your lover over there drove him away with your taunts.”

“Ah, so this is where Ohno-san studied….” My eyes widened, that voice. It belonged to the foreign girl.

“Oh-chan why did you drop out?” Ninomiya’s voice sounded. “Why didn’t you go to Horikoshi Gakuen?”

“I’m going there!” the foreign girl exclaimed.

“I know, I’m thinking of transferring there too, and MatsuJun already goes there.” Ninomiya’s voice filtered in again.

“This is my class room.” Ohno-kun cut in.

“You shouldn’t have left your sketch book in there Oh-tan.” The foreign girl said, there was a slight bounce to her voice

“I know, you guys can wait here…or you can come with me.”

“We’ll follow you everywhere Oh-chan.” The foreign girl said cheerfully, Ninomiya made a sound of agreement. The door opened and Ohno-kun bowed, the foreign girl and Ninomiya following close behind, the room fell silent.

“Ohaiyo gozaimas.” The foreign girl said, as she and Ninomiya bowed.

“Here it is.” Ohno-kun said after a moment of digging in his desk.

“Here’s the bag you wanted.” The foreign girl said.

“Look at her boobs.” Hideo whispered.

“Shh, she’ll hear you.” Yasuo whispered back.

“She’s foreign.”

“Oi! I can understand Nihongo! Baka ka!” the room fell silent. Ohno-kun’s and Ninomiya’s eyes widened.

“What the hell do you think I’m speaking in?” she turned on him, eyes narrow, and mouth turn in a slight scowl.

“You fucking dumbass, I’m not going around speaking English am I? And my accent isn’t affected is it? What the hell is-”

“Cha-chan….” Ohno-kun said looking at her briefly, she stopped her rant and glanced at Ohno-kun “You cussed again.” Ninomiya smirked.

“You owe Sho-chan 476 Yen.”

“Chikusho…” she sighed, “Maa, it can’t be helped.” Ninomiya laughed and Ohno-kun cracked a smile.

“I’m ready.” Ohno-kun said with a nod.

“What you aren’t going to say hello to us?” Hideo asked.

“Hm?” Ohno-kun said turning to face him.

“I said, aren’t you going to say hello to us your friends? Just because you’re an Idol and you have Idol friends doesn’t mean you can stop talking to us.”

“Shut up.” Ninomiya said looking at Hideo in the eye, “You don’t get to be his friend.”

“We’ve heard the things you’ve called him, and the stupid taunts you did.” The foreign girl said a scowl on his face, Ninomiya took a step forward.

“You don’t deserve knowing him.” He turned and put his arm around Ohno-kun’s shoulder, and the foreign girl wrapped her arm around his waist.

“Let’s go Oh-chan.” Ohno-kun gave a nod, and they began walking towards the door. Ohno-kun stopped before leaving and turned to face the class.


I swear diary, he made eye contact with me, before he walked away. My heart both burst with happiness and shattered with sadness, he had done it he had said good bye to us forever.

“Wait!” Ninomiya said, soon the sound of footsteps rushing back sounded.

“It is you!” Ninomiya smirked, his eyes never leaving me.

“Kazu-tan!” the foreign girl whined, she came back and looked between Ninomiya and I, “This is her?” she asked, Ninomiya nodded.

“What are you two doing?” Ohno-kun asked coming up being them.

“Nothing!” they said in unison and with a smirk on their faces.

“Why did they watch you like that?”

“I don’t know.” I lied even though, I knew that they now knew who I was, and could easily find out where I lived, but deep down I knew that Megumi would be ecstatic.


“They recognized you?!” Megumi screeched as she clutched her pillow to her chest.

“Well Ninomiya-san noticed me, and apparently he told Chaos-san, I don’t think they told Ohno-kun.” I said leaning back, only to sit back up.

“What?” Megumi asked, I turned and faced her, “your face looks like this.” Her eyes went wide, her mouth opened and her nostrils flared.


“Why, what?”

“Why is there a picture of Ninomiya on your ceiling?”

“Because he’s cute, and I like to stare at him while I go to sleep.”

“He’s right, you are creepy.”

“No, I’m in love there’s a difference.”

“Well your love creeps him and I out.”

“How do you know it creeps him out?”

Hi, I’m an exchange student…erm, I…is…attending school….with….your daughter…., this here is my cousin….” We furrowed our brows at the voice.

“That sounds like-“

“Megumi, your friends are here, I’m sending them to your room.”


“I don’t really have friends…other than you..what-“

“Aha!” I turned and watched as the foreign girl walked in, another girl following her.

“Obaasan, this is creepy, I don’t see why you wanted to find this house.” The other girl asked.

“You two are the ones that are stalking us, or rather stalking Ohno-sama, right?” the foreign girl asked.

“I-wait huh?” I answered, a confused look filling my face, how did she know it was me and Megumi, more importantly, why was she here in this house, how did she find out that I was friends with Megumi and that I was here and not at my house.

“Are you?” she asked again.

“Why does it matter, I’m sure you guys have a lot of stalkers.” Megumi snapped. I blinked, when my eyes opened the foreign girl had Megumi pressed to the head board, and trailed a finger down her cheek.

“Can you answer my question, princess?” she drawled, my eyes must have betrayed me because I saw a blush creep and kiss Megumi’s cheeks.

“Yes whatever you ask.” Megumi replied.


“Obaasan, can you wait till I leave the room?”

“Sorry, Fai-kun.” She smiled at the other girl who was now standing by Megumi’s book case looking at her Manga collection. “Now are you the ones following Ohno-sama?”

“Yes, we are.”


“Sorry….I…” Megumi stuttered, I looked at the foreign girl her swooning powers were stronger than I expected.

“I hope that you will not do anything drastic, Ohno-sama wants to leave us, and we want him to be comfortable, can you please stop stalking him for at least a month or two, just let him get accustomed to the fame, then you can do as you wish.” She said bowing, “Oh!” she stood straight again, “can you not say anything to anyone?” she smiled at both me and Megumi.

Kokoro betrayed me, because in an instant, it wouldn’t stop beating fast, and I felt like I was the only she smiled at like that, and I felt that I belonged to her that I was her princess and she my prince.

Her swooning powers are strong, diary….doki doki.
♠ ♠ ♠
Comments are love.